Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Charlize Theron Needs To Snap Out Of It

A new report in US Weekly says that Charlize Theron and Sean Peen are planning to marry this summer and adopt a child. Slow down there Charlize. You really should think this one through. You want to marry a guy who has already been divorced twice and loves hookers as much as Charlie Sheen? This is the same guy that took a hooker with him on a vacation with his wife. That is the guy you want to marry and adopt a child with? Yeah, yeah, I get the whole helping Haiti thing and you can deal with the chain smoking and never showering, but this is who you want to be linked with forever when you adopt a child together? Sean is directing Charlize in a new movie they are filming in South Africa so, since they will be in Charlize's home country this would be the perfect time. I think what it will be is Sean going all Sean while directing Charlize and she will realize that maybe the two of them are not a good fit. At all. If they do get married it won't last long so hopefully they wait before they adopt.


  1. She needs to sit down and talk to his ex Robin.

    That woman could tell some tales I bet.

    Come on Charlize-really?

  2. WAITAMINUTE they are for realz?!?!??!
    I thought this relationship was some publicity stunt. Wow then I take back all the great things I thought about CT if she saw/heard all the abuse Robin went through and decided to go through with this she IS an idiot.

  3. robin will say go ahead felicia!!!
    you stole my movie

  4. Penn is her retirement plan. She got an Oscar for a movie that made 47 cents. She never been big enough to have points in any block busters. She's pushing 40. If she wants to live the life she gotta lock down a money mark.

    Plus, the cocaine.

  5. Come on, maybe the love of a good woman will finally change Sean and set him on the straight and narrow!

    And then monkeys will fly out my ass.

    1. I'm sensing monkeys flying out of your ass in the future

  6. more likely the monkeys

  7. She probably thinks she can change him

    1. Ah, the cry of all women who love bad boys.

  8. From what I've read here and in other places, she's pretty nasty herself. So perhaps to each other they seem normal, lol.

  9. 50% of his coke stash. Congrats.

  10. imo people don't really change-they just don't

    may appear that way for awhile-but revert to their true selves

    I just can't believe he is different because of her-can't

  11. "but there's no good guys out there"... women are fucking idiots.

  12. "but there's no good guys out there"... women are fucking idiots.

  13. "but there's no good guys out there"... women are fucking idiots.

    1. Hmmm, I'm sensing loneliness and quite a lot of bitterness in your life. Look towards the light dear

  14. What decent social services in their right minds would give the go ahead to this couple to adopt?

  15. Meh. He can have her. She hasn't done anything for me since I saw her in Monster.

  16. Charlize is a grown-ass woman. Who she falls in love with is nobody's freaking bizness. I'm sick of all these opinions from people who don't know anything about these people. And to actually quote a tabloid?? STFU!!

    1. Okay, Charlize's personal assistant. Hope she's paying you well.

    2. No doubt @Trilby!

    3. This is pretty accurate. My best advice, Essie is to scan and pass. Don't read the shit. I dont unless it looks like something worth the time.

  17. WHAT is going on with Charlize??? A midlife crisis? Or maybe she's simply gotten tired of being alone? Just like Lainey (of LaineyGossip.com), I simply cannot get over that these 2 are together!!! And that he smiles so much. It's like someone else is now occupying Sean Penn's body.

  18. Let Charlize have her moment in the sun with Sean so when it crashes we can pull up a seat and watch with snacks.

  19. oh good grief….is she insane ?

  20. She must think of herself as a Leading Lady who needs a great Director.

    She stated she never married Stuart because gay people don't have the right to marry, guess she's back tracking now.

    1. @Jessica I thought Angelina and Brad said that.
      Either way, it's a BS excuse.

  21. Maybe she sucks as a person, too?

  22. I know someone who had worked with Third Eye Blind, back when she used to date the lead singer, before she won an Oscar. She was a massive Bitch then.

    1. Indeed. I dont believe that she is a goody two shoes sweetheart by any means. Nope.

    2. Theres a few Third Eye Blind songs about her. "Why Can't You Be" and "London" are a couple of them.

  23. I have always loved Charlize. And I hate to say it, as shady as Penn is, he's a very good actor.

    But like Lotta said, maybe she thinks she can change him. Remember, her father was an abusive a*hole (her mother shot him in self-defense when he drunkenly attacked her and Charlize).

    1. Fingers crossed on the latter. .
      I just saw on amazon the book Revenge of the 7.. it made me think of you.

  24. I don't think she's really seen him fully yet, although she could think this will add a Liz & Dick mystic to her legacy.

  25. @Essie The people on this site believe anything and everything they read. Even the poorly written blind items. So of course they would quote tabloids and Lainey,of all people.

    @Jessica Larson I think you mean mystique not mystic.

