Monday, July 21, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

At a FOX TCA party, Diane Kruger does the whole Illuminati symbol thing on her clothes.
Octavia Spencer just went with normal.
Mindy Kaling was there too, but the focus was on
Gotham which stars Jada Pinkett Smith and Donal Logue.
Oh, and Ben McKenzie.
Elizabeth Berkley and
Paula Abdul got dressed up over the weekend for charity.
Hugh Jackman shows us he is good at everything.
Nikki Reed made Ian Somerhalder go to a farmer's market.


  1. Donal and HeisenHugh FTW!

  2. Donal Logue!
    Paula's dress looks elegant she looks out of it.
    awwww Ian's pussy-whipped poor guy!

  3. HELLOOOOO Elizabeth! Nice.

  4. Wait, she has a cutout in her dress, so she now illuminati? Uh, OK then.

  5. Jessica Larson said...
    Wait, she has a cutout in her dress, so she now illuminati? Uh, OK then.

    I think that's a joke. Not even an American would think all triangles are weird cult symbols.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Did someone promise Paula a Xanaxtreat if she put on a dress?

  8. You wouldn't believe the people who believe that illuminti crap.

  9. Donal Logue does not look like I remember him. Neither does Hugh. I still love them both.

    What is going on with Paula's dress? It looks like she got a shield belt for Christmas!

  10. Kermit, can I kick you in the dick for my birthday?

    Mindy looks like Octavia's body double.

    Anyone remember "The Tao of Steve?"
    That was Donal at his best.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Ian always SEEMS to be pussy whipped that's why all those teen girls loved him & Nina together.

  13. Anonymous1:50 PM

    EVERY time i see hugh i get startled a bit. he needs to do this movie asap so he can stop looking like he wants to tie damsels to train tracks

    i like mindys dress on a smaller woman (ive seen outfits on skinny women that would look better on bigger women)

  14. Elizabeth Berkleys dress looks really cheap but it's really flattering!

    Paula's dress couldn't be uglier.

    1. Considering she married into the Ralph Lauren empire and all. You'd think she'd dress better

  15. I loved when Donal Logue was "Jimmy the Cabdriver" on MTV and he did those random 20-second monologues about Aerosmiths "Crazy" video or whatever was #1 that week.

  16. Re the guesses about Diane Kruger and Josh Jackson being broken up...they seem pretty together to me. Warning: cute smooching in video (scroll down to see it).

    DK Bday

  17. Paula in front of a dizzyfeet sign? How appropriate!

  18. Elizabeth Berkley looks damn good. Don't know if she's had anything done to her face but she looks great.

  19. Yes loved the Tao of Steve!

    What happened to Donal Logue? He seemed all primed for stardom but then...didn't.

  20. Elizabeth showed the rest of the Disney and child stars how to break out of that type casting in Showgirls without being an idiot.
