Thursday, July 31, 2014

Kirstie Alley Can't Talk To Maksim Because He Is Friends With Leah Remini

If you don't think Scientology is the most stupid religion to have ever been invented, then let me give you another nugget which hopefully will push the scale down for you so you can see it for what it really is. Kirstie Alley and Leah Remini used to be friends. When Leah left Scientology Kirstie could no longer speak to her and Kirstie has gone out of her way to trash Leah every chance she gets. Is Leah one of my favorite people? No, but I love that she stood up for what she thought was right and left Scientology. I don't think she has done enough to really expose it or what it has done or what it does to people and families. I think she has said as little as possible about it. She could expose some really important things but has chosen to remain quiet. It is her business whether she chooses to discuss it, but it almost feels like she is cashing in on leaving without actually giving more than a superficial reason or two why she left.

Anyway, Maksim and Kirstie used to be buddies after dancing together on the show in 2011. Maksim says that he recently got a note from Kirstie that says because of friends he now has that Kirstie is not allowed to talk to him any longer. What kind of religion decides who you can and can't speak to? You know why they do that? They don't want the person who has broken free to be able to get their mind clear and then try and talk you out of leaving. Do you know any other religion that bars you from speaking to those who have left?


  1. It's a cult not a religion Enty.

  2. Bet Maks wishes he had known that was all it would take forever ago...

  3. +100000000000000000000000000 @sandy

  4. The good old cult of COS. I've said to much, they will probably be following me tomorrow.

  5. Kirsty must wonder--he fucks every partner he ever had on that show and we're only friends?

  6. Did they ever find Shelly?

    1. No, apparently she contacted authorities and said she was fine. She was probably hard to understand with her gagging from a gun or tom c's nose in her mouth.

    2. @KMS Oh wow, I remember that now! Thanks

    3. Oh sure she did. Someone called and said they were her but I'm betting it wasn't Shelly.

  7. Sandy - Friends with Benefits, I'm sure.

  8. Fine. They don't have to talk...just unzip.

  9. My guess is that Leah is a little scared for her family and that is the main reason she keeps quiet. This cult has so much money, who knows what they are capable of.

    1. Jessi-i thought she was keeping quiet because she is wtiting a book. Which i cant wait for.

  10. Menanytes, Amish lots of religions also have these restrictions

  11. Talk you out of leaving??
    How did the authorities verify that it was Shelly & not Mrs Turnblad??

    1. @Skippy, they didn't. They talked to some woman on the phone who said she was Shelly and was there of her own free will.

  12. She keeps quiet the same reason Katie keeps quiet and has bodyguards--extreme fear. (Katie also got paid but still...)

    1. The same reason that toxed to the max Nicole has always STFU about it and not had anything to with her kids. And that is one thing I will never understand, biology or adopted, how could you not have anything to do with them..? I know Nicole's face is frozen but is her heart as well. Because I tell you any mother would take on hell itself for her children. To blame the power of the cult or her..? It's just uber weird, like they or that life never existed to her now.

    2. I agree KMS. No way no how and I base this only on being a great aunt. I couldn't imagine ever leaving my child.

  13. No loss since Alley is so freakin nuts.

  14. I think Leah did explicitly or implicitly say it because she said her whole family had to be in or out because of the shunning. If memory serves, Kirstie said that notion was ridiculous. Of course, everyone knows it's true and here he reaffirmed it. And yes, again, you can't believe that people who are members of this given what everyone who is out says. Unreal.

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  17. I'm all for freedom of religion, but Scientology is a cult. And I don't believe "Shelly" talked to authorities. I think they had a brainwashed follower pose as Shelly to take the heat off.

  18. How dare commenters call Scientology a cult? The next thing you know, these misinformed commenters (Suppressive Persons) will assume that Tommy Cruise and John Travolta prefer the company of naked men to naked women. Perish the thought.

  19. What's funny is I really think people like Kirstie Alley (& Scientologists in general) believe that when they threaten to remove their "friendship" (yea as if a fair-weathered-friend is such a gem), that people will cry and beg to stay friends.

