Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Jenelle Evans Gave Birth Yesterday

Jenelle Evans gave birth yesterday to a son who she named Kaiser. That name was expected. So far, Jenelle has managed to not have to give up the baby to Child Protective Services or her mother, but I wonder how long that will last. Sure, there will be a nice little happy phase where things are good between her and her most recent baby daddy. Heck, they might even get married. That won't last though. She was boozing while pregnant, so you know she will be back on the booze and drug train before too long and she will be doing press for Teen Mom 2 and her mom will be taking care of Kaiser more and the next thing you know Jenelle will probably get arrested again and I just don't think she is ready to be a parent. She wasn't ready the first time, and unlike many of her former cast mates, it doesn't look like she has really done anything to prove she is capable now.


sandybrook said...

I feel sorry for Kaiser and I had to look 3 times before I figgered out that picture. Time to wake up.

Beetlejuice said...

Poor baby

Steampunk Jazz said...

Yay! I'm so Happy!

Itsthattinkgirl said...

Feel bad for her first son, and her mom!

Pip said...

Janelle's mom gets to become a mother. Again!

Pip said...

New^ mother

Seven of Eleven said...

I thought that was a birthing picture and crap on a cracker, no, my coffee is still brewing and a teen mom birthing picture will kill Tuesday.

Um, congrats? Babies are the best, I wish they would all get parents worthy of them.

OneEyeCharlie said...

Thank goodness we glorify people like this, giving them further incentive to procreate.

Ari said...

I remember the ep when she got out of jail. Jail didn't even scare her, she needs to be caged up like the beast she is...that lawyer of hers deserves millions

Kat has left the building said...

It's not just that she's not ready to be a mom, she's not ready to be Jenelle.

Murphy said...

Seriously, I give their post baby honeymoon phase a week. Could be even shorter than that once they experience a sleepless night.

Say goodbye to that fancy cat and dog too, I'm sad to say.

LottaColada said...

So messed up

PJ said...

Let's not forget that this broad also openly admitted to smoking weed throughout her ENTIRE pregnancy because it "helped with her nausea" ok? Also, didn't Enty do a blind about her that said her so called "friends" were sneaking duffle bags of booze to her throughout this pregnancy? If all that's true then I honestly can't see how this little guy was born without any major mental or physical defects. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome would be apparent immediately but any mental delays will take time to show up. So sad.

I'm so worried for this little guy. I say with all sincerity that I hope he is able to survive and thrive in his first few months. God knows that Jenelle isn't ever going wake up to feed and change a screaming newborn, much less do so every 2-3 hours. I pray the father has his sh*t together even a little bit more than her.

AJ said...

Her past behaviors ( especially while she was pregnant recently ) made me alternate back & forth from anger to sadness.
She's taken motherhood & having children for granted. And time after time fallen back into bad patterns of behavior ( drugs, drinking & bad choices of bf's ) without really feeling any repercussion.

Anonymous said...

What kind of damage is that going to cause her beautiful first child? Oh, ya, Mommy couldn't take you because of blahblahblah but Kaiser is different.

HRHKMiddz said...


Sherry said...

Kaiser after her health care plan most likely.

This woman sounds horrid from what others have said here.

NaughtyNurse said...

Please stop writing about her, Ent. Please stop writing about all of these teen mom messes.

bellaluna said...

Poor baby boy. I hope he ends up with a loving family.

parissucksliterally said...

STOP writing about the fucking Teen Moms! They suck, they are pieces of shit, and they should NOT be famous.

Thank you.

WareCat said...


She was tweeting that she was at the beach while she was actually giving birth & introduced her son to the world w/ a "sike!" "Tricked yaaa!"

I wonder if that's what she tells her other son when she says she's getting custody of him.

Cornbread said...

I rarely comment anymore, but I still read religiously.

KAISER?! What the hell?

Saw a commercial for the new season of Teen Mom 2 (only because we do watch Catfish) and I can't get over the train wrecks these girls have become. Shame on MTV for glorifying this. AND they have a show coming out about young adults losing their virginity. Is this entertainment now? Is nothing sacred?

Okay, back to lurking. :)

Runswithscissors said...

And we should care because...

Stop posting about these women!!

I know @Cornbread, long gone are the days when we would watch only music videos and be all giddy about the musicians, now... I don't know the hell is on anymore!

Unknown said...

I can't get all righteously outraged over this, nor can I get all sad and concerned. I actually do nothing to help unwed mothers, high school dropouts, kids being neglected in abusive homes or in crisis. I never lift a finger or volunteer my time for them so who am I to bitch and moan about what they do?

Apparently I'm feeling particularly honest and anti-hypocrite today.

RowdyRodimus said...

Nothing wrong with the name Kaiser. It's a good, strong German name. If it is now a hated word because of the Holocaust (of which it seems anything German even remotely to that is looked a as evil), then fuck off. It's the last name of my great-grandparents of which my great-grandfather helped develop the limousine. You don't see too many of the rich Hollywood Jews complaining that they are being driven in a vehicle developed by someone with the name Kaiser.

Unknown said...

Sometimes people are breathtakingly ignorant and have no problem putting it on display.

Zsa Zsa said...

Keeping it classy I see

Cornbread said...

Kaiser roll is actually the first thing to pop into my head; not the Holocaust. To each his own.


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