Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Portia De Rossi Spent May In Rehab

According to In Touch, Portia De Rossi checked into Passages in Malibu in the early part of May and stayed there for 30 days to get a handle on her drug and alcohol problem. Apparently Portia blamed Ellen for her substance abuse because Ellen is so controlling and that prior to heading into rehab, Portia wanted a divorce. The article goes on to say that Ellen visited Portia every weekend and that they are trying to work on making their marriage stronger. There have been rumors of a split for the past year, so this marriage might be on its last legs, rehab or not. I am glad Portia got some help though.


  1. If true, nothing but light and love to her. Addiction is a cunt.

    1. Yes it is Meanie. Yes it is.

  2. If their story is true. So Ellen isn't the fun nice lady she plays on television?

    1. It's in touch do you really think it's true?

    2. I've heard for years Ellen is a monster control freak on set and in her personal life.
      Wants everyone to go vegan almost bullying the staff.
      And she is obsessing and bitter over her ex marrying Melissa Ethridge

    3. She her controlling ways drive Anne heche crazy and she destroyed her career and black balled her from Hollywood as best she could

    4. She's bitter that a woman she dumped has moved on over ten years later? Come on. Also Anne Hache is a crazy bitch all on her own don't blame Ellen for that mess of a person.

  3. Hope it all works out for them. Whichever way they decide to go..together or separate.

  4. I call bs on the marriage problems but Portia has a history of addiction and such so I hope she gets help. I love her and what she's been through and overcome is inspiring. Hope everything works out.

  5. Anonymous11:03 AM

    poor portia. I like Ellen, but this doesn't surprise me. i figured there HAD to be some darkness to her. hope the work it out.
    ((tossing a bag full of love at their feet))

    OAN...Ellen's show wardrobe is to die for.

  6. Hope they're okay.

  7. Ugh, hope they stay together. Enough with the breakups! Ellen surely is controlling, but you knew that when you married her! Ellen's the one with the big career and that's always been the case.

  8. Actually ive read they having problems elsewhere as well. Hope it works out.

  9. I'll never believe Ellen is a mean/bad person. She does far too much good in the world, good that she doesn't have to do.

    1. Also if this is true addicts often blame everyone else for their problems so

  10. It's possible that Ellen was doing her best to keep Portia from relapsing and the addict part of her saw it as controlling. The addict mind is a strange thing.

  11. Dang,..I really like them.
    Hope it works out...but addiction is a beast of a thing

  12. Or the c word lol as I see @meanie called it:)
    Well done

  13. "Ellen is controlling"= she's not okay when Portia is drunk or high and she has a career
    Has Portia not a past of substance abuse ?

  14. Anonymous11:10 AM


    that is a very smart point there.

  15. I've read before that Passages is one of the fronts for $cientology's Narconon centers. Anyone know if this is true? And I hope they get everything worked out.

    1. If that's true then that's the last place a lesbian should check in to.

  16. This gives me the sads.

    And @discoflux makes a good point.

  17. Meanwhile, Robin Williams really is in rehab (or so say TMZ).

  18. The truth often lies somewhere in between.
    It's not a stretch to imagine someone who is the boss in all their professional dealings coming home and asserting authority at home, especially when they are the primary breadwinner.
    Portia does have a history of drug abuse and eating disorders.
    That doesn't make her "wrong" automatically. Most addicts have a tendency to be attracted to people who are controlling or just are assertive.
    I'd bet Portia liked Ellen steering initially.

    1. I just think the word "controlling" has a lot of negativity attached to it. She may be more assertive in the relationship and that doesn't have to be a bad thing but when a person is trying to help an addict get help they can often be seen as the bad person.

  19. Sorry for the novel. I *may* have taken dental painkillers about an hour ago.
    I'm in the sweet zone.

  20. Portia wrote a book about her eatting disorder, haven't heard about drug use, but wouldn't be surprising if she uses some scripts to get through her day.

  21. Kudos to Ellen for working so hard for Portia and the marriage. She must have no shortage of cute young women throwing themselves at her.

  22. also way to pick the one picture that they look like they hate each other

  23. No one is Disney Perfect hell not even Disney.

  24. Portia used to be so pretty but she destroyed her face with plastic surgery.
    I hope those two work out their issues, they seem like a great couple.

  25. It's In Touch, though, so they probably figured the day spa Portia checked into for a mani/pedi/massage was code for rehab. My 2 year old niece can write better fiction.

  26. So a chick that fakes being a lesbian because it would be easier than actually having talent marries a rich chick so she has an easy life, gets addicted to booze and pills so she doesn't have to look herself in the mirror has a breakdown and second thoughts on the fake lifestyle? There's a story here?

