Monday, July 21, 2014

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

A weekend photo of Reese Witherspoon without the husband. Pretty rare.
Selena Gomez in Italy also picking up an award for her acting at the same event that gave Lindsay Lohan one.
Salma Hayek really wanted a photo op with her dog.
Shia LaBeouf and Mia Goth are hanging out again.
Steven Tyler shows off his dog, strange hair and his new girlfriend.
Terrence Howard with his wife. She looks scared to me.
Not quite as scary as Tara Reid's attempt to keep her pants on though.
Tori & Dean make nice for the cameras. They have to set up a premise for a new season of their show.
I'm guessing Vin Diesel would like a do over for this photo with Zoe Saldana and Chris Pratt.


  1. Salma looks like hell. So does Tyler.
    Selena looks above it all.
    A rare Reese pic w/o hubby since when?

    1. Right?! It seems like Reese has ONLY been photographed without her husband for the past year or so now.

  2. Just call me Chin Diesel!

    1. @LadyH!! Goood 1.

      The Entertainment reporter showed a clip of him this morning, he was ?flirting with the reporter (interview circuit time) and it was ...well, even his fans were grossed out.

      If he calls you, HANG UP!

      Maybe youtube. Sam Rubin / vin D. But it was a female reporter. If u want to like him still, then don't. Lol

  3. Aw, poor Salma's doggie. :(

    I <3 Andy Dwyer.

  4. I've heard of sex for roles, but sex for awards makes sense. There's you're official answer for Selena's yachting startup @count

  5. And when did Chris Pratt get so sexy?!

    1. - hey girl!

      He got ripped for Zero Dark Thirty. SFW but not safe if you drool selfie

    2. Hi Seven! :-) your name just reminded me that this week is 7-Eleven week, and I received a coupon for for M&Ms today yipeeee! Nothing beats free chocolate .

      And that pic O_O WOW. Always found him adorable on Parks and Rec but he's hot now!

  6. Anonymous12:12 PM

    i like reese's look there

  7. I will say that this is the scariest bunch of Random Photos ever. Ok, minus Chris Pratt. He is the best and I freaking love Andy .

  8. Did Mr Howard's wife forget to bring the wipes?

  9. Reese is always paped shopping alone.

    Zoe is smiling like a smartass 4 year old.

  10. Is that Batista with Vin Diesel? Having hair other than a beard makes him less threatening.

    Mr. Tyler's shirt is scary, it coordinates with his face, dog, hair...

  11. I don't get me Tara Reid looks pretty much like she always has....

  12. Mia and Shia: my first thought was that their next unfortunate bed fellow will have a hard time distinguishing between bed bug bites and the advanced syphilis

  13. Me thinks enty is joking about the rumors of Reece hubby Jim toth down low girlfriend been going around awhile. . Cue separation.

  14. Terrence Howard is a known wife beater and yet he still can get women to marry him? Is he that smooth or are they that crazy?

  15. Seeeeee, Reese prob dropped her kids with a nanny. (I thought nanny lived in. ???? Maybe Enty meant babysitter/chauffeur)

    Let Melanie smoke on peace. (Oh wait, she may have called the paps. She looks pretty good besides tbe ciggie)

    OT. Wow. Ups truck backing into drive. Unexpected!! Exciting! Cya!

  16. Interesting set of pics.

    Terrence Howard looks supremely creepy.

    Tara Reid makes me sad.

    Steven Tyler looks crazy as always.

  17. Salma's dog says no lol.

  18. Is it me or does Steve Tyler's new girlfriend look way too young. Anyone would next to him, but still.

  19. I hope Zoe eats while she is pregnant. I watched Pirates of the Caribbean with the mini-naughties last night, and she looked like a different person back then! She looked like she actually ate a real meal once or twice a day!

  20. Maybe the strangers with flash cameras are what caused Salma's dog to flip out. Entry must not own a pet if that's newsworthy.
    Reece looks good.
    Tara looks the same.

  21. The only thing that would make this crew look more creepy and jacked up would be if Steven Tyler had one of his feet hanging out of the window showcasing his gnarly hammer toes. How can a woman take him seriously while wearing sandals and his creepy toes showing. Cant he get those things fixed? Ewwwwww.

  22. The girl with Shia looks about 14 at the most. Stephen Tyler has morphed into Mickey Rourke.

  23. This is the most un-together I have seen Salma look. She is married to a millionaire, but that outfit is Walmart looking.
    Steven Tyler is a hot mess.
    And Mia's legs are scabby.

  24. Steven Tyler...he's good people, right? I've always gotten the good-people vibe from him. He can just kind of do/wear/say whatever he wants at this point, and he's like your wacky old uncle who means well, you know?

  25. In the Steven Tyler photo, it's hard to see where he ends and the dog begins!
