Thursday, July 31, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

A reader took this photo of Chloe Moretz at Sprinkles in Chicago so it gets the top spot.

Ben McKenzie in a fake rainstorm shooting Gotham.
Jason Segel and Cameron Diaz in Mexico trying to get someone to watch Sex Tape.
Carmen Electra about to do some shopping.
Christina Milian can add air to her tires. I'm impressed.
Carey Mulligan in a very rare shot with her husband.
Chrissy Teigen had some other photos from this sequence where she is basically out of her shirt.
Charlize Theron and
Javier Bardem are about to shoot a Sean Penn directed movie in South Africa.


  1. Congrats on the pic publish Sav!

  2. I like Chloe. Seems like a nice girl.

  3. I went to Sprinkles in Vegas, best $3 cookie ever.

  4. Tuck em in Chrissy.
    ill see Sex Tape for Cammies nude scene when it cones to cable
    Carey and hubby seem extremely happy.

  5. Chrissy knows how to get attention.

  6. So my Millian/lil Wayne guess worked...

  7. And good luck Javy on THAT filmshoot...shuddering for you..

  8. Charles and Bardeem co starring? Ruh roh!
    Lucky Betch!

    Chrissy boots look good.

    I HATE PUTTING AIR IN MY TIRES!!! Argh. Us really hate doing it while dressed up. It's a dirty job and u get pusses off trying to yank that hose around, always catches on a tire and you gotta clamp it down with your foot and try to get it positioned on the valve right....I come away from that experience ready to bite someone's head off.

    1. Yep, I get pusses off putting air in tires and I get pusses of at auto - type too

    2. @Sincerely- There's just so much pressure

    3. I go to the tire shop, they literally run to do it for you.

  9. Speaking of shooting and totally off topic...Apparently they are shooting another Terminator on the Oracle campus just down the street from me..We could see the kleig lights last night from our apt balcony..Didn't go watch anything though..Maybe tonight.

  10. I always make sure to wear high heels and weave when I go grocery shopping. {I don't.}

    LOL @ethorne! Here he comes to sav the day!

  11. Carmen Electra is too old to wear her hair that long!

    1. I think that's kind of a strange statement. To each their own.

    2. Most statements on here are strange! And it is my own (statement!) sorry to have offended you by commenting on Carmen electra's hair!

    3. No you didn't offend me I just happen to think long hair on older women is beautiful and have never identified the length of hair with anyone's age. If you mean long ass ratty extensions, then okay.

  12. Chrissy was drunk tweeting mess last night
    Good luck dodging bullets Javier

  13. Full disclosure: a friend took the photo.

  14. @Seven of Eleven
    Don't let Enty find out you don't fully deck out for shopping! Also that you might not be in the top designs when you fly. And don't forget to have a huge variety of workout clothing.

  15. @Iknowpeople...yeah but you uploaded it! :)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Those boots Chrissy has on are probably like $2k but they look like cardboard sleeves.

  18. I hope that Penn movie will be awful and karma will come back to hurt them because Penn and Charlize stole that movie from Robin Wright. That was Penn usig Charlize to get back at his ex wife

    1. Me too...I hope karma comes back in full force at those two. Bastids!

  19. Carey Mulligan has the weirdest face, it's like a young grandmother.

  20. @Maria STFU Nobody stole that movie. You say every fucking time. Javier Bardem and Sean Penn have been attached to this movie forever. Stop stanning for Robin Wright, she doesn't give a fuck about you.

  21. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Ben McKenzie in TWO random photos posts in the SAME WEEK? Oh, that's because the gay comic con post is about him.

  22. Too bad Sav doesn't post about, aka stalk, Chloe Grace Moretz anymore.

  23. Chrissy's boots/shoes/whatever are ridiculous. Also, there is a huge gash on her leg. Ouch.

  24. So... any links to those other pictures of Chrissy? The ones with the things falling out?

  25. HERE is more Tiegentitty

    @Lotta nailed it; those are $2075 Givenchy boots and they are fuuuug



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