Monday, July 28, 2014

Mr. X Blind Items Revealed

May 30, 2014

15) Which busty brunette tried to buy up all copies of the pornos she did in her pre-fame days, but gave up when a British tabloid leaked a still of one?

Kelly Brook


  1. Second nail of the day woootwooot

  2. Isn't she the one who's meant to be paid by the men she dates so they can up their profile? I would have thought the odd bit of porn would help her cause tbh.

  3. I always get Kelly Brook and Katie Price mixed up.

    1. Katie Price would NEVER be ashamed of a bit if porn Sandy. She'd embrace it.

  4. Kelly was married to Billy Zane and Katie is the one I have a sex tape of as Jordan.

  5. Is it worth searching tube sites for this porn?

    1. @Count, here you go. There are links to some of her clips. I forgot about that stupid Piranha 3D movie. For some desperately trying to erase a porno past, she apparently didn't have a problem getting sand in all the wrong places.

  6. A model, that I only heard of because she's been posted on blogs with her no name body builder fiance.

    Her name makes me think of the "Weird Science" modle/actress, "Don't Hate because I'm beautiful".

  7. And I always get Katie Price confused with Jodie Marsh.

    1. Never! Not my Jodie! She's a million times the person pwicey wishes she was

  8. I have no idea who this woman is, but her hunky fiance has a Kanye-worthy workout ensemble! Pleather tank, jogging shorts, green weed socks, and clown shoes!

  9. Thanks for that seven. I love how Kelly is always posed with her arms up, usually above her head, to minimize the armpit vaginas.

  10. She never did any porn. Lotsa nude scenes, though. She's a classically trained actress who is typecast due to her physique. Now she relies on it for her bread and butter.

  11. Thank you!! I was just debating whether to pipe in and say I don't have the foggiest clue who the hell either of them are, & I'm too "meh" to even bother googling.

  12. What porn movie? She did Playboy cover,sexy pics and many nude scenes but there is no porn movies with her

  13. She was Jason stathams beard at one point too

  14. She was Billy Zane's beard, not Statham's.

    And I haven't heard of any still of a porn video printed in the British press. There may be some confusion with Keeley Hazell (another busty brunette, and a page 3 model who got a private tape leaked).

    1. She bearded for both, and I can't help but mention she's not the "all natural" she claims to be, which is fine, personal choice if you want any after market parts. But don't tell the rest of us you emerge like Venus perfect ( in your no make up selfies, where you clearly wear make up) not jealous just find her to be the poster child for disingenuous media.

  15. Count J
    Here are the Massive Mammeries

  16. @Cowbulls: WOW! Them some tremendous nips.

  17. She wasn't married to Zane, just engaged, she's engaged a lot ...
