Sunday, July 13, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 30, 2014

This former B list mostly movie actress turned B list mostly television actress who can't seem to stay on the air for a variety of reasons is not the type you would think has a sex tape, but she does and it is apparently for sale. No buyers though because it is super boring and uninspired.

Selma Blair


  1. Tricia FTW!!! Wooohooooo!

  2. I am totally willing to watch this. I think she's lovely and sexy -- if she's clearly visible, it will be worth watching.

  3. ^5 Tricia.

    Why would you sell your sex tape when you have a child? Why would you do that to the poor little soul? At least KKs was pre NW.

  4. Is Hellboy in it?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sugarbread - our team has Germany in the office sweep. We stand to divvy up a whole 150 englsh pounds between 6 of us if they win. Heady times.

  7. Who da dude?
    I take it she didn't open her mouth to catch his morning stream or toss his salad after he ate corn.

  8. Violet, pls redirect that q to back door farrah...

    I'm assuming there's only $$$$ one reason.

  9. If Farrah or Kim K can be famous with a boring sex tape,a "famous" actress can sell her sex tape
    And where are the pics?

  10. No wonder homegirl is punting off her kiddos to strangers and crying on benches. She can't even pretend to have a good time on tape. I blame SMG for not teaching her properly in Cruel Intentions. That was harsh, yo. How could you, SMG?

  11. I thought of back door Farrah, and realised no explanation was needed there. Stupid is as stupid does (yes, i just gave the not needed explanation)

  12. I think she's quite pretty really, but it's very sad she has to resort to porn and no one wants to buy it, that must be really demoralising.

  13. Anonymous9:42 AM


    im super bored and uninspired just READING about it...

  14. I thought the ents said Sheen had her fired because she wouldn't sleep with him anymore

    then the ents said he had her fired because she complained about him showing up late and being incoherent

    then the ents said...


    thus it was so. Tiger blood doesn't lie

    1. I thought it was because she had been clean and Charlie not only had her mule drugs onto the set for him, but get high with him too. She eventually refused so he got pissed and fired her. She had to clean up all over again (her S-O left her) thus she was seen crying on the bench and a stranger was comforting her baby. So sad. She should have never agreed to do any if that to begin with - if it's true.

  15. That would be the worst! No one wanting your sex tape because there isn't enough demand from necrophilia fetishists. I presume boring and uninspired means she just lays there.

  16. She always seems surly.

  17. Bacon, you seem excited about something. If only I could pinpoint the source....

  18. Listen, if you lost a freakin bet that involved having to cook authentic Italian lasagna for 6 Iranians, you would want Argentina to lose too.
    You would also want to pay a 'visit' to the Netherland team.

    I have been online for the last 4 hours getting recipes and reading reviews.

    This food better not suck.

  19. She can't make cable interesting... Why would anyone want to watch her bang?

  20. Bacon lasagne is sauce and layers. Take it from Guido that the better the ingredients the better the results.

    Sauce base. Noodles.
    Sauce. Noodles again for firm bottom level.
    Sauce. First topping. I use artichoke hearts.
    Noodles. Sauce. Ricotta cheese.

    Final layer of noodles. Saoce.
    Mozzarella. Pound it on. Capers across the top as you please.

    I always put meat on the side.

    Guido out.

  21. Hey dudes..thx for the shout out Lady and sugarbread..I'm deep in baby and World Cup today..but checkin in:))))

  22. Happy WCday all
    Allez deutcland!!

  23. If any celebs need a director for an amateur sex tape, I can be reached via email in my profile.

    Shitty, boring sex videos are only going to garner curiosity views on tube sites, not going to generate sales and fapping. I can remedy this.


    another trip to the store, love the idea of meat on the side!

    Also, Queen Anne? I lived in Edmonton.
    Got sick of the rain and moved to Portland. No longer there but

    Life is but a joke.

    Thank you thank you!

  25. Yep, that Queen Anne.

  26. @ Bacon - How would Iranians know the difference between a Stouffer's frozen lasagna and homemade? (You DID mean to type Iranians, right?) Most of my American friends wouldn't know the difference. I certainly would, dad's parents were from the old country and my father always made homemade sauce with San Marzano tomatoes, but I digress...

  27. I normally add sausage Mang :)

    They would know. They are kinda picky

  28. Oh, back to Selma: Didn't she have a bad boob job? Not as bad as Tori's but I think they have that big gap now when before she had a really nicely proportioned body. Not that that has bearing on her sex tape performance, but I never found her profoundly interesting in, well, anything.

  29. Ahhh, i call bs on this. Just not feeling it.

  30. Not to mention the fact that she has the body of a 12 year old boy

  31. Eh, sex tapes are so 2004.

  32. I'd be so embarrassed if my sex tape was labelled boring and (not that I have one, just sayin')

  33. Don't tell me- it begins with her sitting on a bench crying then, after handing off her infant to a stranger, she has boring robot sex with another stranger or her boyfriend. No one wants to see that!!

  34. WTH happened to her? She's really not what she was a few years ago.

  35. If what Dingle said is remotely true that answers my question.

  36. She was so vibrant in the early days. Now, she's like cold Sanka with an oily film. Bless her heart.