    I almost pity Alley that she has no real friends.

    Sidenote: Maksim should thank his lucky stars she will keep her distance now.

  20. Oh enough with these Scientology idiots

  21. I used to think that it took a smart person to be a funny person. Guess I was wrong.

  22. She is ridiculous. Only former cast member of cheers who wouldn't go on Frasier because she didn't believe in psychiatrists and Frasier played one.

  23. Yep, any religious group that makes demands like that is a cult. Simon, wasn't that completely ridiculous?! Her character Rebecca wasn't a Scientologist, for goodness sake. She's just off-the-wall.

    I like Leah. Always did, going back to the "Living Dolls" and the SBtB Stacey Corosi days. She's mouthy and takes no B.S. but she's got a good heart, I think. I like folks with that combo. Anyone watched her new show? I don't have cable, so I haven't seen it yet.

  24. What else is new? Cos is batshit cult. Kirstie exchanged her drug addiction for addiction to this assy cult. Cruise was abused dyslexic child, cos taught him to read and built up his self esteem. Thats how these cults work; like pimps, they find out what you need and give it to you. Then u hooked and cant give it up. She's beyond stupid to let someone dictate who her friends can be.

    1. They sure did a great job teaching John Travolta to read- Adele Dazeem!

    2. Boogie, i dont know wth they taught Travolta!! Lol. I think they agreed with him that he isnt gay, lol. Its called denial.

  25. AKM, yea what a dope. Did she realize Frasier isn't a real psychiatrist? And her career is in the tank. Her tv land show was cancelled yesterday.

  26. This is great. If they ever have anothe All Star season on DWTS , we will never have to see her assault this guy on the dancefloor again.....
    Leah is having the last laugh in all of more cult and Maksim too!!!
    Kirstie is livid.

    1. Remember when she broke his back sliding her across the floor. I felt so sad for the guy

  27. Excellent point Violet617. Someone's getting the last laugh. When Kirstie had no career or money to give she will cease being useless to the cult and then she'll have no friends to help her out.

  28. This is not unique to Scientology. Every religion works to control its believers. That is the reason religion exists: To enslave people.

  29. Leah has been seen hanging with JLo and I thought her dad was COS.

    There also seems to be some sort of Scientology lite where people like Will Smith support the cult (opens school based on LRH principles) but don't openly claim to be members. Maybe Mr. Lo is like that.

  30. Yes, COS is a cult.

    But I think Kirstie's note to Maks was more about girl s**t. She doesn't like that he's friends with Leah.

    Like @Cheryl said, we haven't seen any situations where COS has dictated that you can't be friends with someone several connections away from a deserter. JLo is best friends with Leah, and her dad is COS, and it sounds like she's had a good relationship with him. In fact, JLo has been very publicly supportive of Leah.

  31. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Jehovahs witnesses also

    1. I have relatives who are Jahovahs Witnesses. One of the sons and his wife almost left the religion/cult. The rest of the fam would have shunned them if they had gone thru with it. I didn't know about the shunning until that incident. That's when I realized that the witnesses are a cult. Just as bad as COS in many ways. It's been more than 40 years since they became Witnesses and I still miss them at family holiday gatherings. They can't celebrate any holidays or birthdays.

  32. COS is like Mean Girls on steroids.

    You can't talk to X because we don't like her anymore and if you do you're out of the clique, so there.

    Maybe JLo is what most people are when it comes to religion, pick and choose which parts you like and ignore the rest and for whatever reason she is not suffering the consequences.

    I am pretty sure Kirstie's immature behaviour is partly her feud with Lee but also her interpretation of the rules of Scientology.

    Any religion that started up as a bet is a cult for sure, more like a practical joke that got turned into a con game.

