Sunday, July 13, 2014

Mr. X Blind Item #1

Which A++ list couple are deflecting attention from the lady's drug use finally coming to light? They're feeding the press fake info about their wedding, even though they supposedly eloped years ago.


  1. Duh. Brad and Ange.

  2. Replies
    1. Oops. A+++ I didn't comprehend at first.

    2. Yeah not DD.
      Isn't this heroin news as old as time though? ?

    3. Exactly Sugar T!
      After u save the womenand children of the world, the H, as well as tongueing ones brother, is well behind u.

  3. Leave my Angelina aloooone!

  4. I watched that video of Ange "smacked out" on H and it was really nothing interesting. She could have been hung-over for all we know---she was coherent etc.

    1. Concur with dereck, she looked tired in video, and spoke cohertently. Nothing to see there, move along.

  5. more BS. They didn't elope and there isn't any buzz about a wedding. Not Brad and Angie. She's not on drugs, she's just finished directing a movie.

    1. I think they we'd a few years back on Donna Karen private carribean estate over Christmas or new years

  6. I was going to say Ms Wool, I've seen nothing about a wedding. although it wouldn't be inconceivable for her to be on drugs though.

  7. If its due to the recent video released which brings up her "possible" H use in the past, I don't really see the need for current "deflecting" but PR people probably do. After all, PR people need do something in order to be paid.

  8. I saw this story and pix on a tab that also said "her family will be devastated to see these pictures," or something like that. Apparently, the tabloids just love the idea that they are hurting somebody's kids.

  9. Given all I've read, it strikes me that Angie is pretty much a constant and functioning user of heroin.

    I went to grad school with someone who wrote his doctoral dissertation while doing loads of heroin. The dissertation then won awards and was published as a book. He's now huge in his field. Hey, some people can handle recreational heroin, I guess.

  10. If shes been using for years, she could be able to function at a high level and be an active user.
    Acting! (*Jon lovitz voice*)

  11. I highly doubt Angie and Brad eloped years ago, neither of them are concerned with the piece of paper. Now that the kids are older, maybe.

    But of course this blind is about them.

  12. And I haven't seen any press about their wedding. Plus who is surprised about her past drug use?

  13. Anonymous8:38 AM

    on the surface it seems as if pitt went from one extreme to another in his choice of women but aniston and jolie are very much alike in one aspect...they are both selfish people.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. @figgy I think you can be a functional drug addict but I don't think you can be casual user of heroin.It's a highly addictive drug.

  16. Ted Casablanca used to have blinds that everyone assumed was Angelina.

    Saying this A list actress was getting synthetic heroin from a doctor, it is legal though beats me why a doctor would prescribe it in the first place and that she and others were using it to keep skinny amongst other things. I am assuming this was pre Adderall.

  17. "Finally" coming to light? Angelina has been pretty open about her drug use, her sexuality, and just about everything from back in the day. A bigger thing would be video and info about current drug use. Unless that is getting ready to come out.

  18. I am pretty sure they are already married but they no constantly talking aboot the never ending wedding sells magazine and gives them press for movies. They play the pr game like champions. Once you get married the press loses interest and Brad and Angie are obsessed with their image. As long as they never have the wedding they can constantly talk new fun exciting wedding ideas every time they have to promote something. .

  19. Of course this will not be revealed and nothing will come to light. Supposed to be Brangelina but I'm suspect as well. Heroin is hard to kick but it's not impossible. Doubt she'd still be using for years.

  20. I thought the rumor was that she was using some kind of morphine patch - something she had a prescription for. I can't see St. Angie putting everything on the line by trying to score H.

  21. Wasn't the reason for them not getting married yet, that they wouldn't get married until gay couples could?

    Well, gay couples CAN now but not in every state. I dunno how precise Brangelina were in their demands for gay coupledom before they would marry.

    But if they DID marry and didn't admit it, maybe it's because they didn't want to look like hypocrites if they broke the gay marriage promise.

    I can't think of any reason that people would CARE whether they're married or not.

    They're kind of boring. Neither of them ever says anything interesting and whatever sex appeal he used to have has kind of drained out of him.

