Thursday, July 31, 2014

Murdered Teen Texted Boyfriend, 'I Think I'm Being Kidnapped'

14 year old April Millsap went missing while walking her dog. At one point she texted her boyfriend and said, "I think I'm being kidnapped." She was found dead a couple of hours later after her dog led some joggers to the body. The boyfriend and her family are not considered suspects or persons of interest. Authorities wasted a lot of time chasing a lead about a grey van seen in the area and people all over Michigan were looking for it when police decided that the suspect probably was driving a motorcycle. The photo above is April and a sketch of what the murderer looks like. I wonder if she would have had time to run if she hadn't texted. Maybe she just got that one text out before the killer got her to stop.


  1. Let's wonder that shall we Enty?

    Poor little soul. Same age as V jr 2. I can't even begin to imagine.

    1. Parents worst nightmare,doesn't bare imagining

  2. Oh that is so sad. So tragic.

  3. This is extremely sad. Good thoughts to her family and friends.

    What is happening that a child can't even walk her dog? jeez.

  4. I read this and thought to myself she was able to get a text out but could not take a pic of her assailant, surroundings, nada?? Poor girl, I hope they find whoever did it.

  5. This happened in my community, the rumor mill says she didn't send that text, but her assailant did.

    Also, google Oakland County Child Killer and see why a lot of people are very worried about this incident.

    1. That was a terrifying story to read.

    2. Ray yes, it was/ is. Hooe they find this killer.

    3. Really upsetting. I hope they find this person

  6. She had her dog with her and the dog was not heard barking. The dog stayed with her body and alerted passerby who discovered her.

  7. I guess I want to know what the boyfriend did with this information? Did he immediately call the 911? They could have located her general area through tower pings.

  8. My condolences to family and friends. Tough story. Let's keep this comment section respectful.

  9. This whole thing smells fishy to me. If she was being kidnapped how did she even have time to write a text? If you were being kidnapped would you waste time texting someone rather than just running?

    1. Teenagers text every little thing to each other. She could have noticed someone acting oddly and sent it but not really thinking it was true. I'm sure she'd have dialled 911 if she really thought it. But whatever it's awful and full thoughts with the family

  10. All my love and sympathies and wishes for peace to her family. And i hope they catch perp asap.

  11. Whatever happened, the poor thing did the best she could. This hurts my heart.

  12. Odd story doesn't add up

  13. The dog didn't bark? My money's on the boyfriend, right now, no matter what the cops are saying.

  14. So...the kid from Modern Family did it?

    1. Isn't that the kid from Arrested Development?

  15. Vera - I'm downriver so also have been paying attention to this. What about the house they raided yesterday.

  16. The DM is reporting the have searched the home of a 66 year old registered sex offender. He was seen being taken away in handcuffs today. The police haven't said he was arrested for her murder. (they could have found some porn or something)

    I still think it sounds odd. I am curious about where the death occurred - if her body had been moved.

    I am hoping her family gets some answers.

  17. Scream, don't text.

    1. And scream fire, apparently help, rape often get ignored but screaming fire people bother with

  18. @gayeld - or Mark Zuckerberg

  19. Amy - they arrested (or maybe ticketed) the owners of that house (which looked like an episode of Hoarders) for pot possession. AFAIK, nothing else has come of it.

    Local news isn't reporting any arrests in this case.

  20. What I want to know is- how did they get the sketch? Someone saw him?

  21. Initially they were looking for someone on a motorbike and a grey panel van (or painters van) seen in the area. I'm guessing the same people who saw those vehicles (I think both have been ruled out) also saw this person in the area.

    Doesn't mean it's the perp, could be another witness. Either way it's scary that no one saw anything.

    I've also heard she regularly walked her dog on this route, was someone waiting for her?

  22. Fugly chicks never get kidnapped. Nature's self defense.

    Well, there was Gary Heidnik in Philly, but he was after SSI checks too.

  23. Ah yes, the arrest was for pot possession.

    My money is on the boyfriend, also.

