Wednesday, July 30, 2014

David Tutera Is Being An A-Hole

I'm really glad I don't watch any of David Tutera's shows. I really thought when he and his partner split that he would stop being such an a-hole. I was wrong. Before David and his partner split, they each fertilized an egg in a surrogate. She gave birth to twins. David kept one of the twins and his ex kept the other. David's ex has been trying to get the two together for the past year but David will have none of it and doesn't care if the twins ever know each other or have a relationship.This is the most ridiculous selfish thing a celebrity has done in the past 24 hours. OK, well 12. Maybe 8. Who knows exactly, but it is right up there. How can you just keep them apart and don;'t even care? Was your split that acrimonious that a year later you can't even let the kids play together? Get to know each other?


  1. Replies
    1. @derek He's a wedding planner.

    2. VIP. I saw the preview awhile back. She screams she wants it to be the most Epic Wedding bh has Evah seen!! It was soooo laughable. Dvr set

  2. he kind of looks like an asshole.

    i know i know stereotypes...

  3. What if the twins meet later on in life and fall in love?

  4. So, 2 people divorced and one parent doesn't want their child to meet their 1/2 sibling- that they don't already know. Yeah I don't have a problem with this.

  5. Freya, what if they have a Parent Trap!!!??

    1. @Orvilla Hilarious!!!

    2. Orvilla
      Which one will get the fancy accent?

    3. I was thinking Parent Trap too.

    4. 1 boy 1 girl.. David took the girl.

    5. Sug, also thinking parentrap, esp since watched it this weekend with 2 grandchildren. I dont think its right, he does look ass-holey, and u do whats right for kid, not you.

  6. His kid is going to hate him for this.

  7. @Freya,I saw pics of the little girl & boy & they don't look alike-funny thought though.

    1. @rololtomassi Even more reason it could happen. They would feel a connection thinking it's love at first sight but it's because they swam and cuddled for 9 months.
      I completely forgot about the situation until now.

  8. have no idea who this is

    but what an ass

  9. Taylor can afford a wedding planner? Someone is agreeing to marry Taylor? *so confused and behind the times*

    I like the wedding planner Lisa hired for Pandora

    Beverly Hills Dahling! chichichichichi

    1. She married her divorce attorney

    2. Who was still married until last spring fwiw

  10. I don't even know who David Tutera is, but there could be good reasons for his not wanting his child to associate with the child's twin if that twin's in the custody of Tutera's ex. If nothing else, letting the twins form a friendship of some sort would almost inevitably keep the ex in Tutera's life to at least some degree. And if the split was acrimonious enough, he might not want that to happen.

    The kids can always decide to get together later on if they want, when they're old enough that no grown-ups need to be involved.

  11. He's getting all backtracky now about how he'd love for them to meet and play together "some day." Ass.

    Unless there is some kind of major abuse going on (drugs, alcohol, physical, emotional) siblings should be allowed to grow up together. Maybe not always in the same house, but certainly in contact with each other.


  12. Who is he and why should I care (except he sounds like a narcissistic jerk).

  13. The children are not biolocally related one child belongs to David and the other belongs to his ex, so David probably doesn't feel the need to have them meet.

    1. @starglitter. They are biologicially related, they share the same biological mother. And it's not like they aren't going to know about each other. It's out there for the whole world to know about.

    2. Used same eggs for both babies

  14. So they are half siblings? This sounds like an issue that will be decided in family court.

  15. Meh. This isn't very different from multiple women getting the same sperm from a sperm bank--no one would expect those women to hang out with their half-sibling children. It's a little foul since they were wombmates, but they were separated before they started growing up together. If a split was going to happen and kids be split up, this was the best time to do it.

  16. I also don't know him. Not worth checking his Wiki entry since he's an evil cuntess.

  17. While surrogates are helping lots of decent people who couldn't have a baby otherwise, I'm feeling kind of queasy about these situations where the couple splits before the baby is born. They obviously put a lot of thought into having the babies conceived, but I don't like the divvying of eggs and children after the fact, like it's just another asset.

  18. @figgy, it was decided in family court. It's an interesting choice. Generally, the rule is to keep siblings together, especially twins - even if in vitro.

    I wonder if this had been a heterosexual couple if the court would have handled it the same.

    Regardless, children always want to know where they came from and it's not uncommon for kids to seek out the identity of their sperm and egg donors -- especially (don't kill me for saying this because it's true) if it's a single woman with no father in the picture.

    In this case, I think the kids would be pissed because they were conceived in a couple situation and were conceived as siblings. They will want to know each other and will be angry being deprived of their brother/sister.

    I've researched this stuff a lot...and, whether we like it or not, kids want to know....

  19. Can't the nannies just meet up for a play date? With the kids, not each other.

  20. This is one messed up gay. There's lots. But he's up there.

  21. I once watched 2 half-siblings, toddlers, who shared a father (he was a donor). They were raised in different families but allowed to play together.

