Monday, July 21, 2014

Katie Cleary Wants Her Dead Husband's Money

Andrew Stern filed for divorce from model Katie Cleary three months before his death. He did so because she was cheating on him every chance she got and doing so in a very public and humiliating way. When photos of her with Leonardo DiCaprio emerged, that was the final straw and he killed himself. In his will, he leaves everything to his parents. Katie sucked most of the money out of the marriage while they were together and all Andrew had left when he died was about $400K. Three years prior to his marriage to Katie, Andrew had a will prepared. Katie says that Andrew made one after they were married but she can't find it right now, but knows it exists and will fight any proceeding to give the money to Andrew's parents. Katie should just walk away from this and move on with her life. All this is going to do is make people think she really was just after Andrew's money and nothing else. Just walk away.


  1. #getthatmoneygirl.

  2. good luck with that ho. Morning Sugartits

  3. #shecantfindthenewwillrightnow.

  4. Morning sandybrook
    Take your ho yass and run betch

  5. Only $400k? What a pity.

    1. That should last her 6 months..Just enough to hook the next death wish.

  6. His friends said his suicide was without relation with her pic with Dicaprio.
    What classy golddigger!

  7. morning all! he looks like a decent guy that really loved her and she looks like a soulless dead eyed gold digger 5000 fembot. I feel sorry for the guy, but he could have moved on and gotten help. wouldn't the will be with a lawyer or something?not just laying around the house? sad story.

    1. ist thing after I do, any gold digger worth her (wh)ore knows to get a new will! It's not just for gummie grooms , anymore!
      Ho FAIL!

    2. Soooo basically an LA girl huh??
      He had mental problems for a long time too. The article doesn't mention that. He was on high levels of testosterone and hgh.. messes with your head.

  8. #sugarbreadgotthisbitchCold!

  9. Here's the thing: the clues are always there. I'll put money on his friends and family having warned him ahead of time. But no, no doubt he said he loved her. And why? Because she was a model.

    I know, we're always supposed to feel sorry for the poor guy who's taken advantage of by a gold digger, but thing is, it's his own shallowness that got him into trouble in the first place.

    1. Agree, figgy. I'm sure he was no picnic but she could have left and taken the money the usual way, in support. Instead she traded up as quickly as she could WHILE stringing this guy.
      She wins no points.

  10. It does not matter what kind of person she is, she is not the one who killed him...he did that on his own.

  11. She's probably looking Hard under the desk of her New Lawyers for that will.

  12. This woman just needs to walk away. This is what she'll be known for & it will ruin her career & future rich hubby prospects.

    He loved her cause she was beautiful, she thought he was rich, but when she meant bigger marks she would screw them thinking she had a chance with them, he killed himself.

  13. Cheatin ho-bag You can probably go suck a few dicks for that paltry amount

  14. I guess she's trying to assert her claim for marital property but it doesn't look good on her part.
    Shame her vajaja was lured by the taste of fame & money from someone who seemed to care for her.
    In the end, nobody wins with suicide.
    Sad he felt that was his only option.

  15. In Ontario, where I live, if you marry, any will made previous to that is invalid. I'm surprised that U.S. states don't have similar laws.
    Also, as for the trigger, I have now read two different theories on the why and a statement from a "family spokesperson" exonerating her. Let's not judge too quickly.

    1. In most US states, if you marry and don't update your will to include your new spouse before you die, your spouse can seek his or her elective share, which is a certain percentage of the estate.

  16. If I were a rich dude I'd scratch her off my "Dance card", then again they're not exactly worried about her morals if it's just one "dance".

  17. $400,000 is NOT enough to fight over or even to live on the interest. She would spend it in no time with nothing to show for it.
    It would buy a small suburban office building in Las Vegas earning +/-$2,500 per month.

  18. She's way too young to be so wonky looking already.

    Her public cheating will come up & how will she explain that. She can't claim their marriage was over, because then she won't get the money. She will ruin what's left of her career & millionaire prospects, they don't want someone with her baggage, when they can get an 18 VS model.

