Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Freddie Prinze Jr Hates Kiefer Sutherland- Made Him Want To Quit Acting

"Just put the guy on an apple box or don’t hire me next time. You know I’m 6 feet and he’s 5’4,” is one of the many quotes that Freddie Prinze Jr shared with ABC News about working with Kiefer Sutherland on the set of 24. Freddie says that everyone who has ever worked with Kiefer hated the experience and that shooting 24 together was one of the worst jobs he ever had. I'm sure the job was way better than working minimum wage while trying to support a couple of kids. This is not a slam Freddie post, but I think he needs to try and keep this whole thing in perspective. I'm glad he spilled though. Kiefer's people are trying to make it sound like it is not because of the alcohol, but of course it is the alcohol. I imagine that Kiefer shows up for work every morning sipping from a coffee laced with booze while chain smoking cigarettes and wearing his pirate costume from the night before. Some people find that fun and others don't. Freddie married the fun police in Sarah Michelle Gellar so they are probably suited for each other. Freddie says he almost quit acting because of the experience. Umm, he had already basically quit long before that. He only works when he likes something and not just for the paycheck.


  1. Maybe Vince McMahon has a job for him.

  2. Keifer Sutherland is tiny? Huh. He looked taller at the ESPYs

    1. Anonymous10:13 PM

      I've met him before-- I'm 5'7" and he was taller than me. I'd say 5'10"

  3. No link to the actual article in question?
    Here you go, CDaNers!

  4. Pirate costumes are silly.

  5. OMG Entbots, you've had some obnoxious ads on this site before, but the little videos on the upper right about vaccines, nutrition, massage, etc that suddenly start talking are BY FAR the most annoying thing on the internet today. Jeebuz.

    1. I thought it was just me. Thanks for confirming my computer has not lost its mind.

  6. Just because it's not a minimum wage job doesn't make working with an asshole any more fun. I don't work a minimum wage job but I certainly complain about some of the assholes I've worked with. He said it was one of the worst jobs he's ever had, not one of the worst jobs he could ever imagine having, right?

  7. You're never as cute/funny/charming as you think you are when under the influence. Sorry but it's true.

  8. Truly working with egomaniacs can make you rethink your career. I thought I was funny where he talked about how short he is. Only in movies and TV can 100 pounds look fat and 5'4" seem like a giant.

  9. Blame the behaviour ( real or not) and the tiny height of another actor to quit acting is a weak excuse in my opinion

  10. is it just me or is FPjr. a little bitter?

    it was Kiefer's show after all...

    I thought Kiefer was a happy drunk?

    1. Only if you're a Christmas tree.

  11. It was funny, not I. I am funny. Hilariously so when drunk. No?

  12. oh and Kiefer is supposedly 5'9"

  13. Yeah, I definately smell more to this story. I wanna know the parts he's not telling.

  14. it sounds like FPjr. has some issues...of course,look who he's hitched his wagon to... i'd be bitter too.

  15. I like Freddie more after hearing this, actually. Dude does tons of voice work, is obviously content with his career path, and just spoke his mind. Don't forget that he lost his dad to drug-assisted suicide. Maybe he just doesn't have two shits to give about covering for an addict.

  16. Since some years on 24's IMDB message boards,the extras write Sutherland was always professional

  17. Since some years on 24's IMDB message boards,the extras write Sutherland was always professional

  18. This was all completely unprofessional to bring up out of the blue five years after the face. We all know Kiefer is an alcoholic but I've always read that he's very professional about work. I think he'd pretty much have to be to continue to get all the work he does. And Freddie is just inviting comparisons between his crappy acting/missing career and Kiefer's continuing success. He's obviously a high functioning alcoholic and it's sad but he's only hurting himself.

  19. I think this is pretty funny. So be it. He hated working with him. Don't we all have an old coworker or even current coworker we can't stand? However, it's kind of bitchy to discuss out in the open when you know it will be a big story.

  20. Strange because many say Kiefer is the utmost professional when working, and he even comes in to help actors in dialog when he doesn't have to. But Shohreh Aghdashloo also hated working with him, says he has a lot of anger issues. Altho that may be due to the fact that she was supposed to last longer on 24, and feels Kiefer was responsible for having her due sooner than originally planned. Still it's very weird for Freddie to bring this up after all this time.

    Ah Kiefer I want to love you still. Did you guys know his daughter plays Louise's daughter on Veep?

  21. I just think it is refreshing to read something truthful for once I instead of the "we all love each other!" BS actors usually say. There is no way everyone can like everyone all of the time.

  22. I think this is just someone normal who doesn't care about "Hollywood", being honest about his experience. Prob what any of us would say if we had to work with a dick.

    Can you believe he and SMG have been married for 12 years!

  23. Wah, wah, wah. We have all worked with assholes on the job. It's part of life. This just screams bitter jerk. It's been a few years since FPjr was even on the show. So why bring this up now? Unless he's just trying to attention whore. I think I'm going to go with attention whore.

  24. Blaming Keifer for quitting acting is lame, asshole or not.

  25. If you look in the dictionary under "pantywaist", you'll find FPJ's picture.

  26. Most importantly, I also thought Keifer was taller. U can tell from tbe pic in comparison to FPJ that Keifer is about 5'7". (Also, if media says he's 5'9" and angry FPJ says he's 5'4", he's prob in between)

    Anyhoo. I think we all know what happened here. Keifer refused to change FPJ's nappy or share his babah. THats a rough day for a behbeh.

