Monday, July 28, 2014

Off Topic

Where is a three day weekend when you need one?


  1. Hmmm. Where's the big blind of the day?

  2. Next week in Canada! Monday is a holiday, woot!

  3. Dont know. But.... This weekend, on Fri actually, i took ferry from new london ct to orient pt , li, ny. I was outside on ferry when a woman said its a beautiful day, and i agreed as it was. She said she was glad because she was a photographeron her way to photo wedding. In the hamptons. Further says, she just got a call a while ago( it was about 930, 10am), she just got phone call where to go. She wld get further instructions when she got yhere. Bride very nice and had rented 2 venues- one fir wedding, one for recep. So it had to be moneyed affair, and someone concerned about security. We chit chatted and went our seperate ways. Later, i realuzed, I NEVER ASKED HER WHO IT WAS!! So i winder whi git married fri in a posh hush hush wedding? Anyone? And clearly i will tighten my spy skills for future!

    1. We need someone to suss this out, @auntliddy! Not me, of course, because...well, everyone knows I don't make guesses! :)

  4. At the beginning of September or one sick day away, take your pick.

  5. It's only a sick day away

  6. Late May and early September every year.

  7. Start your own practice and work for yourself, Enty, that's where the 3 day weekend is.

    I had high blood pressure from age 17 through 47, till I got married and started working with my husband in his business. Now we work according to our energy levels. If we're feeling great, we'll put in super long hours. If we need a day off, we take it. We work from home so there is no commute time.

    Now my blood pressure is a bit below normal. I'm well rested for the first time in my adult life, even though I'm working as much as I ever did, but it's according to my own internal clock.

    Anyway, you asked, so that's my answer. :-)

  8. I work 9/80 work schedule so every other week is a three day weekend and when a Monday holiday falls right, it's a four day werkend. Yay.

  9. @califblondy, I also do the 9/80 schedule, but mine never seems to align with Monday holidays--it's still nice because I get three 3-day weekends in a row that way.

  10. I can't complain today is my first day back after a week in St. Maarten. I'm having a little work shock though. ..

  11. I'm all for puttin mandatory 4 day work weeks on the ballot. 3 day weekends offer the opportunity to actually have a day off! I hate going to events (snot-nosed kiddie parties, cookouts, baptisms, etc...) when all I want to do is binge-watch whateverthefuck show in my PJs! 3-day weekends would allow for two days of annoying events and one day to actually relax. Vote Snootches for President! I'd never forget the little people.

  12. Snootches you got my vote!

  13. I got blindsided by my BF of 5 1/2 yrs yesterday - I could have used another day for sure. Dumped unceremoniously. I've been trying to keep it together all day, & not doing a very good job.

    1. I'm sorry, Junkie, all the good vibes your way. Do you have any ice cream? Can you get some?

    2. I wish I could! I can't even keep water down - it feels like someone is just grinding my innards!

    3. Any thank you TTM - I appreciate the positive thoughts.

    4. That really sucks, Junkie. One foot in front of the other. It will be tomorrow before you know it. And it will get better. And yw, cool chickie

    5. I'm mostly worried about my kids. I'm making him come over tonight to tell them. They just think he's the greatest. That's the hardest part!

    6. What a douche!!!! The blindside!!!!! Piece of shit! Dont worry, we got ur back. Hugs.

    7. Thank you, auntliddy!!

    8. I'm glad you're having him do it, I remember hearing a couple of those talks when I was a kid.

    9. How did the talk go, Junkie?

  14. TV Junkie, I am so sorry! You will be okay, just time.

  15. Sounds like you're on the grief diet, TV Junkie. Not fun. Keep your chin up!

  16. Where are the 6 winning lottery numbers when you need them?

  17. HeisenHugs to Junkie!!!

  18. Carlos Slim (the second richest guy in the world) said that everyone should work 3 days a week, 11-12 hours, and work into their 70s. I think that would suck, quite frankly. I could do a 4 day work week, but I really wouldn't want to work past 60-62.

  19. I have a 3 day weekend coming up at the end of this week. It's BC Day, celebrating our Province.

  20. Coming up this weekend. Doesn't make a difference to me, though. Every day is exactly like the one before. I rarely know what day of the week it is.

  21. Next Weekend in Switzerland. Fri. Aug. 1 is National Holiday.
    You're welcome...
