Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Liev Schreiber films Ray Donovan yesterday at Pink's where you need to go before 11 am for no line.
A newly single Lucy Hale out in NYC.
Maria Carey is a rainbow of colors with her kids.
Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones are in Rome with the kids.
Miranda Lambert relives her high school prom.
Monica Lewinsky went to an event and actually posed yesterday.
Daniel Radcliffe and Marisa Tomei make a dog movie.
Michelle Williams and her daughter in NYC.
Naomi Campbell is in Ibiza with Kate Moss.


  1. I thought Naomi and Kate didn't get along.

    1. They've always been bff.
      Liev looking good
      Mimi kids must have soooo much fun

  2. Maria Carey who dat Enty?
    Monica has a book to sell.
    Ray Donovan rulz!

  3. Ain't so puuuurty without your mask of cosmetics miss Naomi

    1. I actually find her more attractive this way.

    2. No amount of cosmetics can cover up an ugly soul. Her habitually ugly behavior makes me see her as fugly.

  4. Cute Mariah pic. Michelle Williams has always made me stabby.

  5. So are we to assume Marisa filming that scene btwn 10 am and noon..he good"non drinking" hours...?and that Radcliffe gonna slide down the cliff of sobriety by working with her ...(hope not)

    1. I was just feeling sorry for Radcliffe and the beautiful dogs. The drinking is showing in her face. Really bloated and haggard-looking.

  6. Naomi and Kate are two of my favs. I need them to just hang out all the time.

    Mariah needs to stop.

  7. I'm going to have to pass on the Harry Potter and the Fuzzy Puppy movie.

    Cotton does nothing for me either.

    Just remember, you too can become famous! All you have to do is let the president eff you with a cigar. Or perhaps mix it up and let him analize you with a bottle of Pepsi, just to keep it fresh.

  8. I hate CZJ, but I dig her rocking a hermes jumper with chanel trainers to traipse around rome. That's some uppity shit right there and I kind of love it.

  9. Agree. I like CZJ's look. Very nice.

  10. Chanel makes trainers?

  11. They sure as heck do. Go google image search "chanel trainers."

  12. LOL at the fools yesterday who thought that photo of DanRad walking dogs was anything other than a movie shot (not here, other places).

  13. Im just waiting for marish to be restored to her former hotness. If she dropped 50 pounds shed give any young upstart a run for their money in the looks dept.

    1. It's not about weight to me, but more like there comes a time in everyone's life when it's better to wear MORE clothes, not less. Her "look" (80s streetwalker chic) is getting really old. She's very pretty - I'd like to get inside her head and find out why she dresses in the least amount of clothes possible, even in the winter.

  14. Monica looks fab too. Did anyone read her VF piece?

  15. Miranda bugzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!

  16. Miranda looks 50. What is with that hair??

    Michelle on the other hand is all young and fresh. Love her.

  17. Ah, Monica. Now I don't have to send in a reader photo.

    What IS going on with Miranda in that pic?! I'm picking up a Jaime Pressly vibe with that hair and the angle of her face...anyone else?

  18. CZJ looks like she works for CALTRANS.

    1. +1!!! And whenever I see a woman with all sorts of dueling labels (that look like the alphabet factory exploded onto them), my immediate thought is - right or wrong - "How insecure are they??!!" It's like they feel they need the so-called status to validate them in some way. Wearing one well-made item (I have 3 Hermes scarves that are 15 years old, including a parrot print I love.) is understandable, but all this head-to-toe burped up crap screams insecurity or desperation to me. JMO.

  19. Luvs me some Mariah and her daughter looks sooooooo cute.

    Uh Monica, no honey.

  20. It's her, she is Mariah, the elusive chanteuse.

    Monica Lewinsky holds the world's record for living off publicity from a blowjob.

    Douglas and CZJ look good but Rome in the summer is a bad idea. It's in the 80's and 90's right now and packed to the rafters with tourists.

    1. Pls, malibu, i cant feel sorry for michael ans zeta in rome. Im melting in orlando!!! Lol

  21. Lucy Hale looks like a cuter/younger Mila Kunis.

    I don't like what CZJ is wearing. At all.

  22. I think Monica looks great! And I'm hoping life is better for her now. She really did get screwed over--literally and figuratively. I'd like to see her have some happiness.

    1. Although I wonder if some entity is "sponsoring" her for political purposes... the timing of her resurfacing seems a little suspicious to me. Then again, Clinton hung her out to dry so she doesn't owe anyone a damn thing. She looks great. I wish her happiness.

  23. CZJ's head is a bit big for ladies hats, she needs to try the mens dept. Love that colour on her. Saw her in a restaurant after the premiere of Zoro years ago. She was beautiful, so stunning in a red full length evening gown, eating with Mick Hucknall (bleugh). It's so sad how crap her life seems now.

    Disco you should be our regular fashion spotter on here, you're good!

  24. 1. I love Liev :) One of my favorite roles of his is Saber Tooth in Wolverine :)) I hope he comes back again for some sequels. *Fingers crossed*

    2. Lucy may be an rude, self-absorbed totally egotistical MONSTER (at least according to Enty), but she looks absolutely gorgeous here. As always :)

    3. I have no idea why & where Miranda is wearing it, but I absolutely adore her pink, frilly, cupcake looking confection of a dress ❤️ I so wish I could pull of strapless styles...

  25. RAY DONOVAN!!!!!

    Love Michael Douglas and CZJ

  26. Miranda Lambert needs hair. She looks completely different here, and not in a good way. That is all.

  27. Monica was a young woman who made a mistake - and yes, she bears responsibility for it - but the punishment does not fit the crime. Extreme public humiliation that has resonated for almost decades now over consenting adult sex acts that have cost her dignity and the ability to make a living by normal means. The married guy went in his way and is now considered a cool Elder Statesman.

  28. Jeesus...look at Mariah, still posing for the best "body shot" while she has her little girl on her belly. Give it up Mariah. Rolling my dang eyeballs.

  29. Cecilia, Monica Lewinsky is 40 years old.

    Most people recognize that she was ill-used by the President and by Kenneth Starr (among others). Since then, she has been fully supported and has had opportunities handed to her on a silver platter by her wealthy family. She has wasted every single one of them. That's been Monica's doing, not Bill Clinton's and not Kenneth Starr's. Her complete failure to achieve anything professionally and personally in the 20 years since the scandal is her own fault.

    At some point everyone become responsible for their choices and the consequences of those choices.

    1. Malibu- i somewhat agree. I read her article, because for some bizarre reason i got free Vanity Fair subsription. Pretty literate mag. Anyhoo, i was thinking about her, i wld hv lightened my hair and changed the style, perhaps even changed my last name or used my moms. Then get quiet job and keep at it. And dont bother apologizing or being ashamed if what happened like 20 yrs ago. Whats done is done; move on.

  30. Whoriah Scary looks like the damn Kool Aid man.

  31. I saw the name Naomi Campbell and before I looked at the picture I thought - Neve Campbell! What the hell ever happened to Neve? I used to get her and Katie Holmes mixed up. Before Tom that is.

  32. What in the name of sweet baby jesus does mariah have on?!! Does she have a mirror?! She could not look chunkier or more unflattering, for the love of god.
