Friday, July 18, 2014

Four For Friday - She Used Him

It is Friday and I have nothing to say except that I will be here all weekend and you can follow me on Twitter. I am @entylawyer

This former B+ list mostly movie actress is in the world of television now and owes it all to her ex. He is an A list mostly television actor who was surprised when his ex started hitting on him last year. They had grown to the point where they hated each other because he was always cheating on her and they got into some truly awful fights when they were married. Suddenly she was being really nice and one thing led to another and they started having sex again even though he is dating a B list television/movie actress. After a few months of the pick up the kids and have sex routine the former wife said she was hoping to get cast in a part and it just so happened that her ex-husband was on a show run by the guy. So, he made a few phone calls and got her the job. Right after it started filming she dumped her ex.


  1. Tea Leoni/David Duchovny? Is she in anything new?

  2. who is a famous movie actress that has recently joined a successful show...this is tough

  3. Tea has a show starting in September.
    I thought Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen though.

  4. Teas show is on CBS and is called Madam Secretary

  5. Karen, great guess!

  6. Karen nailed it..she doing a pilot at moment(

  7. Remember when Tea was getting all kinds of hype for being the next big thing & how beautiful she was?

    1. She really was, Shelly, and that throaty voice!

  8. I say whoever….good for you

  9. but really whats the difference between this actress sleeping with someone to get a role and some ding bat sleeping with Uncle Terry to get some photos? They are both trading sex for something they want. But she gets a "you go girl!" just because she ended it first?

  10. Here is the proof....

  11. Well since it was you Enty who planted the seed that my original real life ship of David and Gillian are married and in lurve I can only call BS on this.

  12. Wonder who his current B List receptacle is.

  13. Tea is not getting a you go girl here in the comments.

    The difference is freewill & someone abusing their power. Terry is a skeeze abusing his power & influence.

  14. In answer to Derek, no I think this is nasty shit, and I definitely don't say go girl. Using people for selfish reasons is never good karma.

  15. So who is the common denominator between Californication and this new CBS show?

    1. Tina I looked and couldn't find anyone. So on that basis David and Gillian are still monogamously married and in love and he has not been cheating.

  16. Or is that the X Files and this new CBS show - I can't remember which network X Files was on. Chris Carter creator of X Files has a new series called The After so it's not him.

  17. "Madam Secretary" has a female showrunner, Barbara Hall. This blind seems to imply that the show in question is run by a man.

  18. so SOP Hollywood then right?

    not a Tea fan to begin with

    but not so sure it's her

  19. I think Karen got it. Great guess!

  20. I was surprised that Tea didn't take off more as well. Even though I never saw the movie I understand she was good in Spanglish. I love her acting as well.

    Melissa Leo is an interesting guess MoJo. What points you there?

  21. restraining orders, fights, domestic violence. I think his name is Heard

  22. I thought tea had MI issues which is why she doesnt hv custody of her children? Plus duchivney will screw anything with a pulse, so he's not gonna mind being used for sex, hell he prob welcomes it!

  23. Both Melissa AND Tea started pretty big on TV. (Melissa on "Homocide, Life on the Streets" and Tea on "Flying Blind.") They were movie actresses later> Duchovany has a new program called "Aquarius." I don't know who the show runner is.

  24. Well there are worse ways to be used. I suspect it is David and Tea Leoni but I also suspect David Duchovney knew what was going on and just was enjoying the sex. I know I would

  25. Wasnt there a blind awhile back that DD and GA actually got married in Vegas in secret