  24. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I'm betting it was the boyfriend, too.

  25. Thanks, Count, Now I'm fully aware of who Heidnick is after going my whole life without ever even hearing his name lol! And I'm from that area!

  26. @Danielle: Yeah, that was around the time period where freaks where turning up in Philly regularly. Ed Savitz and his storage units full of soiled boys underwear is another one to wiki.

  27. Poor baby...don't blame the text! Blame the asshole who abducted and killed her! Calling or texting anyone is ideal if you can, unfortunately she happened to be picked up by someone who didn't plan on keeping her alive for long. But some do.

    I had two men try to chase me down and get me into their car last year after they followed me home from a bar. Luckily for me, they took off after I screamed that I had 911 on the line (I didn't...yet). RIP sweetheart.

  28. Sad. And I'm not sure that your second-to-last sentence doesn't smack of victim-blaming, Enty. :-/

  29. I don't know if Vera stated this before but this is a nice area kind of in the boondocks away from detroit. Not much happens up there

  30. I think the dog knew the murderer, thus no barking or attack. If the boyfriend has an alibi, maybe it was some other friend?

  31. The boyfriend did it

  32. Have to follow the crowd on this one. Dog not barking is fishy. Our dog barks like crazy at strangers. Will have to follow this story. RIP sweet girl.

  33. And this is in a gossip site because Napoleon Dynamite without specs is the murderer?


  34. Wait, wow, are they possibly connecting this case to the Oakland County Child Killer from nearly 40 years ago??? Or did I read that wrong, @Vera?

    Sad, so very sad. My sister lives just a few miles from where April lived and died. I remember well the OC Child Killings, I was just about the same age as Kristin (or Kristina) and Jill. Weird that I recall those names, and Timothy, too. The fear was palpable and it was all anyone talked about, all you saw when you turned on the TV. You had neighbors looking out for each other's kids; I remember the old guy across the street would sit out on his porch with his shotgun.

    Can't believe they never caught that guy. :(

  35. There is no link Meanie, but man, it was the first thing I thought of when I read about the case. I've seen other people mention it and her parents are the right age (ahem, about my age) to remember the case and the terror it instilled in the community.

    I can't believe OCCK is still out there either. Tim King's dad is still alive, I really want him to have closure, I don't think he's going to get it :(

  36. Enty, that was a cunty last sentence.

    For those saying it's the boyfriend, I'm sure they've looked at cell records to see where he was pinging when he got the text.

  37. @pink or maybe the police suspect the boyfriend already but publicly saying he's not a suspect is a way to keep him close until they have enough evidence

    1. that was my thought. Just because they're SAYING the BF isn't a suspect, doesn't mean he isn't.

    2. time may prove me wrong, but i can see the BF sending this text to his phone to suggest that he wasn't there.

  38. i use an app called kitestring that checks on you via text while you're out and about. if i go for a late night walk i can program it for a specific length of time to check on me & set it to automatically text specific people if i don't respond to it's check-in text. i've only used it once but it's a good thing to have. maybe she had something like that? idk.

  39. Thanks for mentioning that app lulu! It's a great idea. Downloading it.

  40. um, she was able to get a text out, but NOT DIAL 911?!?

  41. If the theory is the killer texted her boyfriend, how did he know who to text? If the intent was to kill her, why even suggest she was being kidnapped? Why not torment the bf with 'I think I am being killed.' The dog not barking is also suspicious. It would seem like the killer has some knowledge of the girl, her life and friends....

  42. I agree that there is more to this story. You don't have time to send an entire text with a difficult word to type out such as kidnapped, if you are in peril. You would dial 911 or make a call before you sent a text. Wouldn't you?

  43. to me - it sounds as if she's gotten into a car/van of someone she knows and then the assailant turned on her... she might have thought it was all a joke at first and them sent the text?????
    it sounds as if she definitely knew her killer...the dog not barking, the text it's as fishy as billingsgate market ...all very sketchy. so incredibly sad too x rip little one xx
