
Monday, July 14, 2014

Off Topic

Is anyone even watching True Blood this season?



  1. I'm trying to, but it's tough, it's so bad

  2. Yep. Been with it since the beginning, so I feel the need to see it through to the end, no matter how bad/stupid it is

    1. Exactly @VIP I have to see how it ends and nothing can be worse than the last season(s) As long as she ends up with Bill I'll be ok but the whole gun toting right wing mob ridiculousness is making it hard!

    2. I bet if they renamed it Real Housewives of Bon Temps, Enty would be all over it like stink on shit.

    3. My feelings exactly. It can't be a worse ending than Dexter. (Hoping I didn't speak too soon).

  3. That show's still on? I wait until it hits Netflix DVDs. Since I read the books I feel like I need to watch the show.

    1. It went completely off book a few seasons ago, so don't bother. If you liked the books it will only frustrate you.

    2. @Sandyclaws agreeeeee++

      Just reread the books, save yourself the rage.

  4. Yes but not on Sundays after last week. Masters of Sex and Ray Donovan come frist. Only a few episodes left.

  5. I'm trying also but so far it's lame

  6. Nope. Still catching up on last season. Been with it since the beginning, and only watch as a courtesy.

  7. I never made it through the first episode.

    1. Gayeld I'm with you there. Thought it was stupid from the get go.

  8. I am and it's difficult to do so.
    Last night's episode was terrible.
    Plus killing off Tara and Alcide the way they did was idiotic.

  9. Yes, I am. but only because of the Beyoncé concert footage. Make it much more bearable.

  10. Nah, it's the summer of smut! Memorial Day to Labor Day I read as much junk/beachy/smut I can get my hands on. Then in the Fall I go back to the more cerebral books.

  11. The last two episodes have been such a shitshow snoooozefest. So bored. But can't stop, I've dedicated myself for this long, I have to get my closure! TB seems to be going down just as badly as Dexter, it's truly tragic and almost insulting

    Here is the BEST article I've seen on the impending ending of TB...everyone MUST DIE (except for my LaLa of course)

  12. Sure. Been with it since S1 and want to see how they resolve it. Or not.

  13. And I'm glad they killed Alcide. He was drop dead hot at first but then got too fake werewolfy with his voice becoming cartoonish and growly. He didn't belong with Sookie! I think if they get rid of all the different monster groups and keep of course the vampires, very few faeries and few of whatever Sam is, it can work. It was a clusterfuck of monsters that was so stupid for way too long.

  14. The pacing this season is TERRIBLE. And yes, I'm watching, but haven't watched last night's yet.

    Lafayette (mostly) makes up for all that's bad.

  15. Oh, and they're obviously (at least to me it's obvious) setting it up to put Bill and Sookie back together. Possibly to make up for... well, I don't want to spoil the books. (Which I haven't read, but I heard all about.)

  16. I've watched since the beginning, so I am hanging on until the end. Plus, I just love me some Eric Northman. He is so Fing HOT!!! Agree though the last two seasons and so far this season are so horribly cheesy!!! Over the top cheese.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I never have but especially not now that BDR is gone. We found a new show called The Strain on Sunday nights, WAY more awesome!

  19. Ya. Same as everyone else. I'm invested at this point and need to finish it.

  20. Yes. But WTF is going on with 'the leftovers'?

    1. Supa- i gind that shiw pointless and boring. Read synopsis of book and equally boring. Story just doesnt go anywhere. Stopped watching it. Now Mr Liddy thinks its greatest show ever, and i just dont get it.

    2. Thats supp to be ' i find that show '. Sigh.

  21. If you had walking dead, I would have been all over this thread. I cant wait until the new season is on. I know its a long time away but still can't wait. Cant wait for homeland too...

    Never watched tb. I think I may have tried at one point a couple of years ago but was bored to tears.

  22. Yes. Sarah Newlyn is back so that's a positive. It almost makes up for all the screen-time given to Lettie Mae this year. God, that character is annoying.

  23. Yes, but after the great nudity of episode 1 they are too involved in action. I would like to see Sookie's ass one last time and a full frontal shot of the firecrotch baby vamp.

    I am also VERY pissed off that the blond ex wife of the Reverend turned vampire wouldn't show titties again during the sex scene w/ the guru. Fan pics of her tits on stage are available on the internet, so it really grinds my gears that the bitch won't show em in HD.

