Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Orlando Bloom Tried To Punch Justin Bieber

Apparently Orlando Bloom must have been drinking heavily again because he threw a punch at Justin Bieber yesterday that Justin managed to duck and yell, "What up b**ch," before heading out of a club in Ibiza they were partying at. Later yesterday Bieber quickly posted and then deleted a photo of Miranda Kerr on his Twitter so that is probably what all of this is about. Justin is rumored to have hooked up with Miranda and Orlando finally had his chance at revenge, other than getting drunk one night with Selena Gomez.  Ten drinks and a telegraphed punch and he let the skinny, barely can grow any hint of facial hair kid make Orlando look stupid. You would expect better from Orlando. This is a guy who made Lord Of The Rings and Pirates Of The Caribbean movies. Movies with fight scenes and swords and lots of punches. All Bieber does is usually yell with his girly voice before having his bodyguards get in the way while Bieber threatens you.

A separate thought for this. No one was going to jail yesterday if a punch was landed. It is Ibiza and this kind of thing happens. That being said, you have to give some credit to Justin for walking away. If there had been an arrest made, Justin is probably going to go to jail here in the US. So, good for him for walking away.


  1. Replies
    1. Honestly, I'm a little disappointed in Orly; he's too old to be acting like this.

    2. Yeah Orlando!

      But honey, your ex-VS-fame-whore baby mama - is not worth the trouble.

      Remember - you were just a stepping stone for her to get to a bigger bank account sugar daddy.

      And Miranda's been with everyone. So don't waste your time, money or sanity on her Johns

  2. Woo! And Charlie calls it!

  3. Bieber, Billionaires & Bloom. Oh my.

  4. With all the important news going on in the world right now, the New York Post decided this was the most important and put it on the front page as the biggest news of the day.
    Too bad Orlando couldn't even sober up enough to hit the little twerp.

  5. Meh. Both are a couple of weenies.

  6. Beibs has been listening to "The Gambler". He knows when to fold 'em. Knows when to walk away; knows when to run.

  7. @MeanieRhysie


  8. Oh Orli, i couldn't love you more.

  9. Anyone remember when LOTR was out and Orli was the biggest star on the planet? Those fans made the beliebers look like amateurs.

    Part of me wishes that punch had landed. Bieber must have been pushing it.

  10. I'm not sure what's more degrading, to be cheated on by your supermodel wife with Justin Bieber, or to dignify it with a missed blow.

  11. Good job Charlie! You correctly guessed Enty's lead!
    Orlando, you have LAND in your name, in fights, other people duck! Stomach first Then uppercut! Jeesh.

  12. I know Orlando is too old for that shit, but I would love for Bieber to get a punch in the face. If it had landed though, his bodyguards would have probably beat Orlando pretty badly so it's all for the best. I can understand Orlando's frustration. Still can't wrap my head around Miranda sleeping with Bieber. I can't wrap my head around *anyone* sleeping with Bieber.

  13. Oh come now, everyone wants to punch the Biebs. Just look at him and you want to smack him upside the head.

  14. Look I don't support violence against women buuuut if anyone should have been punched it's Miranda for riding beibs peen for 30 seconds. Because we all know he would have blown his load quickly

  15. Lotta - All I could think when I read that was "Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica."

  16. This sounds like an Onion headline.

  17. Orlando ought to bring in Freddie Prinze Jr. as a tag team partner. He hates short people. Freddie, please leave Peter Dinklage alone.

  18. Neither Miranda nor Beiber are worth the effort it took to swing. But, probably this wasn't so much about her and more that a little punk getting one over on a movie staahhh.

  19. Too bad Bloom didn't manage to connect and level the little punk. I would have loved reading that.

  20. If this is true, the real news is that he had only booze in his body. Really? In Ibiza's summer at night? Because most males above 18 wanna punch the Beaver, only we have not the chance to do it or the lack of morals to beat a midget up.

