Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Random Photos Part Four - Serpentine Party

Keira Knightley and her husband.
Bradley Cooper and Suki Waterhouse
Cara Delivingne
Lily Allen
Alexa Chung
Gemma Arterton
My favorite American born from Ladies Of London- Marissa Hermer.
Rachel Hunter might want to rethink her hairstyle after 20 years.
And my favorite Lady of London - Caroline Stanbury.


  1. Rachel has got it going on.
    That's all I got..

  2. Caroline is inspirational.

    1. She looks like Chelsy Davy in 10 years even though Caroline is probably 40 something.
      Love kiera dress.
      Bradley looking buff
      Like Gemmas shoes.
      Alexa Chung looking Beige and Boring per usual

  3. Yay, we get to see whoever that Alexa person is bones again.
    Rachel is still amazing looking!

    1. Alexa was great when she had that show on MTV but since then idk what she does besides screwing Chris Martin.

  4. I wanna eat Keira Knightley's dress!! Looks like candy.

  5. Cara always looks angry.

  6. In no particular order...

    I change my guess from (past BI) A list actress who married a gay guy so other dudes would stop hitting on her from Anne H to...Keira knightly.

    Can someone tell Gemma the Carmen Miranda tribute museum has security on way to reclaim that horrid fuckin outfit

    Bradley's been using. His glasses can't conceal that. Smack booze, and boys....

    I retract Alexa Chung is gorgeous statement of other day....bitch makes gwyneth and Angelina look like sumo wrestlers.
    Love Carolyn. Like Melissa...
    (Not pictured) like Annabel, hate pseudo entrepreneur ex call girl caprice and loud cunty....whatever her name is...
    Noelle is not worth a comment. Wannabe, lowbrow swollen eyes hustling cow

    1. Which one is married to the nightclub guy and which one is the annoying cow engaged to the fraud embezzling guy

    2. Marissa is married to the night club guy and Noelle is with the embezzler. Does anyone know why this isn't just a Real Housewives franchise ? I get they're playing up Brit vs Yank but it's no different than RHOL would be.

  7. Guess she was worth a comment:)

  8. Cara always looks like grumpy cat.

    Keira - still trying to starve away those hips.

    Rachel looks good. A new hairstyle wouldn't go amiss but it's the dress that needs attention at the moment.

    BCoop and Suki, he can't really think anyone is buying this.

  9. Sorry, I think the reign of pretty boy B Coop is over. He has seriously been looking like dog ass lately.

  10. Ugh. Can we stop with the Alexa Chung pics, enty? She's useless and the only reason you've started putting her pic in is because everyone thinks she might be fucking Chris Martin. Can we at least wait until it's confirmed that they're fucking? Her legs make me nauseated.

  11. You dont hold back much do you Tricia? :)

  12. I did, DONT WANNA know what I think of lily
    I excercise restraint....but everything in moderation...including moderation :))

  13. Anonymous1:23 PM

    what is a serpentine party? is that a movie?

  14. @fancy...think it may be a gallery

  15. Sorry Enty but I cant believe you watch that show. I barely made it through an hour. Infinitessimally boring drivel...ive known some coolass party hardy brit chicks in my day and none of those snotty bitchy brit chicks fit the bill. Its not a good cast of people imho but im only one opinion.

  16. They all look hungry...I thought BCoop and Suki were dunzo?

  17. It looks like Alexa has officially moved into eating disorder territory at this point. It seems that there is a VERY fine line between being-or, at the very least, appearing-anorexic and merely looking "stylishly" fashion-world thin. This is something that Victoria Beckham has reportedly painstakingly taken the time to master over the years and that Rachel Zoe and Alexa apparently have yet to. Sad all around :( Life is far too short to not drink wine, eat mac & cheese and thoroughly enjoy birthday cake! So much delicious cake...

  18. Is Keira's husband 16?

  19. Whoa Lily Allen! Lookin' good, girl!

  20. Ankle straps are in I deduce

  21. Rachel doesn't have to do a damned thing, Enty.

  22. @sugarbread...noelle(my least fave) the soulless, un charasmatic cow engaged to her second, um, millionaire(coincidence, I'm certain)
    Marissa-nightclub guy. She's sweet

  23. Suki looks like a very blonde Jessica Alba, like when she played Susan Storm.

    Clearly Chris Martin has a type: anorexic.

  24. Disco, if you look at Alexa Chung's hand she really does look like a skeleton wearing clothes. Nasty.

    Fancy - the Serpentine Gallery holds a party every summer. It's the event that launched Princess Diana as a single woman. She wore a short black sexy dress and looked like she was truly over the divorce.

  25. Oh, Alexa is not a well girl. I hope she has supportive people around her for when she is ready to get better.

  26. Rachel H. looks wonderful. Also Enty, people ain't looking at her hair while she is wearing that dress.

    @One I thought the exact same thing. I wonder what time is his curfew?

  27. Despite her having foot-in-mouth disease I really like Lily Allen an she looks good here.

    Rachel Hunter...I don't know about any of you other Aussies or New Zealanders but I still see her and think of that Pantene ad for shampoo "It won't happen overnight, but it will happen" in full Kiwi

    Is Alexa Chung really relevant enough to warrant so many photos or is it just the CM connection?

  28. Yeah, I agree, for being a hot mess Lily Allen looks pretty fabulous there...AND she has the body to get away with going braless...sigh...must be nice...

  29. Anonymous6:04 PM

    @tricia and beardy

    thanks guys...

  30. I finally did a Ladies of Lindon marathon today and episode 4 ended as I saw this. Great show! I think I like it better than the housewives! I like the Brit vs American thing going on.

    And WOW that right there is why Cara is a model!

  31. Keira should have stayed with Rupert Friend for sure and Rachel Hunter looks hot!

  32. Wow; almost a saline-free pic post. Are people supposed to believe all women with real racks are flat-chested, though? geez!

    Was lost in a nostalgic reverie earlier [blinks]--is it still 1995?? That pretty chick rocking the eyebrows looks kinda 80s--are the 80's already a Thing? Please don't bring back the Hair-Metal bands! & speaking of popular music, it's amazing how that Rod Stewart-Ex just refuses to go away. But, good for her, losing the excess tummy at her age... Um; should I know who Bradley Cooper is?

    Whew, a Reality "Star." Never imagined that thought would make me feel relieved.