  26. Essie--

    This is a gossip blog. We comment on every fucking thing--many of us have since 2006--whether talking out of or asses or not. Please don't judge. Otherwise just don't visit the CDAN comments section!

  27. Meh. Apparently they're both assholes.

  28. Essie - What the hell? Did you get lost on your way to the Pulitzer committee? This is a fucking gossip site. STFU!

    And he hasn't done shit for Haiti.

    This is such a downgrade. She never would marry Stuart Townsend but she'll marry this scummy ashtray? Charlize is stupid.

  29. Same to you, FingerBanger. So we're all stupid fucks, so what? Just ignore us, then.

    We might not believe one fucking iota of it, you have no idea. And we don't really give a fuck, either. It's just our (perhaps albeit lame) entertainment. Leave us to it.

    1. FingerBanger's right about one thing - I DO believe everything I read here about the Kartrashian's being whores. And I've learned all about what a "yacht girl" is. CDAN is giving me a better understanding of today's society structure than the daily paper. I'm a PROUD CDANer! So, fuck pretentious idiots like FingerBanger (is that "Finger" or "Banger" to his friends, I wonder?).

  30. You can be a great looking award winning actor/actress without having an IQ above room temperature.

  31. Is Sean Penn standing on a chair?

  32. Robin Wright must be an asshole too since she was with him longer than anyone.

    @Selenakyle Yeah you're a stupid fuck.If you don't give a fuck why even bother addressing it? These comments should just role off your back.

  33. are we being chastised for gossiping on a gossip blog commentary site?

    please...sit down

  34. I'm on a smart phone, they aren't smart, my post often have typos.

    The comments section of a gossip site is not the place to stand on your soap box. If you're upset step away from your computer/put down your phone & go take a walk outside.

  35. I would think that if you are going the normal route to adoption that the length of a couple's relationship and marriage is a factor.

    Now Charlize has presumably already passed scrutiny.

    However do you think people like Charlize and Sean Penn adopt like the rest of the world does not at all. Rich people go through private channels where money talks and no one is that concerned about things like stable relationships.

    1. Tina- i dont think they are spending thousands and going thru private channels for an african american baby. Many prople just want to adopt in their own race, and i read there are lots more black babies. They will prob adopt haitain baby.

  36. Some broads get the crazy when they see 40 staring at em a short distance away. Maybe she likes playing Guess The Hooker's Color By The Flavor Of His Dick? Maybe she enjoys the aroma of stale Jim Beam and Bruises?

    What I do know is she knows EXACTLY what she is getting herself into. So when TMZ has pics of her trying to hide a shiner at a lunch meeting w/ her manager/agent, nobody better be up in arms when I LOL.

  37. i find I might be agreeing with the Count for the second time today....

  38. @Seven - I was JUST going to mention her parents and how she was clearly not exposed to how a healthy relationship works, to say the least. That's sad, but she has more than enough money and resources for appropriate help should she realize that she could probably use it. :-/

  39. Its the cocaine. That stuff clouds any logical rational thoughts and decisions. Maybe hes got some meat, good(cocaine)sex can cloud your brain too.. theyll divorce when shes sobered up

  40. Actually I haven't been able to read or comment in a long time due to having too much life (none of it bitter...just a good and busy job, and plenty of fresh air, thanks) but now I see readers are nasty to each other for simply commenting.

    So y'all have at it then. I'll take my flying ass monkeys and go.

    1. Sele- two things. First ignore all the negative silly shite. I do. Second, cld u leave the flying monkees?

  41. @Trilby. ^5 !

    When I read Enty's sentence about Sean directing Charlize in his upcoming movie it all makes sense. LOL

  42. truth be told, she is apparently kind of a twat, (blind about clearing the beach of the common people so she could sashay through), so it is probably a good fit.

  43. @Freya, they probably did, but I do remember a TV interview she did when her & Stuwart were still together, that she stateed she wouldn't get married until all people had that right. I think it may of been promo for "Battle in Seatle" that she was in & Stuart directed.

  44. It was Brad and Angie Jo that said that. @Jessica, I think you're thinking of her Piers Morgan interview where she said a ceremony wasn't important to her, and she also said she supports the gay marriage rights. The video isn't there anymore, but there are clips from the interview:

    Charlize Theron: Talks Marriage, Relationships To Piers Morgan

    I don't know if the rumours are true that they are getting married, though. Here's the "source" - US Weekly, that bastion of journalistic credibility.

    "They want to get married very soon," a source tells Us Weekly of the couple's wedding plans. Theron, 38, "always intended to have another child," a Penn confidant adds of the actress, already mom to adopted son Jackson, 2.

    @selena, don't let it get to you, you and your flying monkeys should stay! LOL, I have a t-shirt that says, "It's all fun and games until the flying monkeys attack!"

