Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Lindsay Lohan Says She Is Through With Partying

For the millionth time, Lindsay Lohan gave an interview where she stated she is through with partying. This time she gave an interview to the BBC and she said that nightlife has nothing to offer her and that she is fully committed to her acting. No, she didn't use the word craft, but she probably is kicking herself for not saying it. I wish the BBC would have followed up and pointed out all the other times she has said she is finished with partying and that she is serious about going to work and how often she has said she has matured and that she is a different person now. She always says the right things, but she never actually commits to doing the right things. I will be shocked if she makes it through the play. I will be shocked if she shows up to every performance. I will be even more shocked if she is any good in the play. To show you how serious Lindsay is about her new no nightlife policy she made it almost five hours after her interview before she went out to a club.


  1. And I'm done with cheeseburgers and fries.

  2. Any-damn-how, never quit quitting.

  3. My girl wants to Party all the time Party all the time party ALLL the tiiiime...

  4. Why doe she keep getting work? Is it the train wreck factor?

  5. Is she stupid? There's pics out everyday of her partying at night.

  6. That doesn't mean A2A is over though.

  7. When she's gone we'll all look back at her body of work and see that some of he best acting was for the interviews.

  8. Give the girl a break, she simply forgot to say she was through with it and it had nothing to offer her for the next 4 hours and 59 mins. It's only a little caveat, you can see why she forgot to add it.

  9. Lindsay is 28 now. She should have graduated to getting shit-faced in dingy pubs like Marissa Tomei...

  10. She said "I don't drink no more" meaning she dont drink no less

  11. When she said the party life has nothing to offer her I take this to mean her Freebies and her Johns have all dried up.

  12. Has she realized yet that she won't be allowed numerous takes when she's on the stage? This should be good...

  13. And I am through with breathing. Equally as believable.

  14. Ah, Lindsay, stop talking and start doing....

  15. I'm trying not to get all sanctimonious (although I tend to do that on Lohan posts, my bad), but it just feels like watching the whole Amy Winehouse slow-mo trainwreck and I worry about how it will end. Like she is in danger right in front of us. But I also bet she is the kind of person that will outlive us all and snort coke off our graves, so I am conflicted. I'm choosing to wish her well, with an enormous side eye

  16. @TTM---I have always felt that way about her----she is clearly mentally ill----people are so forgiving of Britney and Bynes etc. (who are both older btw) but hateful towards Lindsay who does not come from a decent family like they do....

    1. I think people are less forgiving of Lohan because, unlike Spears or Bynes, her actions hurt and impact other people. Plus, the other two have taken great pains to recover. Lohan just wants to continue as she was, forgiven, but continuing to act like a total bitch. Maybe it's family, she certainly doesn't have the same support, and probably didn't stand a chance from the start. After watching her docu-series and witnessing her behavior and treatment of others, I felt she should be dismissed entirely.

    2. I find her more akin with the Tara Reid path. But you are definitely right about the lack of support. In Brit's case children were involved and in Amanda's the law was going to get her. But there's a good chance those parents are somewhat decent human beings too.

    3. She seems a very likely candidate of a cluster B personality disorder. It seems like she has a very difficult time with the truth; and has a bad track record for being accountable or truly remorseful.
      I hope she gets her shit together; a bad childhood can't be the reason to eff up your entire life! At some point one has to assume responsibility.

  17. So she went back to London?

  18. Please Louise……

  19. @Jacq---I do agree after watching the docu-series she is a crazy bitch BUT people have the power to turn it around and being in the public eye does not help her recovery. She should have NEVER done that Oprah show but needed that cash and Dina and company probably pressured her. She is only 28---I know plenty of people who were complete assholes till they reached their 30s and on---but I certainly don't disagree with her haters to an extent

  20. I'm with Derek. She's screwed up but otherwise relatively innocuous. Why all the hate She's not hurting anyone but herself.

    While I'm not holding my breath, I hope she gets her shit together.