  27. This might explain it a bit better...TMZ did a bit of investigation (well, a TMZ level investigation anyway lol):

    "TMZ sniffed around some more and is reporting that Freddie was being eyed as Kiefer’s replacement on the series but soured on the idea because Kiefer was boozing on the job, getting people fired on a whim, and holding the producers hostage with his demands (fitting for 24, really). Basically, Kiefer acted like Charlie Sheen and Freddie wasn’t interested in being Ashton Kutcher."

  28. There's nothing worse than having to deal with someone you can't stand every single day and you can't do much because of a paycheck. If the person you are dealing with is enough of an asshole, and you deal with them long enough, it can be a real soul-sucker.

  29. This TMZ story is utter BS. Every single soul in the 24 fandom knows FPJ was not ever going to replace Kiefer/Bauer. Every single soul in the 24 fandom also knows Kiefer can be really nice to extras and crew, but that he is HELL when he is on full mode booze.

  30. Freddie Prinz may have stepped away because he did not like the pressure of too much television work. His father could not handle it either and it is far better to take a long time out than to crack

  31. When I was in NYC probably at least 5 years ago, we saw 4 celebrities in one hour, 4 pm - 5 pm on a Friday. One of them was Kiefer Sutherland going to or leaving a play - we found out later one of his friends was in it- and he was surrounded by paparazzi and fans. I had an inkling he was short but not that short given how tall his father is, around 6 foot 4, but the person I was with was really disappointed at how short he was.

    The other celebrities Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin walking out of Central Park. They looked really good. Wearing jeans and sweaters.

    Last celebrity was Goop's mama, Blythe Danner walking briskly down 5th Avenue. Now she's tall.

    1. @Tina Mallette--no idea why, but this comment of Sleb Heightings made me roar with laughter.

      Keep up the good work. x

  32. no way FPJ was ever replacing Kiefer

    he is the show-functional alcoholic or not

    I love Blythe Danner-have no idea why her daughter is so insufferable

  33. Geez Enty, not too many people would find joy in tolerating an alcoholic who get praised at every turn because he is a celebrity and not professional. I don't blame Freddie one bit. What is a drag though is having to work with and/or for somebody you don't like for a paycheck.

  34. Well Kiefer is probably your typical narcissistic neurotic actor. He figures it is his show and he probably is threatened if anyone outshines him in his mind and since it is his baby he can remove people he does not like and other childish impetuous things which isn't to say when he gets down to the job of actor, he then is professional and is even helpful to other actors esp if it helps make his show better but he doesn't want them to be that much better.

    Kiefer is not the actor his father is and Donald I am sure casts a big looming perpetual shadow along with all the issues of a broken family. And of course then there is Julia Heartbreaker Roberts.

  35. He did not look 5 foot 9 to me. He could wear lifts like Tommy Girl and a few other actors. Tom Hardy had to wear 3 inch lifts in The Dark Knight Rises so he could look eye to eye with Christian Bale in the fight scenes. Hardy is a barely 5 foot 9, Bale is six feet I think. Beats an apple box.

  36. Kiefer has always been a drunk-drug laced misogynistic self-centered asshole with a capital "A" way back from his early his teens. Folks in the beaches lived it - and we're glad when he left.

  37. Awww FPJ ya big baby! Is it time to change your diaper yet?! Let's find this boy his pacifier!!!

  38. You know ive read freddie is a great guy. Ive read kiefer is a great guy. Mb they just didnt mesh. Not everyone does. I know tom hanks and henry winkler didnt get along, and they are bith supp to be nice peeps. It happens. No shade. Freds prob brought it up in context of interview, told it like he saw it and let the chips fall where they may.

  39. He's married to Buffy. He should be used to being around control freaks who don't care about other people's careers.

  40. It's hard to take FPj's complaints too seriously even if true because I find you don't generally need to make false points that seem petty at the same time. Keifer Sutherland is obviously not 5'4". According to various websites he is 5'8" or 5'9" so he is atleast taller than 5'4".

    FP seems to be on the tall side for Hollywood so I imagine if he insisted on working with people the same height as him he would be working even less than he does.

    He was also on just 1 season so making sweeping statements like every single person hates working with Keifer. KS being an alcoholic or heavy drinker is always pretty common knowledge but along with that I've always read he is professional.

  41. "just put the guy on an apple box or don't hire me next time."
    Somebody inherited their dad's sense of humor, didn't they? :-)

  42. I love the comments defending Kiefer like they've got a dog in the fight. Hello?!! You don't know him. Get over it. LOL

  43. True @Diana, like "kiefer is a drunk, and asshole" but FPJ is so wrong for saying it out loud. Lol

  44. @Diana Why do you give a fuck if people are defending Kiefer? Obviously they like the guy and can defend him if they feel like it. Personally I think this is a bitch move on Freddie's part. Freddie should talk shit to Kiefer's face and see what happens. There is no doubt in my mind that Kiefer is crazy and would whoop Freddie's arse.

  45. It's true, Kiefer's a dick. I have a friend who had to work with him long term and he's awful and the reason that person left the job. You can believe what you want to believe but I did hear it first hand.

  46. I like Kiefer, but from the sounds of it, I've got to pick Team Freddie for this one.

  47. The height comment was unnecessary. I'm not sure who's side I'm on here. Freddie is just bringing this up? And Keifer probably is an ass, most actors.

  48. Laughing at the idea of Freddie replacing Kiefer. Sounds like he's bitter he wasn't asked to come back for live another day.

  49. I can't believe Horsey Julia left Keifer at the altar?

    FPjr just needs his bottle and diaper changed.

  50. Anonymous11:49 PM

    You have to be a bit of a scumbag to work for the WWE, peddling that shit to little kids. So I'll go with Kiefer on this one.

  51. Something about Kiefer has always been off to me. Team Freddie!
