Monday, July 28, 2014

Liberty Ross Cleans Out Rupert Sanders in Divorce

When there are photos of you having an affair that the entire world sees it makes you want to settle your divorce really quickly and give your cheated on spouse everything she wants. That is the way it seems in the Liberty Ross/Rupert Sanders divorce. In the divorce, Liberty gets a combined $35K a month in child and spousal support. She gets three of the couple's four homes. She also gets 8 percent of his gross earnings above $1.5M a year, half of his pension plan and half of his frequent flyer points along with half his earnings from Snow White And The Huntsmen which is where this all began. He gets to keep two beat up cars and the Malibu house.


  1. Replies
    1. He also gets to keep k stew stench on his pillow

  2. Get Monnay Bitch!!
    Liberty>Kristen (any day of the week fool!)

  3. That's clearly his guilty conscience paying all that.

  4. It really mentioned his frequent flyer points? Really?

    1. Lol that's what I was wondering.

    2. It must of racked up a lot of miles.

    3. It's quite common to divvy up FF points....they are counted as an asset that is similar to cash! I used to work for Amex and I'd see divorcing couple points get frozen for months whilst they hashed it out...

    4. He gets to keep all the Malaysian air miles though

  5. Good for her! Don't cheat unless you're willing to part with 50% or more of what you have.

  6. wow, who got the cat? meanwhile kstew stays smiling with her millions

    1. Plot twist: KStew was in on it.

  7. Did he get to keep his testicles?

    1. No Charlie! Those are ours once you marry. Silly boy, you know that.

  8. This is a supremely creepy photo.

  9. Revenge is a dish best served cold….
    Good for you……Liberty you make us proud

  10. Right @TTM? When I read the part about "half his frequent flier miles" I snorted my coffee out my nose.

    For one thing, doesn't she know FFM are essentially worthless anymore? For another...really? With all your money, you need to fly on points?

    1. Right, figgy? Can Shoppers Optimum points far behind?

    2. Buy coach and upgrade with the miles. It's how the rich stay rich. My super rich uncle buys airline tickets with his black card and Amex automatically upgrades to first class.

  11. He publicly humilated her & their child with an fug, spoiled, dirty, drug addict. He's likely she didn't cut off his balls.

    But, I still believe those oral sex in public pics were a failed publicity stunt.

  12. HER divorce lawyer is clearly better than his divorce lawyer

  13. Payoff for going through with a publicity stunt & keep mouth shut. The timing of those pics were a little bit too perfect, not to mentioned Stew is rarely seen out except for coffee runs, her publicist is very well known for playing hardball, & not allowing outlets access to other clients like Katy Perry. Never pics even close to that of Stew & her supposed BF & co-star of years.

  14. While I think what he did was completely wrong, this judgment seems excessive.

  15. If it was just a publicity stunt, how is it his wife wasn't in on it. Who would agree to be humiliated just for some publicity. Twilight got too damn much publicity even before their bone headed antics.

    Having said that I also agree this settlement sounds over the top. How does she walk away with 3 out of 4 houses? She is a working actor not a stay at home mommy so what gives? People are stupid, divorces are going to happen but how is it that he gets what sounds like maybe a quarter of his earnings/property? Somebody flunked math class.

  16. Perhaps MinPin, those other houses are smaller and equal in value to that one in Malibu? I'm curious as well. I'm guessing it wasn't just Kristen he messed around with but that there were many others and he's feeling guilty. Either that or as French Girl said, she had a helluva good lawyer compared to his.

  17. Who knows what caused their divorce, but I still don't believe Kristen Stewart genuinely had sex with him (or men in general). Pretty sure it was a publicity stunt, and a fairly succesful one - KS and Sanders got attention for a while, the movie got more publicity and Liberty started getting more modeling jobs.

  18. It was not only the timing of the stunt & the fact that there have never been pictures like that out of either Stewart or Pattinson, but how it all seemed to play out & the timing of all of that along with Twilight was wrapping up the studio was now promoting the hell out Hunger Games, and the actors of Twilight were all trying to transition to mainstream. This is now keep your mouth closed money.

