Monday, July 14, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

If you win the World Cup you get the top spot, BUT

this kid who got a selfie with Warren Buffett and Paul McCartney finishes a close second.
Britney Spears takes a smoke break.
Christina Hendricks goes blonde for the night.
Daniel Radcliffe and some fans in NYC.
Eva Longoria on her way to a party over the weekend.
Elizabeth McGovern playing with her band.
Fergie showed off her new lips.
Freida Pinto and the never disappearing ice cream.
The Goopster spent time with her kids over the weekend.
Hilary Duff is making a new music video and of course it requires her to be in a bikini.


  1. Britney looks like a zombie
    Goopy with kids must have been after 10 am

  2. Kudos for the kid at his age, even knowing who they were let alone what they even looked like.

  3. Well that pic of Fergie certainly supports the guess of her using drugs again---She was never the cutest button on the blouse but now she is just straight up FUGLY

  4. Hilary, get a bikini that fits.

    Britney's neck. Still shocks me after all these years. Linebacker neck.

  5. Jesus Fergie :(
    At least if you are going to put Hillary in everyday give us a bikini shot once a week ok Enty?
    Wtg kid on the street!

  6. Why do women get the blow up lips?

  7. Fergie is officially looking like a muppet.

  8. @Reno---do I really need to explain that to you ; )

    Also Hilary is a very pretty girl but yeah----she kind of looks like a WWE wrestler or something---but hey she is fit and healthy---that just doesn't look like a very current look to go for in a music video

  9. Gah! Fergie's lips are alive!!!

  10. Daniel Radcliffe has such an odd face.. But the lil guy to the right of him is such a cute kid!

    Eva L looks great!

    Fergie looks well beyond her years O_O Scary to think that she and my sister are the same age, looks about 10 years older than her

    I really like Hilary. Hope her new song becomes a hit.

  11. Jesus. Fergie looks like jocelyn weinstein. That is just not good

  12. Fergie looks like Donatella Versace.

    1. YES! I've was trying to think of who she reminded me of and you hit it.

  13. I dont understand why USE likes Eva Longoria, she is just a crappy mdiocre person , how does she keep being on public eye

  14. Goopy looks not as skinny there

    maybe conscious uncoupling/coupling? agrees with her?????

  15. I thought Goop looks like she's preggo. You can see a little pooch. Maybe the reason for the recoupling? Make it appear to be hubby's?

    1. Me tooooo @Diane! Who's the daddy?

  16. That's some net worth sitting on that bench

  17. Fergie looks like an old woman.
    McCartney and Buffet look like they're in The Hamptons. Damn I need to be rich.

  18. McCartney and Buffett are actually in Omaha. OMAHA.

  19. Wtf is that on ferg's cheek/lip area... its not a wrinkle yet looks like one? Thats one fucked up tumorous looking herpes protrusion or she is growing a second chin out her cheek. I don't know why she would even cone out in public looking like some mutant quasimodo.

  20. I always wear bikinis a size too small. Less severe 70s porn tan lines and it actually makes you look smaller than if you were a bigger size. I think Duff's stuff is looking good!

    I bet that kid doesn't know who either of the men are. His dad probably look the picture. Sorry I always loved selfies until a couple weeks ago, now they straight up creep me out

    1. What happened a couple wrrk's ago, HeisenLady? :(

  21. Lip injections won't fix meth mouth, Fergie. Sad.

  22. Fergie has always had a horrific complexion, but I agree that she's the pop star rumored to have relapsed.

    Most ladies go for the bee stung look. Fergie is more like just been burned by a pizzo and twacked out of my mind. Yikes.

  23. @gadfly Omaha huh? So that means I don't need to be rich to hang out with Warren Buffett and Paul McCartney. Praise white Jesus!

  24. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Bitch could suck the paint off a Buick.

  25. I really thought the photo of Elizabeth McGovern was of Rose Mcgowan

  26. Reno, lip injections when done correctly, look fabulous. We are just so used to seeing these women go overboard with them.

    What I do not understand is how any Dr AGREES to overdo it. I would not want my reputation ruined by giving hemorrhoid lips to people.

  27. Brit Bit looks like she's off her meds. I always feel so sad for her.

  28. Enty, aren't you going to link to weird al yankovic's videos? 8 days, one video release a day from his new release?

  29. Wait. Goopy and the Coldplay dude are recoupled?!?! Tell me more.

    Fergie. Yikes! Girlfriend is looking rough.

    Love Hillary Duff's bikini.

    Freida Pinto looks so young. Has she done anything since Slumdog Millionaire?

  30. Wow, Fergie looks like she's back on meth.

  31. Britney wears SO much makeup and still no eyebrows?

    1. The 90's eyeliner gene is strong in that one.

  32. @Princess I watched that epi last night!!

  33. Christina H looks preggers. Part of her costume?

  34. Frieda Pinto is in Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I think she is at the Ischia Film Festival in that pic.

    Hillary Duff looks like an Olympic gymnast there. Toned and fit. If she is trying to look hot and sexy, she needs another suit.

  35. Elizabeth McGovern answer to blind #3.

  36. Love the pic of Buffett and McCartney. What an odd pairing.

  37. I must be the only one that think Hilary looks more than good. She looks healthy and sexy to me.

  38. Brit has crazy eyes.

    Fergie looks hideous. (Said with the inflection of that woman who thinks her husband is on a phone sex line in that State Farm Insurance commercial).

    That kid. Awesome.

  39. Hilary Duff got into shape really quickly. She looks fab!

  40. How did Fergie land such a hot piece like dm Duhmal? Ugh.

    I agree-goopy's got a pooch.

    Omaha has more millionaires per capita than any other US city. Buffet lives here and is a huge part of the community--everyone knows who he is, and he's often seen out and about. And Paul McCartney was in town for a show. That part of Omaha is actually quite lovely. They're sitting outside ECreamery, which was on Shark Tank.

  41. I think Hilary looks great.

    Goop does indeed look like she's pregnant.

    Fergie no. Just no. It always amuses/frightens me that these chicks with the moolah can't find the right surgeon/facialist/ to get their damn injections/surgery right.

  42. Fergie looks like the Cat Lady, and farrrrr from Fergiliceous.
    So a hot husband, a healthy lil behbeh, and some decent coin and she chooses meth.

  43. Why is the Church Lady out on the town with Christina?

  44. I thought fergie was Amanda Bynes

  45. Anonymous5:45 AM

    duff looks awesome

    does fergie have methface? i swear i read that somewhere. she's like my age so the saggiy/wrinkly thing is a bit much for early forties. when she was with the BEP she seemed so familiar to me then i learned she had been on kids incorporated. which i used to watch

    can u imagine? mccartney and buffet sitting on a bench like us normal people. one hell of a random thing to happen in ones life

  46. I now believe the rumor of Fergie on drugs. She looks horrible. I'm gonna call this a METH face. Run Josh & take your kid with you.

  47. The kid behind Dan Rad is beautiful. He should model.

  48. @Lola I was just about to type the very same thing!! What a handsome young man.



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