Monday, July 28, 2014

Random Photos Part Five- Comic-Con Part Two

Elle Fanning
Orlando Bloom and Cate Blanchett
Benedict Cumberbatch and Evangeline Lilly.
Lauren Cohan and Norman Reedus
Aisha Tyler
Anna Paquin
Jessica Alba and Rosario Dawson

Stephen Colbert and his kids.


  1. Paquin is killing my wood. She should let me dress and undress her. Shit, I could probably do a better job with her hair too.

    1. I saw a diff picture of her at the Con and she looked pretty hawt. She was rocking that purple hair! I think she even cracked a smile, but don't quote me on that...

  2. I dont think that woman with Colbert is one of his kids Enty :(

  3. Grubby Norman. I still would. Possible failure on his part due to alcohol excess be damned.

  4. Paquin looks like she was out strolling before she went to comic-con.

    1. She will be next year
      Love Colbert
      Don't get the Norman appeal.
      Orlando looks clean today.
      Maybe Orly can launch his sail later without failure.

  5. Orlando stop fighting the hot with the bad jewelry.

  6. Also I thought that was Lea Michele w Benedict - that's not a compliment

  7. I heard a nice story over the weekend.

    Mother and daughter at ComicCon. The young girl has a facial deformity.

    A young man approached the little girl and said he wanted a picture with her. The little girl was beyond thrilled.

    Orlando Bloom.

    1. That was beyond thoughtful of orlando. I re- love him.

    2. All heart a sober Orlando

  8. Goodness do I hate white pumps. Add them to an equally horrible outfit. Hot mess.

  9. I <3 Aisha Tyler! FYI: She's going to be on Jezebel at 4PM (I think PST) doing an Reddit-AMA-style posting!

    I used to like Anna Paquin but the last part of the third season of True Blood killed that. :/

  10. @calif - i love that story. Orly <3

  11. I don't know if that Cohan lady is pretty or I just think that cause I'm comparing her to that seanpennesque level of slob (who I don't know, and these two cents are just according to the pic. He is probably a beautiful and clean person, perhaps) that is near her.

    That Colbert is better with his glasses on. His eyes are weird.

    I like the happiness Elle F usually shows.

  12. Thanks @calif! Great story!
    And Orly looks better here than yesterday! You can even see the whites of his eyes now!!!

    Holy hell I wanna kick it between Alba and Dawson but Yessica hates Mexicans and has the herp...What's up Rosario?!

    1. Right! ! Alba's bitch face + the herp!!
      Thanks Jeter!!

  13. Anna P looks like the spawn of Robert Smoth and Ursula the sea witch. Her facial expression is making me uneasy...

  14. When did TTM marry Colbert?! Lucky lady!

    1. Oh wait that's his daughter! Even better! TTM looks like Colbert's daughter

  15. That is so NOT angeline Lily!!!!!! Her face us completely different if it is. But its not.

  16. Love Daryl!! I can't wait for The Walking Dead's new season.

  17. Aisha Tyler is gorgeous. I never see her with her husband though.

  18. What in the world happened to Evageline? She looks nothing like herself. Nothing!

  19. Is Jessica Alba in a new film or just riding on some old sci fi movie?

    Norman Reedus would fit in the drinking crowd downtown here.

    Too bad Tom Hardy couldn't make it. The trailer for Mad Max Fury Road shown at Comic-Con was AWESOME.

  20. That is a god-awful haircut on Rosario. Girls need to stop doing that shaving shit to themselves.

    Orlando is yummy.

    Still can't figure out WTF Evangeline has done to her face.

  21. Norman Reedus...Everyone drools and he looks oily and stinky to me. Ewww.

    HATE Anna's outfit with every fiber of my being!

    I love Aisha as well. And yeah, Elle always looks happy.

  22. Aisha looks like someone just stole her thunder, or her bicycle.
    But still <3's

    Who knew Alba could hold her own next to Dawson? Might be the luck of tbe camera for Alba. Both look fab.

    Is the chick with Norman Redus supp to be somebody? Could be one of tbe Ho Bl's from comic con?

    1. The girl with Norman is also on The Walking Dead.

    2. Ahhhh. No wonder I dint know her. (I'm afraid if my own shadow)

  23. Paquin looks like a big giant head floating on a tiny body.

  24. Love me some Colbert.

    Cate the Great looks fantastic.

    Evangeline does look different - its the bangs.

    No Anna. No. Put away the Manic Panic.

  25. Sometimes AP looks sexy as hell and sometimes I can't stand her.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Did I miss a blind about Alba having the herp? I'm well aware she has the perpetual scowl.

  28. @cowbulls HOLLYWOOD HERPES CHART It's all over the internets

  29. thanks for the backup lady h!!
    you always got me boo!!

    1. LOL! You know it! Down for my @Maker, all day ERRRRY damn day, yo! <3

  30. Yea! My faith and crush on Orlando has been restored! Stay sober and hang around class acts (like Ms. Blanchett). Run away from underage or underage looking females. They are no good for you. Thanks for the story @calif.

    Glad to see Lauren Cohan back on a good show.
    I think the Pod People have Evangeline (or her face at least).

    Is Anna doing another X-Men? That hair is scary if not (the whole look quite frankly).

  31. Aisha Tyler is a BEAUTIFUL woman, AND funny AND smart. AND she's aging wonderfully. *girl crush* :-P

  32. I'll second Figgy on A.T. Love Archer. Jerkula, did you have bad day? Your #1 comment on this blog seems like you are a little light in the loafers. I'm not a homophobe, but your status as #1 degenerate pervert on this site leads your fans to expect much more from you.
