Thursday, July 03, 2014

Louis Zamperini Has Died

Louis Zamperini, a member of the 1936 U.S. Olympic track and field team who survived repeated torture for two years as a Japanese prisoner of war during World War II, died Wednesday from pneumonia at the age of 97. A film entitled Unbroken, about his life and directed by Angelina Jolie is set to be released on Christmas Day.


  1. :( rip, mr zamperini

  2. Ah man, too bad he couldn't hon til tbe release. Sounds like he was quite a man!!

  3. Some of the emo pussies running around today should be time warped back to the 30s and toughened up. If you took the crop of 18-25 y/o we have today and put them in WW1 or WW2, we'd all be speaking German.

    RIP Hero.

  4. That book was amazing. RIP.

  5. Awww, look at his sweet face. RIP dude.

  6. A true hero and inspiration. RIP.

  7. Count, you made me spit up my coffee! +1.

  8. Unbroken was a terrific book. I don't know if I'll watch the movie, but the book was great. RIP Louis Z.

  9. RIP Louis, he was a good close friend of my stepdads. His name will live on forever in Torrance, California where our airport was named after him (My home town)

  10. @Guido: Fapping aint the only reason to saran wrap yer keyboard when I'm around.

  11. RIP Louis Zamperini. I'm glad your story is being told-you were a great inspiration... &,@Count J., boy, you DO make me smile so, thanks for that!!

  12. Once again, Count is the voice of reason!

  13. RIP Louis Zamperini: “All I want to tell young people is that you're not going to be anything in life unless you learn to commit to a goal. You have to reach deep within yourself to see if you are willing to make the sacrifices.”

  14. That's a great quote, @TinselSass.

    Some people are just...not like the others. All we can do is watch and, hopefully, learn.

  15. This man's life was so extraordinary, I kind of figured he'd just keep on trucking past 100. Rip, what an amazing man.

  16. I was hoping he would last a few months more but, still, living to 97 is another of Louis's great achievements. Angelina said he did see some of the movie footage. I hope he liked what he saw.

  17. RIP.

    Regarding to Jerkula's statement, this guy fought in the Pacific against the Japanese. You would be speaking that harder to learn than German besides.
    Anyway, learning German is always a good option (I know I should learn English or whatever language you write first, but that's my two cents).

  18. RIP. The movie will probably be really good.