  24. It goes somebody whines, somebody dies, repeat....

  25. All I can say about the author, whom I've met and spoken with on several occasions and whom we have friends in common, is that she keeps her mouth shut and laughs all the way to the bank. That is all. :-)

  26. Eric and Pam are the show. . The rest sucks

    1. +1!! He is hot. She is hilarious. Referring to Sookie as a "gash in a sundress" omg too funny.

  27. My hubby, mr liddy. I never did. Blood is not sexy.

  28. The blinds tiday? Not happening for me. All about teens or tweens or nick crap or the housewives. Im not a kid, and abhor the whole hw crap. Pls do better tomorrow, enty! Lol

  29. A little OT okay a lot but on the order of stupid I watched "Gravity" last night. It was all sorts of bad to me.

    1. Sherry, that movie made me so tense, im thinking, just go in, stop walking in space!! And once they got in im like dont ever leave ship again, but of course she did!!!! Thought it was pretty good.

    2. Sherry, I didn't like Gravity either. My husband and I spent the whole time telling Bullock's character what a dumbass she is. No one would let someone that incompetent to go to space. I would've rather watched Clooney's character trying to get back to Earth. A small part of me wanted her to die for being so stupid.

    3. And the oomphs and ugh's from
      Sandra reminded me of Portman in The Black Swan. Making gutterul noises isn't much acting and a looper probably did those anyway.

    4. Pip-Stupid??!! She repaired hubble, piloted an american, chinese and russian spaceship. She ejected and used fire extinguisher to get to chinese space ship. Then piloted reentry, kanded in lake, capsule went on fire, she bailed, took off spacesuit underwater, surfaced and reached land. Now you may not have liked the movie, but she was in no way dumb.

  30. Yes, because I'm nested in the series, having watched it right from the start. Sad that it's ending though and that a lot of my favorite characters had to find true death (like Nan Flanagan and Alcide Herveaux).

  31. I meant "invested" not "nested". Where did that come from?

    1. It sounds really cosy, though, Zoe!

  32. Last seasons faerie story line was AWFUL and boring and FORCED.

    The vamp story line was marginally better. Now I'm watching just to see it through to the end.

  33. Now that Ray Donovan has started nope! It's getting shoved to on demand!

  34. yep even though its bad

    but maybe not as bad as last year

    I also feel like I need to see it through

  35. I still like Anna P. and hope she gets a better gig when TB is done

    and same with the girl who plays Jessica-she is lovely

    but I can bear to watch the actor who plays Bill-ugg-I've seen him in some other stuff and he is equally awful

  36. I'm watching and the show has officially jumped the shark. It's been bad for the last 3 seasons. Luckily for us and HBO this is the last season.

  37. Yes...and it's really bad. I feel like I have to force myself to watch it on Sunday, because I'm in the home stretch. I think there's only like 5 or 6 episodes left.

  38. I'm finishing it since I've watched this much. Last night's was better, mostly due to 80s Pam and Eric. I could watch that ALL DAY.

  39. Thank God Eric is. Back. I love Laayette, Arlene, Sam, Eric and Pam. Without Eric I was falling alsleep watching the show. I don't enter Sookie with Bill. Damn!,

  40. I wanted to like it, even read five of the books first but I just couldn't stand Bill.

  41. I will watch almost anything to get my Skarsgard fix.

    Even the worst episodes have moments where they amuse me mightily.

    So, yes, I'm watching. :)

  42. I have some respect for the actor who plays Bill. He's British (English? not sure), and he does a creditable Louisiana accent, I think.

    I hope the actress playing Jessica gets something good, too. I like her.

    I've loved a good vampire mythology since Anne Rice brought it back all sexy-like. I think the first season of TB was probably still the best. Once it all got into that Michelle Forbes character I was... "WHAT?"

    Don't want to see Gravity. I have a hard enough time watching films done under water.

  43. I coulding get through Season 3 (I think it was Season 3, but I'm willing to try again...but ya'll are KILLING me with the spoilers!

  44. You blasphemous bitches! Yes, still watching. Yes, first few episodes were shite.

    But last night's episode was fantastic - back on track and I hope it stays that way for the rest of the finale season.

    RIP True Blood, land of hot bods, kinky sex and Viking hotness.

  45. Nah, I prefer doing something I can really sink my teeth into.

  46. @TTM, The Strain is based on a book trilogy by Guillermo del Toro, and they're really great reads. I'm loving the show as well.

    Like most who are watching TB, we feel obligated. Lafayette and Pam get the best lines, and have become the only reason we watch.

    1. @Cornbread, yes Hammer Girl is a big del Toro fan and we watched it on Book Club on Sunday, it was awesome! We're talking aboit doing to books too.