  19. Ot. Psh. Left his kids No money because he didn't want them being trust fund kids. Left it all to their mom. His ex mimi.

  20. emotions aside she will get whatever is her legal due

    whether through his will or the laws in that state

    deserve it or not

  21. I can't get over how Kartrashian she looks in the pics of her canoodling at Cannes with Leo and the Entourage dude. This is what men find hot?!? Gah. I mean her false lashes and hair extensions are harsh. Way harsh.

    Despite her clearly being a gold digger and going from man to man, you can't blame her for the husband committing suicide. That is his action; not hers.

  22. Why is everyone hating on her? We all accept this as a day to day reality in Hollywood. We don't even have the full story.

  23. Only $400K. I have like $400 in my checking.

  24. No clue who these people are but, as his wife, this woman will be given half of his estate if they married in California. If she is fighting for all of it,she's a greedy fool and the lawyers will get it.

  25. The lawyers will be the one to get rich.

  26. Whores go after money Fugazi Enty. She don't care about public opinion, she cares about bridging the gap until she finds another long term mark.

    +1 to Anna for recognizing whores don't have souls.

  27. Soulless Whores = Kartrashian

  28. She's a model fame whore.

    What else is new.

    All about the money baby! Anyway anyhow anytime. She probably drove him into his last depression do she can get this outcome.

  29. This woman is a nightmare but he married it. I remember when Anna Nicole married her central-casting-worthy sugardaddy I was telling my grandma all about it, outraged, "she's totally just marrying him for his money!" And my grandma, who is proper and English and (I thought) old-fashioned, looked me dead in the eye and said, "and why do you think he married her, dear? He knows the score." And I shut my mouth, utterly embarrassed because duh, of course. These guys know the score.

  30. I'm on the "who are these people?" train.

  31. No one commits suicide because they got cheated on, married a fame-seeking gold digger, have a bad relationship, etc. even if they SAY that's the reason they are doing it - there are always underlying mental issues, things hidden, etc.

    As for those DiCaprio pics- she is next to him smiling. No kissing, no nada. Whatever did or didn't happen - I guess smiling next to a man while you are separated makes you a ho worthy of disdain now, eh Enty?

    1. She was with Adrian Grenier at Cannes when he asked two of my friends to join them in a pity for her. Oh, they laughed and turned him down. Not Hollywood types.

  32. You would, wouldn't you, you gold digging, good for nothing, slut bag whore!

  33. You would, wouldn't you, you gold digging, good for nothing, slut bag whore!

  34. meh

    He knew what he was getting into

  35. Women in a nutshell... switch the sex roles and there'd be an uproar. Enjoy your double standard, ladies... one of maybe you take advantage of.

  36. I think if they resided in CA she has rights to the money, but since they were getting divorced she shouldn't fight it. It adds to the opinion she was a gold digger.

  37. Anonymous7:13 PM

    She'll get it if for no other reason a lot of people will feel sorry for her. See, sometimes spreading them wider than the Grand Canyon DOES pay off!

    Honestly though, when someone is "down and out" for whatever reason being constantly betrayed by someone you love doesn't help, especially when you fall down the rabbit hole and need someone to pull you out. To say she's soulless is the understatement of the century

  38. I don't think she has a chance. I think if there was another will updated will, he destroyed it when she started sleeping around. He knew what she was and married her anyway and it seems to have exacerbated his mental problems. They hadn't lived together, it won't take much for his parents to subpena anyone and everyone they or her ex husband thought she was sleeping with in a court proceeding - making her a pariah in Hollywood. It won't take much for the parents to take her down. She's proving she's a greedy whore, no court is going to reward her. She didn't cause his suicide but to scrounge his pockets after his death is repulsive and that's how she'll be seen. Plenty of men will pay for her services, or even marry her if she needs more money. Leave the parents alone.

  39. It is not like it is millions of dollars. His parents lost their son and the man was probably heartbroken. She should be respectful and let his parents have the money, considering their loss.
