Monday, July 28, 2014

Mr. X Blind Items Revealed

May 30, 2014

10) Which EGOT winner bought up her legendary mother's FBI files so they wouldn't be leaked to the press? They allegedly contain info about the mother's ties to far-left political groups with links to the Communist Party.

Liza Minelli


  1. and alllll that jazzzz

  2. FBI files can be bought?

    1. I'm reading "Official & Confidential" Life of J. Edgar Hoover, The crap he was up to with his spying on & catering to celebrities leaves me in little doubt it's not only possible, but probable.

  3. Somewhere over the rainbow, communists fly
    Reds fly over the rainbow
    Why then, oh why can't I?

  4. She bought FBI files? What is she, a closet $cientologist?

    1. Gawd damn it, I should no better than to drink anything while reading comments. *wiping Go Girl off monitor*

  5. I wonder how much mine would cost...

  6. A lot of good that did Liza, it's leaked anyway. Can she get a refund?

  7. So many entertainers belonged to the Communist Party then, or had links this is hardly surprising. Many people supported it, before the truth about Stalin was exposed.

  8. Wait you can buy FBI files?

    Don't think anyone would be surprised or care really if she had ties, if the involvement were heavy though maybe.

  9. No one would care now.

  10. Maybe through the Freedom of Information Act they can be obtained. I dont think you have to pay that way though but its possible.

  11. Between singing, bad marriages and wasted..who knew she had the time?

  12. Nowadays I think that would almost be a badge of honor, to have an FBI file like that. Nothing to hide.

  13. Judy would be in the right era…

  14. And the information in them is probably all bullshit anyway. During the McCarthy era it was a total witch hunt. Not a good part of US history.

  15. Does the FBI sell files?

    1. They have a buy 10 free 1 special.

  16. This is all so stupid. Why anyone cares who is a communist is beyond me, past or present. Liza must hv had her reasons. If this is even true. Now if u can bu FBI files, can you bribe ir hack into your social seecurity files to make your work history more impressive so u get a larger SS check??

  17. The clues aleady narrowed this blind down to a field

  18. So someone bribed someone over at COUNTELPRO? Color me shocked. Half of the text is probably redacted anyways

      Countintelpro is what I'll request for backup whenever there is a blind involving porn...

  19. Obama has a nice vacation house somewhere over the rainbow now

  20. FBI files are not for sale. Who exactly would you buy them from? The FBI is not a person. And anyway, if a media outlet wanted to know what's in Ms. Garland's file they just need to file a Freedom of Information request and they could get any info they wanted. Judy Garland has been dead long enough that no file on her is secret anymore. This story is bogus. Just another made up enty lie. Pretty harmless though. And Liza has no money to buy anything from anybody.

  21. I concur with everyone else: You cannot buy FBI files. They don't do yard sales and buying classified documents is a criminal act.

    Does Liza Minnelli think that she *did*, though, is another question. In which case, I have some oceanfront property in Kansas I would like to sell her.

    Or perhaps someone extorted Liza with "incriminating" documents and she paid so they wouldn't be turned over to the FBI? Why the feds would care after her mom is dead is beyond me but maybe she wanted to avoid any potential embarrassment?

    *shrug* I don't know, this just doesn't sound right.

  22. Almost of all of Hollywood is and always has been faaaaaaaar left. Liza should have saved her money. The file wouldn't be a shock to anybody these days.

  23. You'd think a lawyer would know you can't buy FBI files.

  24. In today's Hollywood liberal wacko world, if being a Communist hadn't been legitimized by Obama we could balance the budget with all the files purchased.

  25. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Honestly I don't see how that particular info would be worth the purchase, if it could be. There were lots of Hollywood big shots that got tied up with Commie links. As a lot of Hwood figures were or knew people who were duped or misinformed into becoming party members or participating in related groups in the 30s before they actually knew the horrors of the Russian Commie regime. It's the small bit of fact that sparked the McCarthy hearing bullshit, but it's been widely know since the late 40s. It wouldn't be new or controversial info at all to see that in old FBI files from that time. (...Maybe that was one of Liza's pill & drink induced dopey decisions. Also maybe why Liza doesn't as big a fortune as she does.)
