Wednesday, July 23, 2014

John Travolta's Former Employee Wins In Court

An Appeals Court judge yesterday ruled that a former pilot who worked for John Travolta is allowed to bring a case to trial to determine whether his termination agreement with Travolta had a confidentiality agreement. Douglas Gotterba says the agreement he signed does not and that the agreement used by Travolta's attorney is a draft of one that was never signed. Travolta's attorney had tried to even keep the guy from trying to bring his case but the judge said that idea is crap and that the guy can go to trial. Gotterba had always remained silent about his time working for Travolta and their extra special time that was not working. However, a former employee outed the situation and now Gotterba would like to publish a book detailing everything that went on while working for Travolta. It is going to take a mighty big check for him not to tell all if he wins. That is the thing though. All he has done now is win the right to go to trial. He still has not shown that he is not bound by an agreement. Gotterba worked for Travolta for six years back in the 80's.


  1. This article just snuck in here!

  2. I take it this picture is from the 80's?

    1. @Omar, the thick gold ring give it away?

  3. Where did THIS come from? I guess enty's computer is still glitching. No wonder Y'all not getting your checks!

    1. Seriously tho Steamy, i really need mah money. Ive got bills to pay!

    2. No lies Ray, Hate that you have to sweat the check. OG woulda paid on time! ; D

    3. Hey look, the gangs all here!

    4. Its decent money when it actually arrives.

    5. I think I missed the gang

    6. Ray, Talent deserves Pay. No shame in that game..: D

    7. Impressive display of solidarity, eh?

    8. The bonus program is what makes it all worthwhile

    9. Look guys, I get the alt thing, I Do. Freedom, bigger,badder, no longer bound by convention. I don't agree with the nasty aspect. That's Dick. But, it's a new character adding life to a scene, I GET IT!
      Ray,Robin Sparkles was the shit. I miss her...
      I LIKED ethorne's Amanda's wig.
      I thought Mrs.Crabapple was Hilarious, Rhysie. (anonymouse...not fully realized but I think I saw where you were going with it)
      I also haven't been victimized.
      I don't agree that you should all be smeared with "evil" paint.
      Each of you are only responsible for your own actions but ACTION too long delayed has left you without the high ground.

    10. Am I not getting a check because I'm always late?

  4. I don't care about this guy's story. I just want to know why he waited 30 years to decide to try to tell it?

  5. 10-1 Travolta banged Horschack

    5-1 Travolta got turned by Mr. Woodman

  6. Is this the guy that's in the photo with Travolta, kissing on the steps up to an airplane?

  7. I just want to read the book. I love me a good celebrity tell-all. I just ordered The Million Dollar Mermaid, Esther Williams' autobiography. It's supposed to have excellent Old Hollywood dish. Write, pilot guy, write!!

  8. @ Count - do you see Mr. Kotter involved in this scenario at all? Just curious.

  9. This guy would be doing John a favor, methinks. Maybe if the truth came out in a very public way, it would make John feel free to be his real self...?

    I am ashamed to say I would read that book in about 1 minute.

    Wait, that's right, this is one group with whom I need NOT feel shame for my love of salacious celeb gossip.

  10. @Jerkula it makes me feel so weird that I know who Woodman is

  11. Nah, if anything, Kotter went for Epstien, because he pined for the kid w/ a better Jewfro than him.

  12. I'd forgotten about Epstein! I had a crush on him when I was a kid.

  13. @Virginia Squatch: I always confused the names of Woodman and Bookman when I was a kid.

    @Fru: You liked the tight jeans w/ the hanky hanging out of his ass pocket, huh?

  14. @CJ - First off, I'm from San Antonio. So momma likee a Hispanic man. (But I married a super-duper white guy; isn't that always the way?) Plus, I was always a sucker for curly hair.

  15. Wouldnt it be funny if his book is full of hetero hookups, hot chicks, sex drugs and rock and l?!! Lol

  16. I would soooo read this book. But it ain't gonna happen. Pilot either gets paid off, or pilot has accident.

  17. Whoa, that's epic!

  18. Truth, @Basil. $cio has a way of making things happen. You know, Operation Snow White.

    1. I'm sure he'll enjoy knitting doilies with Shelly and Rena (Weinberg.)

    2. Yeah he might want to give up flying his own plane around

  19. I'm ready for that book!!!

  20. I will buy this the day it comes out!

  21. I'd buy it. I hope it gives JT the push he needs to come out and quit the church too.

  22. He's going to end up sharing a room with Shelly Miscavige...

  23. He'll get paid off or be dead by the end of the year.