  19. I don't agree with having to share the pension plan, that seems excessive. She has her own career she shouldn't need half of his pension.

  20. I don't believe for one second that they didn't want those pics out there. I had just read an interview before this happened where Stewart specifically stated that she rents cars a lot when she doesn't want to be photo'd because the paps and fans know exactly what her Mini Cooper looks like. That display was totally on purpose as it was taken in her Mini Cooper.

  21. I actually read that she didn't want the SWATH money.

  22. Well if it was a publicity stunt, obviously Liberty had more dirt on her hubby than just that. There's just no telling.

  23. @SugarTitsMaker. I don't think he allowed her anywhere near his pillow.

  24. I get $100 a month. And I had to fight for that. Fuckers.

  25. This guy is successful enough to have FOUR houses? Does Spielberg have 53 houses?

  26. Directors have pension plans?

  27. I see two smug ass opportunists who were given a leg up by a closeted lesbian. I haven't heard of either of these people before Kristen was "caught cheating" with this Rupert fellow.

  28. What is divorce so expensive?

    Because it is worth it...

  29. All that for KStews pussy?

    Ha, dude fucked up.

  30. She got most of the assets because most of them were hers to begin with. When they got together, she was rich and successful and he was a nobody. She used her connections to help his career.

    1. Thank you for clearing that up Squeezebox. So basically the way this item was written is misleading.

  31. Maybe just maybe if she is doing most of the raising of his child he wanted to make sure the child had a home/homes it was used to, and enough money etc so the transition was smooth. Not every Dad is a deadbeat.

    Also I'd suggest a house in Malibu is not exactly slum living & most likely near enough in value to the three other houses.

  32. Liberty looks like the coldest woman in the world, and he looks like a really nice, every day guy. I bet anything she withheld sex from him and, knowing his personality, set him up for this. Just look at the cold, manipulative evil in her eyes. Plus, an aging ugly model has Got to have a backup plan... now she's a successful model I guess!

  33. wow-you can tell all of that by looking at a pic?

    cynical much?

    1. Not just one pic, but all pics of them together scream "he hasn't gotten it in years," "affair waiting to happen, "they're only together for the kids," and "as soon as he gives in to the charms of a young seductress, she's gonna take him for all he's got." But yeah, I'm cynical ;)

  34. and future earnings???!!!

    fucked for life lmfao
    and kstew somewhere doesnt give a flying fuck


  35. He f**ked Kstew in th ass & he got f**ked him in the ass. KStew & Sanders really are the stupidest cheaters on the planet. Fake relationships and famewhoring for money? This is what they will be known for the 2 cheaters who f**ked in a mini-cooper. LMAO! Rpattz & Liberty will get the sympathy.

  36. You pay, you play. He knew what was at risk and did it anyway. And whose to say she cleaned him out. You would have to look at the whole picture to know. What mortages are on each house and what is each house worth? How much money does he make a month? etc.

  37. "When there are photos of you having an affair that the entire world sees it makes you want to settle your divorce really quickly and give your cheated on spouse everything she wants."

    Ok...But for the very fact that the world has already seen said photos the damage to his reputation is already done. What on earth is the benefit of him giving away roughly all of his earthly possessions to his partner who clearly did not pay earn or pay for them with her own income (as a sometime model)?

    Don't get me wrong, I thought that Elin Woods deserved every.single.penny and then some of the $100 mil that she got from her settlement with Tiger but dude was raw-dogging every toothless waitress and p*rn star within a hundred mile radius for years! This was not only breaking his vows and her heart but also risking her health in a very serious way. THAT was a very different thing. Rupert was caught kissing a weird actress that starred in one of his movies. Maybe there was more to the story but that is what the public knows. Courts are still so ridiculously sexist in financial and custodial favor of my gender it kind of makes my head spin...Liberty deserved to get back at him, but not to take everything he's earned over a lifetime in the process.

  38. I think k stew set him up to get out of doing sequel she was contracted to do and break free from twilight fandom all together. Hemsworth held out forever for a pay raise on swath. I think k stew knew she couldn't get out unless they dropped her.

  39. And this is why you all get 77 cents on the dollar.