  22. She's def on something

  23. Dictionary definition of synthetic heroin

    synthetic narcotic drug similar to morphine but less habit-forming; used in narcotic detoxification and maintenance of heroin addiction

    1. And yet, doctors prefer babies born addicted to heroin instead of methadone because it's easier and safer to detox them. Funny, that.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Naomi Watts/ Leiv S or Kate Hudson/Matt Bellamy as alternative guesses

  26. Medical dictionary says same thing but synonym methadone

    1. Methadone is also used -very effectively- for chronic pain. Just wanted to throw that out there. Not everybody on it is an addict.

  27. Like the point Sugarbread T made, dangling the marriage carrot in front of the public prob makes them feel powerful.

    I also think that they might like to avoid the fight over their fortunes in a nasty divorce.

  28. @Nutty, are you thinking Fenatyl patches? Well, find me a doctor who will prescribe those babies to me. Also, if this is meant to be Angie, she could be on Oxy's which are absolutely delicious but can still leave you functioning.

    Also wanted to add, never been a hater or a Brangaloonie, but I saw Maleficent and just LOVED her in it. Also saw her do various interviews for it, and she seemed to have her shit together, so I doubt she is still chasing the dragon, but could see her still doing oxy's.

    1. @Basil: I agree that Angie is probably strung out on oxy. Me thinks she relapsed after her breast surgeries, because I can't imagine she went through that without Rx narcotics. Be careful with that stuff, it is very dangerous and has killed many people that I know.

  29. Angelina has been completely open about her drug use. It was never a secret. That video contained no drug use and no drugs were even shown. It was a boring phone conversation that took place 16 years ago. Everybody yawn. Nobody cared. There have been no PR stories about a marriage and the stories about her filing suit against the DM were just rumors. Mr. X needs to go back to sleep.

  30. Yup, this is the advantage to being open about stuff, having no secrets. She's smart that way. And who cares if theyre married or not?
    Or getting married? Really.

  31. The most disturbing thing about that tape is that she never gave the the person on the other line time to speak. Very rude.

  32. @Pip, it's probably Jon Voight... It's safest to drown that ould blow-hard out ;)

  33. @pip lol Funny but true. She is supposedly talking to her father in that video (and it seems to have been taped post-Gia (which she won a Golden Globe for) and from what I could tell, it seems she was trying to help out a family member get a mortgage. My first thought was her mother, but apparently she was dead at the time. Other sources say it was about her brother.

    But the biggest thing that shocked me about the video (other than how completely mundane it was) was her dealer sitting there on the couch with a big assed camera and she never seemed to even notice it.

  34. That was an ugly article. Angie Jo has been very straightforward about her drug use. I don't think too many people give a sh*t. Both are doing so much good with their fame and money that it really doesn't matter anyway.

  35. I'm not a big Angelina/Brad fan (even though I grudgingly like almost every movie both have done), but I didn't even watch that leaked tape. I do troll Daily Mail but it is obviously a right wing gossip rag (meaning they are mostly full of shit) and so I take anything they post with a grain of salt.

  36. Kutcher and Kunis

  37. The video was very boring with Angelina. She just looked really thin and hungover, nothing much new.

  38. One, there is no such thing as casual heroin use. The white lady takes complete control of your life.

    Two I don't think this is Brad and Angie. Her past drug use is too well known for this to be them. She has been looking very thin lately but I still don't think it's them.

    Three there are no current marriage rumors about Brad and Angie.

    Duhamel and Fergie are married IIRC.

    Since Janet Jackson finally admitted that she's married someone I don't think this is her.

    I got nothing.

  39. That video of her smacked out that's old and on YouTube is way better. The new one is totally boring shit. And don't think that she hasn't been using since then.

  40. Angelina's drug use has always been out there. This video is not new. Andrew Morton wrote a bio about her 4 years ago and said she was on heroin the night she won her Oscar. There were also plenty of stills taken from that video. Plus early in her career she talked about everything. Cutting, wanting to be a funeral director, her bisexuality, knife obsession, etc... nothing was off limits. This was in the late 90s/early 2000s. So the "truth" is simply old news, if it's them. And I hope they did elope.

  41. Yes LowKey- methadone is one of the only meds that relieve neuropathic pain. And the prescription can be tiny. I take half the smallest dose (and have for years) and it gets me through the day with my RSD. I could go higher but I don't want to. The bare minimum that is effective is all I need.



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