Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

LG must have been passing out some good free stuff last night. They got Giuliana Rancic to show up with
Brooke Burke and
Zach and
Jessie to show up.
Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox were together last night for the first time in forever.
Anna Kendrick in Glamour.
Katie Holmes is filming a movie with Ryan Reynolds and Helen Mirren.
kate Hudson is back from NYC and wearing a bikini.
Kellan Lutz met a fan who bought him some pastries and gave him a kiss in Brazil.
Kurt Russell probably never got baked goods. Well, maybe some pot brownies.


  1. Even the kid Guiliana's holding is horrified by her lollipop head!

    Elizabeth looks like maybe the fourth cup of espresso wasn't such a good idea.

  2. Aww Jen and Courtney are friends again!
    I'm sowwy but Kate might be a ho but she looks good doing it.
    Zachary and Jessie! thankfully Slater went to the other thingy.

  3. what's that enty-love for Anna Kendrick in recent months (years??)? did she sign to enty's firm? or just her humour? is she posting here?

  4. Look at ranic's body language. You just know thats like the third time she has ever picked him up, and he looks shocked!!!

  5. Oh Guiliana, It's not a good look when your toddler looks bigger around the waist than you do.

  6. Call animal control! That praying mantis with a spray-on tan is trying to make off with a baby!!

  7. Oh, and how many lbs. of fillers are there in that pic of Aniston and Cox?? 97, 98?

  8. Ghouliana looks like she's straining to hold that child. And how did he get to be two when it seems like they just got him less than a year ago? Has it really been that long?

  9. I'm amazed that Giuliana didn't snap a femur while holding that child.

    1. @Charlie - that's what I came here to say - can't believe she has the strength to hoist that child up. He's gonna outweigh her in another 6 months.

  10. You can see the extensions in Jen's hair here. Not at the roots part, just how you can see her real hair bob length hang over the extension.

  11. Jenn and Courtney speaking!? Wow.
    Luvs me some Zack and Jessie!
    Who is the cutiepie talking to Kurt?

  12. nice shot of Anna K.

    Brooke's usual gorgeousness

  13. Is that child biologically Bill Rancic's? Cos he sure looks like him.

  14. Jen and Court - you can botox and stuff all you want, but your hands give you away. I work with a woman who's botoxed and surgeried and all duded up, and looks good, but her hands look 50 (because they are). Maybe that's where I'll make my millions - convincing hand makeup or something.

  15. Bio baby V surrogate

  16. Giulianas son look like the Donald Trump son that looks exactly like him

  17. I think Giuliana just looks so goofy because she has to try not to tip over holding that 25 pound kid. A kid that always seems to be pushing away when her mom holds her is Northwest.

  18. Giuliana's feet look like a kid trying on grown up shoes. I just hope she isn't projecting her obvious food issues on to her child. I can't imagine she is able to behave normally around food and children pick stuff up so easily.

  19. @Frufra: it was Courtney's arms that shouted "50ish (& crazy-low body fat)!" to me. Maybe they're hanging out again just to have someone with whom to share plaints about that Actresses' Awkward Age deal. I wonder if Cox's Cougartown character--is the show still on the air?--has a college-age kid. Cause like it or not, that's where they are.

    The notion that always bums me out is, 21stC "Thin" is so very thin, the resulting lack of body fat must be hell on actresses' facial features, arms, chicken-legs--& yeah--hands. So, fillers & 'tox (sigh). It's hard enough for 50-ish ex-ingenues to get roles; this can hardly improve matters :[ .

  20. Juliana R looks like someone gave her a prop to hold.

  21. Zack Morris mmm. His kid looks exactly like him! Adorable!!!

  22. I think Jen Aniston appears to have a SUPER polite & interested "listening" look on her face which makes me wonder whether or not they are actually friendly again.

  23. I think Jen Aniston appears to have a SUPER polite & interested "listening" look on her face which makes me wonder whether or not they are actually friendly again.

  24. I think if Jen and Courtney had so much botox and fillers they wouldn't have those lines on their face. They look like they're having fun together. Good for them.

  25. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Smart girl, trying to differentiate yourself to get attention from a good looking famous guy that has fangirls throwing themselves at him every day, go through the stomach!

  26. For as skinny as she is, Courtney Cox has big upper arms. Sadly these two are starting to look old. I know it's going to kill the but it's happening.

  27. Guiliana looks so awkward holding that cute little guy. 5 bucks says the nanny is just a few feet away to catch him when G topples over.

  28. Frufra, exactly what I wanted to say.
    Also they look so joyous to be in each other's company.