  33. Yes Mennonites and Amish, the most orthodox practice shunning though the Amish have rumspringa which is to allow the younger members to experience the outer world so that when they make their decision to stay in the community, they are not tempted by the outside world, but those are sects I guess we call em sects when they are less threatening to the rest of us but for example there are many Mennonites in Canada who are pretty relaxed about it. They even live in the secular world and I don't hear about the kind of things that go on with them as with CO$

    And the Mennonites and Amish are not misuing any tax exempt status in fact Mennonites and Amish used to shun the government, refused to pay taxes saying we are self sufficient we don't need anything from the state.

  34. Didn't Kirstie have kids at some point? Maybe she should focus on them instead of waving her Scientology stick at everyone. Or maybe sent her kids a breakup letter too.

  35. Kirstie's kids are 24 and 22, so they're probably off doing their own thing, FWIW.

    1. Holy shit I thought her kids were still in school! They probably sent her a breakup note.

  36. There is a "church" on Valley Forge Road in King of Prussia, PA that is the same way. Once you join, you cannot have contact with non-members. Not even family. Fucked up for sure.

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  39. I thought she was writing a book about being in the COS.

  40. The Amish and Jehovah's Witnesses do. If one of their members is shunned or excommunicated the others are no longer allowed to associate with them, even if they are family members, but then have to ignore them.They can no longer visit them, socialize with them, talk to them, etc. and have to act as though they no longer even exist unless and until they are reinstated into the church once again.

  41. this reminds me of Kristin (Wiglet) spilling the beans on the super secret awesome troll! clique here on CDAN.

  42. Scientology was designed as a money making venture. L Ron H. Science fiction writer said that religion is the fastest way to get rich quickly.
    All religions dictate how to live your life & to a certain extent how to think!
    COS is a cult, just not 2000 years old.
    Rant over, but I could go on. (13 years of catholic school)

  43. Sad that an interesting post, with a minor point, had to use such an ignorant and baseless argument as its punch line. Google shunning -- according to Wikipedia virtually every religion has engaged in shunning at one time or another. COS is evil in my opinion but this post is sloppy at best and counterproductive and exploitive at worst. A little quality control please enty?

  44. @Gayeld, does that mean I can phone someone & tell them I'm a pumpkin & they'll believe me?

  45. I'm sure Maks is absolutely devastated.

  46. I'll bet they have a lot of dirt on Leah. Don't they have those cleansing session where you tell your deep dark secrets? Would you talk if they had that on you?

  47. I'm sure this news has absolutely zero effect on Mak's life. I'm sure he slept with Kirstie. He sleeps with everyone.

  48. I'd love to have a cleansing session (I think it's called auditing). Nothing better than reminiscing about false memories with people you have never met.

  49. To be fair, i was raised catholic until i drufted away at 14 or 15, and i was never told not to assiciate with anyone. If anything we were taught to embrace all and show by our holy example how good being catholic was. Naturally, i converted no one, lol.

  50. Enty, Leah did one of the BRAVEST things ever against that cult. File a missing persons report on SHELLY MISCAVIGE, who is the wife of the head of the cult, David Miscavige, who has been MISSING since 2007. Shortly thereafter, the cult had Shelly contact law enforcement and say she's not missing, etc. Leah backed away since then, and I don't blame her. Shelly is a grown woman and can do what she wants, but it's widely believed she is under something like HOUSE ARREST at one of their safehouses, compiling the legacy of the nutcase leader L. Ron Hubbard, and FAR from questions about why she is no longer with Miscavige. The question still remains: WHERE IS SHELLY MISCAVIGE?

  51. The whole "Religion vs Cult" argument going on here is entirely a matter of perspective (and entirely self-serving). It's easy for people of one religion to call another they think is fake a "cult," while ignoring the problems with their own chosen faith. I could easily call Christianity a cult, and it would piss a lot of people off, but that's no different than people calling CO$ a cult.

  52. Jehovah's Witnesses have pressure not to speak to 'excommunicated' members.

  53. @aimless,

    I think you are probably close to the truth. This faux Enty and their blame the victim persona is one of my least favorites.
