Monday, July 21, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

Hilaria Baldwin gets the stare down from Alec Baldwin. If they had been in private, I'm guessing it would have been a yell down.
Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker were there to witness it.
Beyonce took a tumble while rollerskating.
Bonnie Wright has a new boyfriend.
Calista Flockhart takes her son back to school shopping.
Christina Milian after working out.
Drew Barrymore surrounded by a bag explosion.
Dakota Fanning look happier than I have ever seen her.
Jennie Garth takes her kids out over the weekend.


  1. I'm pretty sure I would be in tears all the time if I was around Alec. I usually cry when people yell at me, and that stare alone would make me cry. : (

    1. I'm similar. I go one of two ways. 1. Cry or 2. Punch him in the face..then cry.

  2. Jennie doesn't look out of it unlike a blind states from the weekend.
    Poor Alec
    I didn't realize Ally McBeal had a kid that old.

  3. NO Hilaria! You cannot do a downward dog on this mantle!!!

  4. all of a sudden it seems like Calista is everywhere

  5. Bad, Hilaria! Don't make me get the rolled up newspaper...

    Drunk Drew. Crazy Drew. Love. Me. Some. Drew.

  6. Love Beyonce ♡

    Go Calista and son! Yaaaay for back to school shopping. I can't WAIT for summer to be over, I'm itching to get back to work and get everything set up and I miss the kids something fierce!

    C Milian is so cute. Not famous for much, but cute nonetheless.

    Jennie Garth's daughters are adorable!

    1. @S. joy - what do you teach? I've already started having "back to school" dreams - love my little elementary school friends!

    2. Hey Frufra! I'm the Director of a Before and After School program at an elementary school :-) I love it! We're a private owned company in partnership with the Baltimore county school system. What about you?

    3. I teach special ed - what our district calls "moderate cognitive disabilities", grades 2 - 5. I absolutely love it - I taught kindergarten about 20 years ago, and thought I'd never go back. I had no idea that special ed was going to win my heart :-).

  7. And Bonnie Wright is??

  8. LOL @ Guido, that was awesome!

    I don't get why Bey posts photos of everything. Golfing, swimming, roller skating, baby belly. Must be an image thing.

    I love Drew Barrymore. 50 First Dates and Poison Ivy! I'm glad she's in a good place.

  9. Bonnie Wright was Ginny Weasley in Harry Potter movies.

    I thought she was married.

    1. She was engaged to Grindelwald, but I think he dumped her for Lily Collins.

  10. Hillaria is probably the smartest golddigger, she kept her mouth shut until he said, "I Do", then popped out a kid right away. Alec's an idiot, & Hill is his karma.

  11. I have to say it...I like SJP's dress and shoes. It looks sassy, comfortable, and could hide a multitude of cupcake sins. Dig it.

    1. And both Matthew and SJP look fantastic!

  12. My back has been killing me all day at work. I'm guessing someone from here has made a hairydawg voodoo doll.

    Mathew and Sarah look really happy here.

    More Christina M. please.

    Count is gonna have a field day with that pic of Jenny Garth's kids.

  13. @Shelly Shell
    The smartest golddigger title goes to Katie Holmes. There's a Oscar for her in the future. Shady as hell.

    1. How funny Emlangston. I got lost on some site that listed all these famous gold diggers and Katie was not listed. She should be top of the list, A #1.

  14. Seriously, what's the story behind that GLARING Alec is dishing out to Hillaria? I can feel the burn from here!

  15. Alec found out she's been calling the paps.

    Say what you will, but pill popping works for Jenny.

  16. Also, SJP looks like an entirely different person.

  17. @ Frufra

    I'm hoping that's just his usual "I'm mad because someone's taking my picture" face, and that it's not really directed at her.

    If he gives Hilaria looks like that, then he most likely hits her.

  18. I think Katie & Tom were a business arrangment, Katie would be doing TV shows & cable movies if it weren't for Tom.

    Hilarious played Alec.

  19. @hairydawy - agreed. Definitely looks like he's half a step from wacking her across the face. And she looks scared.

  20. If Alec smacked her everytime she tweeted or instagramed a yoga pose, no one would care. In fact, if he posted a vine of each smack, he would have a million followers in a week.

  21. Anonymous1:46 PM

    hi drew

    im glad sjp/matthew are able to work it out. relationships aren't always a walk in the park.

    luv calista. i remember when her son was a wee butter bean. man time flies.

    alec is intense and likes his intensity tested. OBVIOUSLY

  22. I wish someone would beat the snot out of that pompous blowhard bully Alec.
    And is anyone else surprised to see Drew B. surrounded by Vera Bradley? (Makes the 2 bags I have seem less unhip, somehow.).

    1. "Beat the snot out". Great expression! I think I'm going to have to steal that from you.

  23. Alec's just giving her the "you're a filthy little pig" stare.

    SJP. Looking great and easy peezey at the same time.

    There's another Bey-approved shot that's let out that's suppose to look like she doesn't care. (I'm sure there were more embarrassing shots of that spill!)

