Freddie Prinze Jr Hates Kiefer Sutherland- Made Him Want To Quit Acting
"Just put the guy on an apple box or don’t hire me next time. You know I’m 6 feet and he’s 5’4,” is one of the many quotes that Freddie Prinze Jr shared with ABC News about working with Kiefer Sutherland on the set of 24. Freddie says that everyone who has ever worked with Kiefer hated the experience and that shooting 24 together was one of the worst jobs he ever had. I'm sure the job was way better than working minimum wage while trying to support a couple of kids. This is not a slam Freddie post, but I think he needs to try and keep this whole thing in perspective. I'm glad he spilled though. Kiefer's people are trying to make it sound like it is not because of the alcohol, but of course it is the alcohol. I imagine that Kiefer shows up for work every morning sipping from a coffee laced with booze while chain smoking cigarettes and wearing his pirate costume from the night before. Some people find that fun and others don't. Freddie married the fun police in Sarah Michelle Gellar so they are probably suited for each other. Freddie says he almost quit acting because of the experience. Umm, he had already basically quit long before that. He only works when he likes something and not just for the paycheck.