  21. I like Orly now.

  22. cant believe bloom took the bait

  23. Bieber is surrounded by bodyguards, I highly doubt Legolas took a shot at him with the nannies around.

    But I still wanted him to say, "FORTY FOUR!"

    1. There's a video on DM, he certainly tried!
      I just can't get my head around a woman over 18 sleeping with beiber, shudder

  24. Maybe he didn't mean to hit him and just wanted to mak. Bieber flinch. Scare him a bit.
    Lainey just posted about this about a 2nd guy Miranda hooked up with 2 days later but 20 yrs older.

  25. This makes me sad for Orlando.

  26. I'm sorry if Miranda cheated on you for some of that pencil peen...GOOD EFFING RIDDANCE.

    Orlando you should've just slept with Selena. duh!

    1. He did in march.
      Photos are too funny. They are totes drunk and high

  27. I cannot believe Enty is Team Bieber on this....

  28. I read on Jezebel that after Bieber left everyone applauded.

    And I agree with Brenda, Enty is certainly putting his own spin on this story.

  29. Oh that makes me sad for Orlando. Really, if your woman is going to cheat on you with the Biebs, let her go. Seriously just let her go. She has serious mental issues.


  31. I bet a whole lot of people wish they were in Orly's shoes and were able to actually connect.

    The world's problems could be solved if we could all punch Bieber for a dollar. Hell I'd even pay $10.

  32. I think they both hate each other

    Justin for the night O spent with Selena (one?)

    and O for Beiber's hook up with Miranda

    not sure which one started the one upmanship though

  33. The video in case you're interested. It's not very interesting. And Biebs threw gang signs afterward because he's a man like that.

  34. Let's look at the tape......Uh..looks like more of a shove to me!

  35. I don't think it's "Points to Biebs for walking away." I think it's "Little bitch got the fuck out while he had his teeth."

  36. wait wait wait. is THIS enty a blieber?

    bye gurl!

  37. I think Justin walked away because he knows Orlando could kick his little boy butt. And I have a hard time believing that Miranda hooked up with him. He looks and acts like a child.

  38. Orlando should have aimed lower.

  39. Bieber posted a photo of Miranda in a bra. I guess he was trying to make it seem that Bieber took the photo himself. The photo was actually from a VS photo shoot and has appeared inside their catalogues. #Fail.

  40. Orlamdo bloom just looks like a girly man as all get out. He looks like the type of dude that you would say'SHUT THE FUCK UP, PUNKBITCH'. And he would damn well do it. Not a bad looking guy but seems dull. Hes probably a really sweet person though. I guess im saying I can understand how a girl of miranda's caliber bored of him but its no excuse to cheat. Shes a scumbag for doing that and karma will find her. So far as biebs, I always get shit from my friends for this, but I like him. Hes a severe asstard but he's an entertaining one. Lol

  41. Thank you Orlando...for doing what the rest of the world wishes it could do.

    I can't stand the sight of Biebs, the man-child. He looks and acts like he's 12. Anyone could kick this little punks @ss...even the delicate looking Orlando.

  42. How tall is Justin Bieber?

  43. There oughtta be a law. Boys need to be able to grow some facial hair before getting tats or at least sleeves.

  44. Good for him for walking away?! His security stepped in. And if JB had been by himself, he probably would have run away crying. Let's not pretend he was the bigger man here.

  45. Orlando missed, because one of Bieber's bodyguards blocked it. You can see it clearly in the video. I wish he would have leveled the little punk. If anybody deserves a good punch in the head, it's him.

  46. Orlando for the WIN! The body guards Biebs won't be able to afford in a few years are all that keeps him alive. Biebs doesn't realize he doesn't have enough money or inches anywhere on his body for Miranda! While Gomez may have like Biebs, she's gone over to the other side, and no one will care about either of them in a couple of years, and Orlando will still be popular and working.

  47. Anonymous11:05 PM

    "Good for him" for walking away? It wasn't a reasoned decision it was simply him being his usual giant coward self.