  45. She'll figure it out eventually - trust

  46. I think no one knows what goes on behind closed doors, and robin wright was with him for a very long time, they had two children together. So he might screw around with whores, he probably did beat the crap out of madonna, but the two of them could very well be totally infatuated, and when you are infatuated, you are infatuated. The old saying " love is blind" is an old saying for a reason. Personally, I wish them both the best of luck and hope it's not one of these tempestuous crazy relationships.

    1. I kinda agree with you that different people bring out different sides of you. BUT that has to be in you anyway. He tied Madonna up to a chair and beat her ...I think with a bat. The dude has issues other than infatuation.

  47. @FingerBinger - I'm curious to know what you meant by your comment re: Lainey? I'm not being sarcastic or anything; I would just be interested to hear. Thanks.

  48. Well, at least if he gets rough with her, she knows she can shoot him dead and get away with it. It worked for her mom.

    1. Can't.Stop.Laughing. BAD, TRILBY!!

  49. Bad choice Charlize. You really want a woman beater? Ain't no way you'll be wearing the pants. You had your chance with Renner back in day -- but he don't like his women to be THAT strong minded - just hooker like.

  50. I am gonna say it again:


    She was so stable and non-pap hungry with Stuart, she seemed like a nice chick. Now she is constantly on gossip sites, trying to be funny in videos, running around with Sean fucking Peen etc. What's going on girl?

  51. I think all this rush and US weekly, People and Eonline articles citing "sources close to Penn or the couple" (aka his publicist), are just because Robin Wright is happy and getting married to a hotter, talented and younger guy, Ben Foster that is. Penn was never so showy and all smiles and attending fashion shows and the Met Ball...c'mon, the guy is still hurting over the divorce. One of the sources even said they "he never wanted to be divorced" when speaking how "he's changed" with Charlize. All this Charlize story started when came out that Robin Wright was getting serious with Ben Foster.

    1. I think you're right. A rebound thing. I don't think he's capable of changing his underwear, let alone his behavior.

  52. I don't get this. Did he put some sort of spell on her? I just always thought she was a sensible woman. Apparently not.

  53. Maybe Sean's talent is a huge turn-on. He's arguably the most gifted actor of his generation. And possibly poised to become a major directing talent. He really blew critics away with his last effort, "Into the Wild." It was only a few years ago that he dated Scarlet Johansson for a while, so I guess he's got something going for him.

  54. Can I get in line for a flying monkey too ?

  55. Mr. Higginbotham: Would you recommend Spicoli go with Aggressive Face Fucking or Rough Buttsecks? I'd enjoy your thoughts on how to keep a coke whore in check.

  56. I never bought Madonna's version of events with Penn.

    He does good work in Haiti but I wouldn't call him husband or father material.

    Theron's always been a cunt and not the sharpest tool in the shed.

    Brangelina wasn't first with the "We won't marry until gay people can" but I don't remember if it was Theron first or someone else.

  57. yeah it does seem weird that all of a sudden they are serious and considering marriage right at the time that his ex Robin has the smoking hot fiancé.....


  58. Robin's fiance is not "smoking hot." He's a creepy looking little guy who is a just a younger version of Sean Penn. How is Robin any better? This will be her third marriage too. Like I said before you people believe everything you read on here. You even believe the comments of other posters. Good grief.

    @Trilby Laughing at your own jokes huh?

  59. Cocaine is a helluva drug!!

  60. Maybe they deserve each other? I think she has been very good at flying under the radar and is no where near what her public persona is. He on the other hand hasn't even tried to hide his real personality, loves his bad boy, tortured artist persona or just doesn't give a shit. This will not end well. Might as well sit back and get the popcorn ready.

  61. you think Ben Foster is creepy looking really?

    I think he is hot......and a pretty talented guy on top of it

    pretty sure that is my own opinion not tainted by other posters

    she got rid of Penn finally-that's how she is better Robin

  62. Eli from Freaks and Geeks is a TOTAL and utter upgrade from Spicoli

  63. My post was directed at enty. I can't believe he quotes US Weakly for any reason. Also, Charlize and Penn have been friends for many years, according to her so it's not like she's flying blind.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. And Charlize is a TOTAL and utter upgrade from menopausal Buttercup.

  66. Holy shit! A monkey just flew past my window! You must feel 10 pounds lighter, AndrewBW!

  67. Anonymous6:26 PM

    if seans an ass then she's an ass too...

    for some reason i dont think this about Robin.

  68. Betting on the monkeys!

  69. I've always been a big CT fan, but I've been told, and read a lot, that she's not only flaky as hell, huge pot head, not just a casual user, but to the point of all day every day, and also a bit of a cunt. Sad.

  70. Charlize knows exactly what she is going to get from that low life scum Penn. She can't ask for sympathy later. She is trading her ass for the big bucks and as much as I despise Penn I hope he wears her ass out.

  71. FingerBanger...... is that you Charize?
