Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

Harry Styles is a nose holder. I never guessed he would be one.
Another day another golf outing for Jessica Biel and
Justin Timberlake.
Jennifer Garner is back in LA.
Jennifer Lopez takes her kids out shopping.
Kim Cattrall is in London. Did anyone see if she said anything about Meshach Taylor?
Katie Holmes after working out.
I am beginning to doubt whether Kate Middleton actually eats.
Lucy Liu showed her new movie again last night.


  1. Are you sitting around guessing which celebrities hold their nose while jumping into water? Because maybe you should get a hobby.

  2. Dont see JLos kids much.
    Maybe Harry smelled the water?

  3. Katie Holmes is totally wearing spanx under her "workout" pants.

  4. JLo's kids are cuting up.

  5. I will be in the minority, I bet, but I really like Lucy Liu's dress. Maybe because she is wearing it with such confidence, but I think it's striking even with those pockets.

    Kate Middleton looks scary thin, and she also looks like she stepped off the set of a Mary Tyler Moore episode.

    1. I like her dress, too, but I usually like what she wears.

  6. FS I like it too, I think Lucy looks wonderful here.

  7. Kate is hella thin. Wonder what's going on there? Do the Brits actually expect them to last? I'm willing to bet that he has a few ladies that love on his royal member.
    What say you Brits!?

    1. Oh god no. He's too boring for that and he knows he's got a good wee wifey in Kate. The public would never forgive him if he had his own Camilla.

    2. He has his own separate apartment in town near that college he never attends for overnight stays and all
      So lesbians golfing is scandalous now? ?

    3. It's so odd. In 2000, I would've cutabetch to get it in with Wills, but now, notsomuch. I would consider it if I had a few drinks in me. Aaaand he either needs plugs or to shave it completely. His hair, not the bush. Well, the bush needs to be trimmed, but we covered that in yesterdays post.

  8. Anonymous1:01 PM

    lucy's dress is really cute

    oh FFS kim is that jacket gold lame?

    garner is too thin she should call biel. biel is always in perfect shape weight wise.

  9. Holy strangle the beaver blue jeans there JLo. Yuck.

  10. Beavers need oxygen to live!

  11. I don't know about Kim Cattrall, but Andrew McCarthy did. At any rate, his passing has saddened me all week, you know? Sounded like a very sweet man. :-(

    I think Wills is a solid husband. I really do. He seems to just adore her, like HE can't believe HIS luck.

  12. Lol @snootches!
    You made my day.

  13. I remember Diana going through a scarily thin phase after Wills was born.

    Surprise! Jessica Biel is a lady golfer with pit bulls.

  14. Scary McClary hairdo on HRH Kate.

    I have to agree that Lucy Liu looks good.

    Best of all JLo's kids look happy bless em.

  15. Holy crap Kate looks thin. My bf' s grandma was going on and on at dinner last week about how Kate is pregnant with twins now and I'm like no grandma, that's not true. She replied yes it is, I read it in In Touch. Oh old people.

  16. Kate is really thin. Pictures of her back before she was dating Will show her to look more athletic. She could be pregnant again and suffering severe morning sickness (again) and that's why she's so thin. I think she's just chain smoking and not eating.

  17. 1. I'm surprised that Enty hasn't had anything to say about the Afflecks SUPER transparent new People cover. I mean, a full cover just because a restaurant employee served them on their recent anniversary?? Sure. Ok. I'm sure that's not at all a PR move attempting to divert attention from thevalleged reality if their marriage...

    2. Katie looks great! But she-like myself-has always had very curvy, kind of thicker legs. I'm wondering how this intense new inner thigh gap has suddenly appeared?? Maybe some of my fellow CDAN readers who recently suspected that she had "something done" to them were onto something...

  18. JLo's kids look so cute there!

    Is Jessica Biel getting ready for the Dina Shore tournament, or whatever its called now?

  19. Great. Kate is now Anorexic like Diana.

  20. Huh??? Andrew McCarthy has died???

    1. No but I had the same reaction! The guy they were on Mannequin with died.

    2. I just extensively googled and was SO confused

  21. Jlo in flip-flops? I never thought I'd see the day! (Same for VB). Those are some cute kids Jlo has :)

  22. Jen G. looks really drawn in that picture...plus no kids? Maybe it was a visit to Ben to slap him or dump him.

    I worry about Kate too...

  23. Jen G. looks really drawn in that picture...plus no kids? Maybe it was a visit to Ben to slap him or dump him.

    I worry about Kate too...

  24. "Harry may be a nose-holder, but he does swallow."


  25. If Andrew McCarthy died nobody told the internet. Google news search brings up nothing but a bunch of press for a right wing nutter called Andrew McCarthy who is selling a book subtitled "The case for impeachment". No thank you.

  26. FS I like the dress on Lucy too - if only because she has the attitude to carry it.

    Was that not so subtle shade thrown at Kim Cattrall? I love social media etc but just because someone doesn't write their grief on Twitter or their blog or issue a statement, doesn't mean they aren't grieving. Geez - that made me sound like an old fuddy duddy. LOL

    Kate Middleton can afford good tailoring. She's too thin but it wouldn't have been so obvious if the dress had been tailored properly.

  27. JLo's daughter looks just like mama.

    All the broads are hella thin. Never thought I'd say Jessica Biel is the best-looking one of the bunch.

  28. FFS, Kim Cattrall worked with the Guy nearly 30 years ago!

    Said it before, I'll say it again: thin shaming is not cool.

  29. Anonymous5:59 PM


    u probably are not refrencing my comment about garner but in the past she held a very healthy weight, kinda like biel. shes dropped a significant amount of weight. looks like she is stressing a bit. perhaps i should have worded it better but this is not like garner.

  30. @fancy, no, I was referring to Enty always commenting about thin Kate. Should'a clarified. ;)

  31. Anonymous6:27 PM


  32. Of course Harry holds his nose. His giant nostrils would take a lot of water.

  33. You could drive a truck through the hole between Katie Holmes legs. Does anyone really fall for all this Fake-O-RAMA photoshop shit? They look ridiculous.

  34. Oh, goodness, I'm sorry! To clarify, Meshach Taylor died, and AMcC Tweeted about it but Kim didn't (AFAIK). I'm not sure why Enty brought it up, either, though, and yeah, she's not a bad person if she didn't. ???

  35. I am so sick, disgusted and grossed out by these airbrushed thigh gaps! If I saw one in real life I'd think she has some horrible disease. Fat in that area is what makes women fertile, so not having any there means you have a problem.
