Sunday, July 20, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

April 8, 2014

Judging by recent events, this former B list reality star turned B-/ list mostly movie actress is apparently still holding a grudge against her ex reality co-star. Probably because they woke up in bed one morning to find his then still girlfriend standing over them. He had told the co-star the pair had split.

Julianne Hough/Maksim


  1. Don't Trust that B Chloe...she be killin it today

  2. She reaw is as stoopid as she appears.

    Did she believe him when he said he was disease free?

  3. She was really young when she was on. And engaged too.

  4. For some reason I thought that Mormons were the save it for marriage types. She really flies in the face of all that.

    1. The save-it-for-marriage types always go crazy once they have sex outside of marriage. When you're in the mindset that your value is your purity, then when you're no longer pure, you may as well do anything because you're used goods. It's why that attitude is so unhealthy to teach kids

    2. Yeah, y'all have no clue what the Mormon's teach, do you? And she probably doesn't consider herself a Mormon any more, anyway.

  5. too many overlaps on julianne... i can see maksim doing this.

  6. Seedy, cheesy, classless no matter how u look at it.

  7. Girl you didn't know! You can just look at him and know he's shady.

  8. Happy birthday beard/ho. You've been around so long I thought you were older than 26.

  9. I liked Hough better when she was too damaged to fuck. Now that she is portrayed as having loose morals, it is a let down. Would totally still bang her though. Hard and often. She could even let her brother watch.

  10. @unknown, apparently if they get hammered beforehand it doesn't count.

  11. I've never watched Dancing with the Stars but DAMN this Maksim dude is allllll over these blinds. He and his schlong sure get around!

  12. Okay, I just googled his image and he's not (at least to me) particularly appealing. What's his appeal? Ladies?

    1. @Mango, I'm with you on this one. NO idea what the appeal is.

      Presumablyy it has to so with the old maxim (see what I'm doing here?) that if a man can dance he is good in bed.

      Personally. I've always been of the belief that it's just as likely that if a man is that much into his own moves, he's not fully savouring yours.

    2. I don't think he's that attractive either.

  13. Maksim has a nice accent and looks like he could do some damage...In a good way.

  14. I thought word was she was asexual, making her a good beard?

  15. I think he's skeevy. Not hot at all. Seems like he spends too much time looking at himself in the mirror and carving notches on his bedpost. Blech.

  16. Man ho strikes again

  17. I can think of a lot of uses for a woman that is this flexible.
