Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

Cameron Diaz goes frumpy for a Sex Tape premiere.

Charlie Hunnam and Jimmy Smits work out a fight scene.
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend out to dinner last night.
Andi "The Dorf" Dorfman on Extra yesterday.
David Beckham boarding a really big private jet.
Diane Kruger promoting The Bridge.
Denise Richards takes two of her daughters shopping.
Donnie Wahlberg on the set of Blue Bloods.
Look at that acting.


Violet said...

Jimmy Smits. I did not even remember he had ever been.

sandybrook said...

Ronnie ain't looking so hot.
Jimmy Smite vs. Charlie isn't much of a match these days Jimmy's around 55 .
Nice toy somebody bought for Becks to ride in.

sandybrook said...

*Donnie spelchek stop insisting on Ronnie!!!!*

Gayeld said...

What's wrong with Diane Kruger's face?

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

A glimpse into the future of Donnie Whalburg and Jenny McCarthy.

Chrissy T needs to shut her mouth.

Holy Smitt. Someone lost their zoo keeper on the set.

Lady Heisenberg said...


Sincerely,Your Friend said...

Don't love Camerins dress but for some reason I think she looks better than she has been lately. Maybe because she's not carrying that douche bag around with her.

Unknown said...

I'm calling it Cameron Diaz is pregnant. She normally sexes it up and lately has not. Plus she seemed to be wrapping herself up in a towel while wearing a bikini. Not normal Diaz behavior. I am officially starting a rumor.

Unknown said...

Because you know that's what all women want in life. Life wouldn't be complete. Blah blah blah....

ForSure said...

Headrot, are you around? What happened with your stalker landlord situation? Did you call police, give notice, anything?

Kelly said...

Diane forgot her pants.

Unknown said...

Love Donnie! And Mark! And Paul.

missKWyumyum said...

I like the colours of Cammie's dress, very flattering for her complexion, but the cut is awful.

SugarTitz said...

Soon lady h.. soon

NaughtyNurse said...

I wouldn't call Cameron's look frumpy, just not va-va-voom.

MM said...

Cameron darkened her hair, right? She looks different.

audrey said...

Diane's dress looks odd...sort of like she tried on Bethany Frankel's daughter's dress and went out in it. :P

OKay said...

@sandy - guessing you don't watch SOA. Nero gives as good as he gets!

rajahcat said...

love SOA

ahhhh Charlie H.

Sunny said...

I think it looks lovely too, but I kinda got a giggle out of the Juicy Couture sweatpants he appears to be wearing :)

Sunny said...

Did you watch Dexter? Jimmy Smits was in one of my favorite seasons. Miguel!

sandybrook said...

nope never seen it Cee Kay

Lady Heisenberg said...

Yay!!!!!! I miss mah boys from Charming!!!


I thought Denise's adopted door supposedly had issues bc of her birth moms drug use? She looks healthy and normal

hunter said...

She looks like she has Downs or FAS to me.

PJ said...
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PJ said...
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Astra Worthington said...

Denise's two bio girls have the lowest hairlines I've ever seen. What is up with that?

tookiesmum said...

So glad Charlie dropped out of that Fifty Shades movie. Seems like it dropped off the face of the earth now.

Wen said...

Love Cameron's shoes!

Wow, Smits! Where has he been?


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