    1. The was a lesbian all through the Alley Mcbeal 90s too. Not an Anne heche situation

    2. But Ellen did recently hire Heidi Klum old bodyguard that broke up her marriage to seal. Hmmmm.

  27. why does the entry believe mags like in touch?

  28. Having worked with people who've worked with Ellen, I've heard "controlling" is the proper word. And kind of mean in a passive aggressive way.

  29. She needs to just go back to penis. That will solve 50 % of her problems . In all seriousness she needs to develop a relationship with God ..tap into her spirituality. Smh... feel bad for her. I hope she gets a clue.

    Going back to dick would help her though lol

  30. @eros what the hell is your problem

  31. @Meanie, according to religious homophobes yes. penis and god can cure anything if you're a woman.

    1. When it's a man it's God and pussy.

  32. Comedians almost always have a dark side. It's what gives them their edge. Ellen's playing to middle America at the moment, but if you look at her stand up, it's not all sweetness and light.

    I think it's a case of Ellen's the nicest person you're ever going to meet and she'd slit your throat if you said otherwise.

  33. I've seen all of her stand up specials and none of them have been even remotely dark or offensive so idk what you're talking about.

  34. Anonymous1:07 PM


  35. Portia blamed Ellen for her substance abuse? Did Ellen force the drugs down her throat?

    Portia was responsible for her own drug abuse and no one else.

  36. I could easily believe Ellen is controlling and has a dark side. But it is no fun living/dealing with an addict on a daily basis. I am glad they are working on their marriage and not just giving up.

  37. i want them to work. Stay strong for each other, ladies

  38. According to the South

  39. No not according to the south. Don't lump us all together, sugarbread.

  40. Yeah, Anne Heche was crazy when she got here. Can't pin that on Ellen. Whatever. I love Ellen and Portia and really hope they can work things out and go the distance.

  41. I don't find it hard to believe at all that Ellen has dark side. Besides being a comedian, she is also an actress. She is a very smart woman who has built a very lucrative career on being "nice" and charitable and caring. Do you really think someone can play that role 24/7? She probably IS a bitch to her staff and Portia likely deals with a nightmare at home

  42. The "dick and god cures all" thing is creepy. Dicks and gods have created a lot of problems in the world and made some problems they didn't create worse.

    Portia was wired and gay the entire time she was on Ally McBeal. Ellen is probably difficult, most comedians are control freaks.

    Promises Malibu is supposedly re-hab light.

  43. @Eros, what a lot of shit. Being with a vag can be just as wonderful or as terrible as being with dick. Can that BS.

    I hope Portia gets the help she needs and they can work it out.

  44. Portia has always seemed pretty fragile to me. Wounded birds attract people who want to take care of them. Most of the time she probably appreciates it, other times it grates. Most spouses go through phases like that.

  45. How convenient. A tabloid substantiated your reveal. What luck.

    I swear enty, you are a real piece of dog doo.

  46. I can believe that Ellen is controlling and I agree with @Scallywag that Portia always seemed fragile. I just hope Portia can get the help she needs to kick her addition issues.

  47. About Ellen being controlling - I always loved her tv show. She's so light and funny and the dancing makes me feel so happy. But then I saw her do some behind the scenes stuff involving her assistant. They weren't scripted segments and at times she was somewhat nasty to her assistant and seemed like a different person. I remember thinking then and there that the Ellen we see on tv is a character. You don't become that successful by being a nice person. After that segment I didn't like her as much anymore.

  48. I knew the rumors were true when Ellen addressed them by saying all she and Portia fight about is who loves the other more. I can't believe her PR people didn't tell her what a red flag that would raise. She'd have been much better off saying, "Of course we fight, everyone does, but we love each other and so we work it out and move forward."

  49. I hope they weather this storm. It's truly hard to admit the problem and then get help too. Wishing them both the best.

  50. Ugh home skillet up there reminds me of a debate we had in my class today (summer school is a bitch y'all, especially combined with an unpaid internship and full time job). This one woman's point was, in HER religion homosexuality is a sin and since HER god says it is, that's how the world should be run The obligatory "if we allow gay marriage, whats next? Marrying couches or lizards?". She then demanded everyone who believed in god raise there hand and stated "I better see every one of y'all raise your hand". That class didn't really end well. Sorry, that comment above just gave me a reason to vent about intolerance at it's finest. Have your opinion and own it, but accept that others lead different lives than you and that doesn't make their lifestyle wrong.
