Thursday, July 24, 2014

Queen Elizabeth Photobombs Some Tourists

This has to get its own post.


  1. She has a sense of humour?

  2. They're not tourists, they're athletes participating in the Commonwealth Games. Just sayin' :)

  3. I think she's not as dour as she's made out to be. The way I sometimes read Brit news, it sounds like there are a LOT of people who dislike the royal family because their basic job is to be ambassadors/fame hos while on the public payroll. The hatred for Kate Middleton on the DM site sometimes is baffling (probably because I actually like her, so it's just baffling to me).

  4. I want to see PHG's ass photobombing anything.

  5. I don't understand the hate either. The Royal Family are good fun.

  6. DM hates Kate because everybody else lurves her.

  7. She must have had a drink..

  8. Royal families are fun, that's why they are paid a f wording lot of dough, just that. They don't do anything that proper ambassadors would do for a lot less.

  9. The queen kicks ass. the Duchess of Cambridge-not so much.

  10. I love how she is smiling!

  11. Love this picture!

    Don't read anything related to Wills and Kate at CB.. they HAAAAAAAAAATE them over there.

    Now if they were smart, they would send out a George of the day picture, and everyone would love them!

  12. That's hilarious. I always heard she had a great sense of humor. I can remember a former U.S. President (can't remember which one) said on an interview that he was on the elevator with her, and one of his kids jumped on the elevator with them, with hair and clothes askew, etc., and she looked at him slyly and said, "I have one like that."

  13. @rdkizziah, awesome story!

    I, too, believe she has a sense of humour. The movie about her had a few sly shots in there that made me laugh.

  14. Ithe Queen is actually pretty cool, I've seen other photos of her that show lots of humor.

  15. A few years back I remember reading a story that told how one of her grandchildren bought her a Big Mouth Billy Bass for Christmas, and she thought it was hysterically funny, even singing along with it. I don't doubt she can be a whole lot of fun in private, especially after a drink or two (also, didn't the Queen Mum like her Scotch?).

  16. One has a great sense of humor.

  17. @Robin - the Queen Mum loved her gin, had a glass at the top of the CN Tower.

  18. They're members of the Australian women's hockey team, Enty. And that's a damn good team.

  19. Queen Elizabeth would need to have a good sense of humour to be married to the Duke for so long. I bet they're so much fun.

  20. The little old lady in the back is steelin' their shine. ;)

    great pix.

  21. The Queen Mum was a hoot. The story goes that on one occasion she heard her (very camp) steward gossiping with another male servant below stairs and called down: "When you old queens have finished, this old Queen would like a gin and tonic."

    Her Maj seems a lot more cheerful these days. The Jubilee's done and dusted. Old Phil's still hanging on. Charles is finally happy and settled with the Rottweiler. Wills is tucked in with Kate who seems to be working out very well for them. George, the newest member of the The Firm, is a huge hit. Everyone loves Harry and he's stopped getting busted with pot, wearing Nazi fancy dress and showing his ass in Vegas. Cressida the Unsuitable thought she'd hook him with an ultimatum and lost so all's right with the Windsors.

  22. I love the Queen. She seems to smile more since all the love she received during the jubilee celebrations. I'm glad she is enjoying herself.

  23. This pic is adorable and I'm mostly referring to the cute lil Queen.

  24. I love the royals, I too have heard she has a wicked sense of humor!!