    Their bond was intense from a very young age. Luckily and despite differences in parents, they've maintained this bond and in one case, been the saving grace for the other.

    Parents are adults (or should try to be). If there is a positive opportunity for these siblings to know each other from a young age, IMHO they should be given that chance.

    If only to greet each other with, "Hey there my brother from another mother." Is there a father take on this phrase? I trust if there is, a CDAN-ER will post it.

  22. @Tigercat: "Sister from another mister."

    I only know what I see from his commercials that interrupt my Roseanne binges on WE, but I don't like him. I don't like how this situation is being handled, either. Agree with the other commenter with the "divvying up property" thought. Asshole.

  23. Haha @Sunny definitely David's

    Ryan's would be more rustic and spunky.

  24. Meeting your half sibling years later is a big old angst & drama filled pain in the ass. Let them meet now & save the kids the high drama & stress.

  25. I know nothing about David or his ex, so don't know if they look anything alike. But I am curious whether they split the kids haphazardly or each took the child they were the biological father of. I think since they were incubated as twins, they should be given the opportunity to meet as kids and let whatever bond or lack of one, form from there.

  26. I think the worst nightmare...and a good book idea, come to think of it...would be to have two people fall in love and find out later they have the same sperm donor. I'm thinking man/woman just to throw in the possible child issue as well.

    I thought about this originally because people go on and on about how much Mr. Figgy and I look alike, haha...okay, euw.

    1. Apparently, this has happened! I remember a news story from years back about a mid-size town guy donating sperm like 1500 times, and two of the kids met and fell in love, set to get married, and then found out. Can't remember where I read it... Weekly World News?

  27. What a surprise that they split. Quite typical and common place.

  28. I have no idea who he is but what a jerk. The children shouldn't be deprived of a relationship with each other because one or both parents is/are asshole(s).

  29. "She gave birth to twins. David kept one of the twins and his ex kept the other."

    Twins are from the same egg, n'est pas?

    They're splitting up twins.

    Not cool.

    1. Kit- indentical twins= i egg that split in two. Fraternal twins=2 fertilized eggs that grow together in womb. Either scenario, its wrong to seperate them.

  30. It's complicated but Det. Seven is on it.

    If they used her eggs, and each man's sperm, they carry the DNA of the surrogate. If they didn't use the woman's eggs, and only used her as a surrogate, the chance that they share DNA is minimal and has no negligible effect on the biology of their relationship.

    The Stanford School of Medicine has illustrations

    1. Babies have same biological mother. Not the surrogate but an egg donor.

    2. @PJ: not if they used different eggs.

      If you go on Craigslist (pick a city, but SF and NY seem to have the most), there are very specific requests for egg donors (college grad, height, specific race, etc.). If David wanted a baby that looked like him and ex wanted a baby that looked like himself, they could pay for separate eggs that basically matched their desires.

      I'm not saying they didn't, just saying we can't know how the process went down. At any rate, this looks like a Kramer vs Kramer situation. Blech.

  31. The item doesn't say the kids are related to each other biologically. Each man fertilized a donated egg and both eggs were implanted into the surrogate. Did the eggs come from the same mother? Because if not, I don't see the big deal. The men aren't friendly, why complicate the kids' lives if they're not related to each other? It's not like the kids will remember some baby they shared a home with for the first few months of their lives.

    I just hope the men did DNA testing before they each took a twin because it could get gnarly if each is raising the other's biological child!

    1. They did. Both David and his ex husband have said that they used the same donor. In that sense, the babies are 1/2 siblings but also fraternal twins as they grew alongside each other in the womb.

  32. Just want to add, I think it's sweet that these two men loved children enough to plan to have kids - and then they each want to raise a child as a single parent. Props to both for that.

  33. I think you got it wrong Enty. If I remember correctly, it may be David who has been very vocal about wanting the kids to have a sibling relationship so much so that he went to a People and did a photo and story about his heartbreak over their separation. According to him, it was his ex husband who is the one that suggested-MONTHS AGO-that each man just "take" his own biological child and move on.

    While I can totally understand how this might be significantly more beneficial to the children since their split was notoriously acrimonious, the bottom line is this: BABIES AREN'T CURRENCY. They are human beings who grow up with their own personalities, thoughts and feelings. The fertility industry is one of the most unregulated in the free world, the law has not caught up and more and more these days we are seeing stories like these as a result. Not only will these little ones grow up knowing that their biological mother sold them off (as eggs) but also that they were one of a pair of twins and not ever given the opportunity to have their own important relationship together because their dads could not grow up.
    The whole things is very sad...

  34. Parent Trap for the next generation.

  35. Bitter, bitter, bitter.

  36. Every kid whose selfish parent kept them from their sibling ended up being hated for it by the child. It's just so fucked up to do to child. His selfishness is going to come back to haunt him, if he actually even cares about the kid at all. He works all the time, so she's a nanny orphan anyway. The nannies will determine the nurture part of the kids personality, clearly not david tuturo. I quit that bitch when I found out that he was separating the kids.