  21. I don't feel sorry for Lilo at all (and I'm a former fan). When Amanda Bynes lost it and set a fire in a person's driveway, she was put in a facility that could help her. She hasn't been in trouble since and by all reports is doing pretty well, considering the enormity of her meltdown.

    Lilo, on the other hand, has been arrested multiple times, including drunk driving, drugs, assault, skipping a court date to go to Cannes, hit and runs, probation violations up the wazoo, plus rehab.

    Lindsay Lohan: A Timeline of All Her Arrests (and Boy, There Are a Lot of 'Em)

  22. News Flash! Lindsay Lohan has just sworn off breathing.

    The second one will last about as long as the first.

  23. Once a Ho always a Ho -- Ho Lohan
    What's she going for this time? Madam?

    Oprah should demand repayment from this gutter rat -- for wasting a whole show on it.

    Is this the end of this trash in the media? Hope so.

  24. Same words, different year.

    Your actions always prove different, Ms Blowhan.

  25. The difference with Lindsay is that she's had chance after chance after chance after chance and she's still a delusional ho. At first I had sympathy for her but that went away a LONG time ago.

  26. Blowhan - greedy, whoring, self centered, continuous offender with that stupid trout mouth and skanky hair extensions who's the spawn of 2 disgusting people.

    Spears - a girl who loves tbe wrong guys, wants to be /is a mommy, who's been willing to work hard, tries to be sweet to people and has a Pops that seems to be proving to actually care for her and take care of her; she's more likely good people. And she has enough taste NOT to have those stupid ANUS lips.

    Bynes - personally, I liked her for only a brief period many moons ago. I think she's a defective product of the biz. And I also believe her awful behavior was due to substance ause, more so than mental illness. I think she's addicted to fame and bratty when she wasn't the center of attention.
    I dont want her to relapse naturally, but i don't have tbe warm fuzzies for her either. (I don't think we've seen the last of Bynes' attention seeking.)

  27. Goddamn it, stop writing about Blohan and Parasite so they will go away

  28. I don't equate Lohan with Bynes or Brit at all

    I wish her well and that she sooner rather than later gets her shit together

    but am doubtful we will ever see it-I don't believe she wants help

    You would have thought she would have bottomed out by now-but apparently not

  29. This quote, from an interview with E! online, makes my blood boil:

    ""I don't understand the crazy fascination with me because it kind of scares me. Even when I'm not doing anything, they create something that I'm doing"

    Victim victim victim!. NO personal responsibility. Oh, and Revisionist Historian as well. Pah!

  30. I can't believe Enty left out the most important part that she said she's moving to London!

  31. Lohan doesn't want to get her shit together - this way of life works for her, she keeps getting second chances

    It won't be until people stop enabling her that she'll get it together

    I watched her Oprah show for one episode and could not even finish it - so painful to watch her make excuses and continually fuck up

  32. She probably misread the playbill and thought she was going to do Speed and Blow.

  33. was this before or after the humiliating fall

  34. And yet we still hang on her words and every interview.....

  35. Until there are actual consequences for her actions she has absolutely no reason to change. People keep throwing money at her for "whatever" and she's still getting press.

    Look at how many do-overs RDJ got and how long he fucked up before he actually went to jail and turned it around. Currently she has no reason to change.

  36. If she's playing the same role as Madonna did in her "stunning" turn, then no acting, sobriety, or brains are required. Party on, Lindsay!

  37. You know, I really wish she would get her shit together. Once upon a time, she had a lot of talent. I just watched The Parent Trap with my kids last night, and her talent at such a young age really blew me away.

  38. Who cares? I mean, I'm fascinated by her lifestyle and love being horrifyed by what she does next, but why is anyone surprised that the child they enjoyed in a movie didn't grow up into an adult they want to be bff's with? We all know assjoles, Lindsay is the same as the asshole who works at the bank and you always hope you don't get called to her window.

  39. Min Pin Girl said it. No consequences means as you were.

  40. Whenever I think of this play, all I can see is Vadge. It was such a big thing when she was in it on Broadway and proved beyond a shadow of doubt she cannot act.
