Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Lindsay Lohan Got $40K For A Television Interview

Lindsay Lohan recently flew to Austria to attend some party where she got paid. So, dumb mistake for whoever did that. Lindsay did show up for a few minutes to live up to her part of the deal and also gave a five minute press conference that she showed up 30 minutes late for. This was not the only paycheck Lindsay picked up though. Nope. In addition to whatever guys she managed to see in her very short 24 hour visit she also sat down for an interview with PRO 7, which is a television network in Austria. They paid her $40K for a quick interview where she presumably spouted off the same platitudes that have ruled her world for much of the past decade but are not generally challenged by a news organization willing to drop that much money to sit down and chat. It would have been nice if they suckered her in and then had some kind of footage of Lindsay doing lines of coke somewhere or getting paid a stack of cash and then having sex with some guy as she stared at the money until Dina sneaked in and grabbed it for herself before cackling away. At that point you see Dina hit the floor hard and Michael Lohan stands there holding the money while wearing a white mesh shirt because earlier he had been disguised as a backup dancer for Right Said Fred. When Lindsay tried to get up from the bed the guy grabbed her which is why she has that huge bruise on her arm.


  1. That got weird, fast.

  2. How is she still...living? She must feed off publicity.

  3. Jeebus. That's a lot of hate rye chair

    1. Yeah, I hate rye chairs, too.

      Couldn't help myself. ;-)

    2. I like 'em with gingerale!

      There was no gingerale here. Sad panda

    3. Lindsey probably poured out all the ginger ale so she could hide her vodka in the bottles.

    4. You're probably right, Gayeld. Nothing is more disappointing than lightly-ginger-scented rye vodka when I expect a refreshing rye ginger. Sadder panda

  4. Such a lovely bruise that we addressed yesterday in the pics.

  5. I thought Mike only wore black mesh shirts.

  6. Did I miss this: Where's the CDAN post about the Beyonce/Jay Z articles in the NYPost from the past few days?

  7. LiLo side boob in full effect

  8. Shoot, I'm available for interviews! I've even got some nasty bruises, too!! (Like @7 shared about herself yesterday, I bruise when people breathe around me.)

    1. Me too Meanie. In fact I have a bruise on the top of my right hand. How in the hell did I get THAT?

  9. you didnt miss them Susan whoever Enty was yesterday did :(

  10. ill get paid 40k to talk for 30 minutes!!

  11. is her face just bloated? because she looks distended and I wonder if the weird makeup is hiding facial injuries.

    1. @Vera, her lips! Wtf has she done to her lips!? But yeah, her face looks...off.

    2. Too much botox and bad plastic surgery, combined with booze and coke bloat.

  12. Wrong profession here.

  13. Y'all, remember a week or so ago, Ent posted a Lilo pic (she was on a boat, presumably trolling yachts for business) that looked like her upper lip was all the way up to her nose? When I blew that pic up to have a look for myself, I remember thinking that she looked like a little kid who had licked her lips so much that she had chapped the entire area around her mouth.

    I think what we're seeing in this pic here is heavy makeup used to cover that chapped area. So the question is, what kind of drugs make you lick your lips a lot? Anyone?

    1. My comprehensive, 30 second internet search tells me that lip licking is characteristic of cocaine and meth use.

    2. Back in the day when I "needed" Adderrall I licked my lips constantly. It was uncontrollable. I literally could not force myself to stop.

  14. The Entbots need a new subject. They are stuck on Linday Repeat. Yawn snore.

  15. Replies
    1. @CoBe - maybe, but it didn't look like a localized sore, but rather the entire area around her lips, both top and bottom (like clown makeup!). Now, I'm not arguing that she DOESN'T have herpes, but what I saw in that pic was different.

  16. Pro7 is an important network. I don't know how they have become rich paying that amount for a short time. And I also thought Austrians were smart people.

  17. I dunno. At this point, Lindsay rants are like beating a dead horse.

    The reality is that she's scrambling for the cash any which way she can. Interviews and press keep her escort career alive and kicking.

    If these agencies are willing to lay out the cash, given her past history, they are the suckers.

  18. That was one odd scenario dreamed up by Enty. I wonder who is booking her trysts. Could Dina actually be doing that? How can you pimp your own daughter? Not sure who's more vile here.

    1. It's common knowledge that White Oprah is her daughters' pimp. She gets 15 percent off the top.

  19. Why anyone pays this sorry has-been is beyond me.

  20. That pic is the stuff nightmares are made out of.

  21. Just as there is generally acknowledged principle concerning people who spontaneously spout homophobia - perhaps best proven by the life history of attorney Ray Cohen - so ought there be a generally acknowledged principle concerning people who choose, out of all their choices for how to spend time and direct their attention, to be Lohan bashers.

    Pardon me for mentioning, but your mania is showing.

  22. She is a" Porta Potty. " Look it up at Urban Dictionary. The second definition on the list. This is probably why she still does so many drugs. You'd have to just to numb the fact you let people shit on you for money. She's a dirty sloot.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. @Frufra - the extended chapping could be from some aggressive & forceful skull-f*cking perhaps?

  25. Overly chapped lips can also be cheilitis. Pale girls on yachts are definitely at risk.

  26. Pro7 is a German TV Station, not Austrian.

  27. I got whacked - hard - in the shin yesterday by a dog running around with a huge stick in its mouth. I'm wondering how big the bruise is going to be...at least I want to get a trophy out of it because it hurt like hell!

  28. WTF is up with all those bruises, anyway?

  29. In S/M scenes, there are sometimes contraptions that hold the mouth open. Lindsay may have been required to wear one by a customer and it irritated the area around her mouth.

    Or it could be the meth.

  30. Enty's hatred is obsessive and a little sick, considering the girl never did anything to him. I don't see why he can't show her just total indifference like the rest of us.
