Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Off Topic

So, four more years until we all care about soccer again.


  1. Not in my house, we have a subscription to the Soccer Channel…

  2. Dont they do soccer in Summer Olympic games Enty?

  3. I've actually gotten pretty into soccer now. Plus Houston has a really good team. Time for me to start going to games!

  4. Never have, never will. Carry on witch ya bad selves, all who do.

  5. Orlando has a new soccer team they signed a guy named Kaka yesterday a really big deal apparently. But I have a problem with naming someone something bebehs do.

  6. Oh the fun in this house starts again in August. Louis is probably leaving Liverpool, Moyles was sacked by Man Utd. It's an open playing field this year people. You're all invited round for beer and crisps every Saturday and Sunday afternoon.

    1. But Van Gaal is coming to OT so yay for me and mine. Happy days again. You're a scouser, right?

    2. Luis Suarez needs to get got.
      And Moyes wasn't the right fit. Good manager, bad time.
      Can Not Wait for next season!

  7. Fuck that, there were some amazing saves in yesterday's game! ...Says the girl who swore she wasn't going to watch it.

  8. If it's not booze, cars, men, or money I just don't care.

  9. If it's not booze, men, money, or cars I simply don't care.

  10. Not in my house, either. Don't care about soccer now, won't care about it four years from now.

  11. Ill think aboot that Violet...they show all the English League games on Tv here now...just cant see being drunk at 8am.

  12. Book Club stuff! Asking for book and or movie suggestions for the next meet, which is July 29. Clicky on my profile! Ty. As you were.

    FTR, I never cared about soccer

  13. I have cousins who've played professionally. One of them was in the Jr Olympics. Football (soccer) is big in our family.

    I frankly can't be arsed about it though.

  14. I'm ready for football season!

  15. I'm ready for the Tour de France!!!

  16. I agree Enty, I care only during championships of most sports except American football. I buy the DirectTV football ticket and watch as many games as possible.

  17. The Dutchies are still in, so I'm still in.

    I watch Toronto FC games on the TV occasionally.

  18. I have friends who watch Formula 1 racing early Sunday mornings, the price you pay for being fans of European athletes

  19. It'll be salt and vinegar flavour crisps Sandy. We go the whole hog when we have guests.

  20. Nope. Next year is the women's World Cup and I'll care about that a hell of a lot more than I did this years World Cup.

  21. Never cared about it now.

  22. I only know that soccer is in the Olympics because of Mia Hamm taking off her shirt after winning.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      It wasn't Mia it was Brandi Chastain

  23. This is a Gunner house through and through

  24. More like 'till the twelfth of never at my house.

  25. Uh, I never cared and never will. Playing it in school made me hate it. Team sports are a definite nope for me. Well, except basketball, love to watch it.

  26. I'm on board with Omar - Real FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    E A G L E S!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Kaká is not really the biggest deal. He has been a former player for a couple of years. He will probably be great in the US (as Villa will be in NY), because your league lacks real quality, but in Europe he has been like a crippled dude.

    Now you Americans can watch sports where crackers are just tokens, and the players are criminals in their main percentage (not related to race, just to nationality) like basketball, your football (best named as hand-stewiegriffin, or baseball).

  28. There are far more people who do actually watch and care about footy than you might think.
    USA did fantastic yesterday. I was hoping they'd go all the way to the final, with the Dutch winning, but it wasn't meant to be.
    In fairness, the Belgium team all first team players. A lot of champs on that team.
    My weekends revolve around footy. I grew up watching it.
    GGMU and the reds go marching on on on!

  29. Was dead impressed with the US footie team but at the end of the day they lacked that end product in the box. Belgium absolutely deserved to go through.

    But yeah, 'mon the Netherlands and Man Utd in Aug!

  30. We could talk about wrestling, specifically about Kurt Angle returning to TNA! I am unreasonably happy about it, now if only RVD would get on over to TNA then my life would be complete!

  31. Nope. We love soccer in my house. For those of us who live in the NY/NJ area (Count, I'm talking to you), you really need to hit a NY Red Bulls game. They are a BLAST!

  32. Orlando does have a team... but no one in Orlando really cares. I'll be interested in the next World Cup should the USA win a couple games. Until then... basketball has my cheering section.

  33. Not me.........Premier League, La Liga, Ligue 1 and Serie A. August to May.

  34. Nope. I love football (both NFL and soccer-type) and will watch it every chance I get. So do two of my three sons. The third doesn't like any sports at all.

  35. I didn't care this YR and I won't care in 4 YRS either.

  36. Women's World Cup is next year in Canada. Maybe Hope Solo will stay out of prison long enough to participate.
