Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Off Topic

At least with no one in the office I should be able to drink while I watch the game this afternoon.


  1. I work tonight UGH. I hate night Games.

  2. Y'all might want to check out Alcoholics Anonymous.

  3. I was under the impression that whether people were in the office or not was not a deciding factor in whether you imbibed?

  4. You let the Enterns go home early? That's nice of you.

  5. Is enty still a practicing enty?

  6. Anonymous10:52 AM

    GAWD, that would be awesome to drink wine whilst at your desk pretending to work.

    1. Fancy I once went on a work trip to a factory in France where they had those little bottles of wine in the staff canteen for a lunchtime tipple. Health and safety would faint in shock here.

    2. I want to go to there.

    3. I used to work in an architects and some lunchtimes and certain Friday afternoons we'd be drinking wine and beer at our desks. Ah, the good oul days.

  7. I always drink at work. How else am I suppose to stay sane?

  8. Anonymous11:12 AM


    the more i hear of the french lifestyle the more i like them. lol

  9. How're ya gonna get home?

  10. You can also surf porn without fear of getting caught.

  11. The first company I worked at had a bar in the building. Quite a few people would spend every lunch time there. It was different in the 80's, we all worked 9-5 then.

  12. Screw soccer! I don't care what the American team does in it even though I am one of the most patriotic people you will ever meet. Why? Because I pledge allegiance to Rock and Roll and Soccer does NOT in any way, shape or form Rock.

  13. I just want to know why no one told me the US had a fine ass guy with tattoos and dreads?! Hello that's 2 of my 3 bad decisions and I don't have to leave my couch to see him.

  14. It must be sad for you Americans to be (likely) defeated by a country you cannot put on a map, and probably you didn't know existed until a month ago.

    1. I know where Belgium is. Hercule Poirot is from there.

  15. Who has to wait for everyone to be gone before drinking at work? Here in Seattle, I'm sitting in the lunchroom, with about a hundred coworkers. The latino club is bringing a beer keg. If they don't bring the keg down, I'll just head upstairs to my department's break room and tap either the beer keg there or the wine keg. Ah, I love the tech culture...

  16. I work from home. I drink when and where I want. Except that I don't drink. *L* And NOTHING will get done if I don't wait until the end of the day to get stoned...

    1. Cee Kay
      It's funny. I work from home and am productive once I smoke but it's for pain relief.

  17. What's your poison Enty? Are you a beer man? Vino? Cocktails?
