Sunday, July 27, 2014

Lainey Blind Item

She’s great at giving big smiles, pretending her personality is as sweet as her voice. It depends. If she’s talking to Ellen DeGeneres, well, of course she’s lovely and accommodating. But what if it’s a child in a wheelchair?

There was a kid who had a wish. The wish was to meet her favourite star. So they made arrangements for it to happen at an event earlier this year where the star was promoting her show. They set up the wheelchair at the end of the red carpet, everyone had been informed, and then, when it came time for the moment, as soon as they started introducing her to her young fan, she cut off the handler, said, “NO”, and then walked away…even though the family had specifically flown there for the opportunity.

She has ONE advocate. One. And that’s only because he made her. But since he’s caring less and less about that particular project, when that’s done, she won’t have any supporters left. Because no one can f-cking stand her.


  1. Lea Michele comes to mind but betch ain't fooling anyone

  2. Lea Michelle?
    The one supporter: Ryan Murphy, moving on from Glee to American Horror Story and other projects?

  3. How stupid do you have to be to not understand how awful this makes you look?

  4. Lea Michelle. Such a big fake smile.

  5. She's good friends with a lot of the cast. I call shenanigans on this one.

    1. They all use to be good friends. It's all been fake since that whole monchele bs. Lea is a fame hungry bitch now.

  6. Why did I feel Chenowith in this blind?

  7. Just a question: it happened during a public red carpet.Who drop a wish à la Make A Wish in a public event without the media talks about it?
    Lea Michele can be a egocentric bitch ,she always is nice with fans at public events or Make A Wish event

  8. Not Chenowith, she made herself on Broadway.

    Neither Lainey nor E like Lea Michele. And their source:

    Lea Michele A Total Mean Girl At Coachella With 'Glee' Co-Stars!

  9. Don't buy it. Lea went out of her way to talk to some disabled kids when she was over here playing the O2 a few years back. Saw it with my own eyes (I worked there for a while). She spent more time with them than anyone else. It's one of the few reasons I can stand her, given that she didn't really feel the need to talk much to us, unlike her cast mates. Calling her out for being a diva or laughing at her hooker boyfriend is one thing, but trying to say she has something against people with disabilities is just plain evil. I think she's just an easy target for a lot of these blind item writers because her mental fans multiple hit up any article that might be about her.

    1. This is the evil side of gossip, especially when it isn't true. Everyone is guessing Lea because that's what was posted on DListed, a site I just discovered last week.

    2. @Pugster! How have you survived the Gossip Web without DListed?

  10. What about Ariana Grande? Her one supporter and the one who made her being the child molester from Nickelodeon whose name I can't remember?? Although the project they're working on together is already done.

  11. Not Ariana.. I have seem her up close and nobody takes more individual time with fans, especially children in wheelchairs, than her..

  12. Lea Michele, she is a stupid bitch. Yes, she is capable of doing things like this.

  13. Lea Michelle. They're all cute and cuddly until and ugly kid comes around, right Lea?

  14. What would Artie think?!?!

  15. Ugh. If it was Make-A-Wish, hopefully they will let this little one make another wish.

  16. Just to be different (and I do like her) I'll say Gaga. There was a reveal the other day that she dissed some fans because there weren't enough of them there for her.

  17. @Pugster - Dlisted is amazing!! I love Michael K. It was his site that lead me here

    I'm on board with Lea

  18. The kid's family should go to the media about this like that other family did when Ina Garten refused to meet their sick kid.

    Probably Lea Michele. I don't think I've ever heard a positive comment about her from anyone other than Ryan Murphy. I read once that Kate Hudson hated her on "Glee" because she thought Lea was spoiled. When the daughter of movie stars thinks you are spoiled you have a problem.

  19. So it's on the red carpet, everybody knows about it, family has flown in ... and not a single photograph or video exists to document the diva behavior? I call BS on this blind regardless of who the alleged beyotch is revealed to be.

    1. @Prunella, I've assisted with granting wishes. Media was not told in advance as it can ruin the private moment. Photog and video crew memorialized the event and it was given after-the-fact to media. If this happened, they will not be releasing photos of a kid getting dissed.

  20. I dont buy it either.

  21. Just because someone is nice a few years ago doesn't mean they still are. I've never heard a nice thing about Lea so I'm totally on board with her.

  22. All the cast knows the way lea got rid of naya.
    They are smiling and playing nice to get their final checks. That's it.

  23. @Krissie Kate let Lea stay in her house after Cory died and they've been out and about together since so I doubt she hates her that much.

  24. There are A LOT of planted blinds and stories about the Glee cast in an attempt to keep people talking about it and watching the last 13 episodes later this year. As much as the entire cast seems to be drifting away from each other as friends, they have a good PR team who is working hard to keep these behind the scenes stories going. Treat every blind item and feud story with skepticism, and remember it will all be over soon enough and all of them (except Jane Lynch) will fade away.

  25. This needs to be revealed so I can properly focus my disgust and contempt for the low life scum.

  26. This is Sofia Vergera

  27. Rihanna

    Hov for the handler moving on to new projects..

  28. Lea Michele, pretty sure this was revealed on BlindGossip!

  29. Lovato and the one supporter is Simon Cowell?

  30. @iknowpeople thanks for setting me straight. But when I think "red carpet" I think tons of people around - paps, fans, etc. Not so?

    Anyway, I don't know why a star would agree to a private event and then walk away from the kid. Why even agree in the first place, and then why even show up? It just doesn't make sense to me.

  31. None of these "stars" would even be on my radar for Make-a-Wish...

  32. Lea

    this was an easy easy Lainey
