Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

Katherine Heigl has a new show airing this fall so gets a photo shoot and interview with Marie Claire.
Prince William and Kate watch Andy Murray lose.
Kelly Osbourne appears to have some other work done to her recently other than the tattoo.
Kiefer Sutherland gets into town and looks for the nearest bar.
Kendra Wilkinson showed herself for the first time since Hank was busted cheating on her.
Lana Del Rey shows off her new boyfriend. That was fast.
Lindsay Lohan is back in the US. I thought something smelled funny.
Liv Tyler has been everywhere lately which is the idea when you have a new movie.
Amy Adams on her way to yoga.


  1. Liv and Amy
    Everyone else sucks

  2. When will Kelly realize her hair looks dumb and she's far too old for that shit.

  3. But Liv 's is a Tv show Enty not a movie on HBO?
    I agree with jacks commentary.

  4. Just read an article on yahoo about Heigl being "angry at the industry." What a crock. It'll be back to ZQuil commercials for her by November.

  5. No happy B-Day wishes for Linds? She made it to 28 y'all.

    Now where's da party?

  6. I love Liv. Is anyone watching The Leftovers? It's pretty good.

  7. I saw it crila it was ok but Theroux :(. The story seems to have potential.

  8. Kelly is on my last nerve

  9. Keifer looks muck older there. Means I'm getting older as well. Boo!

  10. Jinkies. I know that Kendra has implants and that they're now new mom nursing boobs on top of it but GOOD LORD do those things look uncomfortable. It seems that poor shirt is barely hanging on by a literal thread in the front! Girlllll, no.

  11. No surprise with Keif. He was always a big drinker, even in high school.

  12. If Jeremy Piven can fix his hair, why cant Prince William do the same?

  13. Who and why did they allow Ho Lohan back in the US? Feel sorry for you all - thought you'd finally rid yourselves of that infested pile of crap.

  14. Yeah looks like Kelly got the gastric sleeve and is trying to distract attention with shaving hair and tattoo head.
    Love Amy Adams

  15. Is Amy Adams secretly married? She's always wearing a ring on That finger.

  16. What about Lohan's much ballyhoo'ed play she's supposed to star in???

  17. I'm glad Liv is back in the spotlight. I think she is a wonderful person. (And a very underrated actress!)

  18. Whoa! Lindsay looks as though she's been bathing in cocaine, she's so skinny again.


    (Realizing that Lindsey is backn town)

  20. I thought Lohan was "working" in London. What happened to the play she was supposed to be doing?

  21. That's a very good photo of Katherine Heigl. Too bad her inside (which is bitter, angry, and ugly) doesn't match the outside.

    I, for one, have no intention of watching her new show.

  22. First thought: Lohan looks like she's advertising her services in that shirt.

    Kiefer is just really depressing me.I used to have such a crush on him and WTF is he doing. He and Johnny Depp need a paddle taken to their bums for destroying crushes the world over. SMH.

    Katherine Heigl may be a bitch on wheels but that's a great photo of her *sends self to naughty corner*

  23. As a curvy girl I just have to comment....Kendra, sweetiedarlin, just cause ya paid for em doesn't mean ya don't need a bra. My boobs hurt just lookin atcha...

    PS love Amy, love love Liv, LOVE Liv's dress!

  24. Lindsay looks chic. Credit where credit is due.

    1. Go home Xanadu, you're drunk ;)

  25. Isn't it silly how when celebs get plastic surgery they deny it? It's not like hiding a tattoo under your clothes, we can all see your face!

  26. I have been on the fence about Kate, but recently decided I just don't like her. I hate seeing Diana's ring on her, that huge, open-mouthed smile is SO fake. It's like everything anyone is saying to her is the most hilarious thing she's ever heard (or she is intensely interested in the conversation in front of her). Either way, I always find her completely devoid of being genuine.

    Aaaaand, I think I'm reading way too much into it and I've thought about this too much for today.

  27. I'm disappointed in myself but Heigl looks good.