    Back to school? I haven't started my summer yet.

    Milian. Cute!

    Jenny G. Hair looks cute. Not loving her pajama pants lately, but i wear things for comfort sometimes too. And I wear big sunglasses when I've had a lil drinky winky the night before, oh, and when it's bright outside.

  24. I always think she does but SJP looks extra pretty here and as usual, I love her dress.

  25. Well Matthew Broderick doesnt look gay at all.

  26. I liked drew more before she became all attention whore on social media like a Vanessa Hudgens or guiliann rancic.
    She seemed above it all and now it shows she desperate for attention like Ashley Greene or something.
    Queen B is trying to hard to convince us her life is perfect. . TYVM.

  27. Oh come on. The caption for the Alec/Hilaria photo could just as easily be "Alec is captivated by something Hilaria is saying."

    For people supposedly on the verge of a divorce SJP and MB look mighty relaxed and happy.

    Those are Vera Bradley bags behind Drew Barrymore. Love me some Vera Bradley!

  28. Hilaria's yoga poses are SO STUPID. She deserves him as a husband.

  29. Why would anybody put up with Baldwin's temper tantrums? He looks like he wants to strike her?

  30. Alec is a fat ball of hate wrapped up in too tight pants.

  31. vera bradley.. crock pot couture
    what could highlarious possibly say that is "captivating" besides..i want a divorce too!!!

  32. that doesn't look like Drew but it does look like a Vera Bradley display/store

  33. I don't see why Count would say anything about Jenny Garth's kids, that's not his MO.

  34. @Hunter: Thank you. I scrolled passed the terrorist's post and missed that.

    That isn't an "unsubstantiated accusation" because HairyDawg made a terroristic threat.

    A terroristic threat is defined as a declaration of intent to commit a crime of violence against another with the intent of threatening a person, building, facility, or public or private habitat.

    1. Holy frick @Count, where is that from?! What did you say to get a death threat?

  35. Calista has the same size (and weight) as her son.
    I think it was Bonnie (Ginny Weasley) the one who dumped Grindelwald and then he started his PRelationship with Collins. He thought he was going to be the next Pattinson, LOL!!

  36. @7: She hasn't found it to delete it yet, so I don't want to give too many hints, but I described how I would cure a celeb bim of her cunty attitude.

  37. It's funny how people interpret photos differently, because I think the Hilaria/Alec photo looks more like he is listening intently to something she is telling him.

  38. Naughty Nurse - That's what I thought, too. LOL.

    I love back to school too, but summer just started with the extended snow-day school year. Slow your roll!!!

    I've been watching old Sex and the City's on HBO this week. A little SJP goes a long way. I just like to look at her clothes.

  39. @Susan - I can't believe y'all are just starting summer - we've been out since Memorial Day. We go back in about a month.

  40. @hunter

    when I said Count would have a field day with the photo I wasn't referring to him saying anything about it, per se. I was hinting at the likelihood of him blowing it up, printing it out, and masturbating to it. Cuz he's a pedophile (see the Aliyah post).

    @ seven
    as msburritowhore and some of the other alts here can attest to, some people like to play games and use alternate screen names. I don't recall ever posting that. Someone must have been having some fun and used my screen name. Maybe Count did it himself.

  41. Alec Baldwin looks one comment or pap click away from going postal.

  42. Alec Baldwin is filled with rage. It seems like the honeymoon is over. I just hope he doesn't hit her or the child.

  43. @hairy dawg: nice try hairy. The blogger profile that made the terroristic threat has the same On Blogger Since date and Page Views as the one you are bactracking from today. Industry and Location can be copied, but the other info can't be faked or duped. That is how you can tell the difference between Fake Count and me.

    Please go on digging your hole deeper though. I enjoy seeing how low, low rent terrorist trash will go. Be careful you don't drown in the derp your hole is filling with though.

    P.S. it dont really matter if you delete the comment or not. The entire page has been screen capped and I was subscribed to the thread, so I have it in email form also. ( Date and time redacted so she still has to struggle to find it.)

    email notice of death threat

  44. Baldwin : if looks could kill...

  45. Baldwin : if looks could kill...

  46. Baldwin : if looks could kill...

  47. I hope Jennie is taking her daughter jeans shopping.

  48. Bonnie and Simon have been together for almost a year!

  49. OK, people. Let's keep the attacks to the so called celebrities. I know I'm still carrying a grudge to a couple of you that were really out of line to me in the past but remembering and threatening are two different things.
    Count, what happened to the AMP or whatever the initials list indicated? I really enjoyed your ratings. SJP deserves an A because I what to hear if she whinnies when ridden.

  50. @cowbulls: AMP, Asian Massage Parlor?

    I got bored w/ the PMB (Pussy/Mouth/Butt). You get the broads who are on PR pushes or tipping paps, and the Random Photos seem to become FM radio, same 30 songs every day in a different order.

    I'm sure I'll get an idea to re-light the spark sometime.
