Sunday, July 27, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 18, 2014

This B list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and got his start on television in an iconic role to those who watched it, blew off a bunch of meetings the other day to entertain a series of women in his hotel room. One after the other. Maybe he should be there for those close to him instead.

Jared Leto


  1. Oh Jordan did you use your Oscar trophy on them too?

  2. Never into him *ducks from Headrot* though I have been a fan of his acting since MSCL

  3. Look, we all deal with our feelings differently, okay?

  4. He was only attractive in Fight Club and that's mainly because he didn't have any lines. I don't get the appeal.

  5. I wonder if the last sentence is referring to his junkie brother

  6. LOL @ sandy!

    I think Kanye robbed Jared by taking the name Yeezus. Leto totally looks like a Yeezus.

  7. It was Oascar Nooner Tweeners

  8. Ive seen him in real life about 10 years ago and he was sitting at a café with his bandmates on a bust street---dressed really really flashy---fauxhawks ad denim jackets with glitter (I am not kidding) and it was like 10 in the morning---he wanted attention at that point and scoffed at my friend and I and the café worker for not fawning over him. The 3 of us just kept referring to him as Jordan Catalano and giggling like school girls but he couldn't hear us cause we were inside and he was on a patio outside.

    1. @derek, I so wish you'd gotten a pic of that! A fauxhawk and a glittery denim jacket, so 90's Yeezus!

  9. I, for one, luuuuuvvvvv the Jesus types.

    Grow yo hair and some scruff and come and get me Jim CaWeasel!

  10. @Derek. I try to forget about that phase if his, in fact I forgot about him til he resurfaced without it. I can see where he was looking for attention!

  11. He so earned that Oscar. His role was heartbreaking and tragic. I think he is taking full advantage of the resurgence of his career and the perks that follow. Hopefully he doesn't turn into an a$$^*#¥, if he isn't already one.

  12. haha it was probably trendy at that time around 2003-remember when Paris Hilton ruled the world and distressed bright blue Diesel denim and Von Dutch trucker hats were the rage. lol I was still a teen so god knows what I was wearing----

  13. He can be your Personal Yeesus (as long as you let him bring Oscar)

  14. His brother needs to help himself. His brother probably wants attention too and is acting out more because he's tired of Jordan getting all the attention. It might have been very competitive growing up with 2 brothers and 1 mother with Jared the obvious favorite.

  15. I wonder if Enty realizes that most of Jared's team are women. Not that sex with models isn't plausible.

  16. Another point---Jared is a big flirt with everyone and anyone. My friends cousin interviewed him and he wasn't all over her in a perv way but was teasing her and hardcore flirting but in a childish way---to the point it became annoying and at the end he was all "are u mad? don't cha like me anymore?"

  17. @Derek: I saw Jared at Wrex the Halls in SD a few years back. He is a truly beatiful specimen in person. I can only imagine how arrogant he must be though. He lives in a perpetual crowd of women screaming around him, the noise was really overwhelming. I wrote about it on here once before.
    I think I ended it with some quip about how the guys from AFI were somewhere crying their eyeliner off because Leto is a poon magnet

    1. @LadyH I ran into Davey at the grocery store multiple times one winter. The first time I just stopped and stared at him and then asked, "Are you that guy who's in a band with Hunter Bergen?!" He laughed though, high fived me and was pretty awesome about it. I totally did not expect that, every time I ran into him he was really friendly and sweet.

      I like to think that had this been in the days before he discovered Jeffrey Star and blue eyeshadow I might have fangirled out a bit more. Or ya know had it actually been Hunter..

  18. Wasn't it on the comments here (it was either here or the IMDB message boards) that someone said -- at one of the 30 Seconds To Mars concerts, Leto asked an overweight girl who was up by the stage to move to the back of the audience because he was bringing her down(?)

    1. No. I remember that. He asked groupies to move to the back because they were hogging the space for people that actually went there to hear the band.

  19. @Lady--I love AFIs cover of Boys of Summer lol

    1. @Derek: Does AFI cover that? I haven't seen it otherwise which would be surprising, but I think you're mixing AFI up with the Ataris

  20. @DJRapp---he looked very anorexic---but I probab did at the time too it was the in-thing in 03 lol---and the café we were at was a vegan healthy type---the old Juice for Life on Queen attached to Chateau Works for those Torontonians

  21. I would. No shame. Long haired boys are my weakness, and they have been ever since I first discovered boys back in grade school.

  22. @He's the DJ, doubt it. He directed the Up In The Air video in which all kinds of folks appear (he hired/approved) including one VERY large lady in a bikini (we're talking in the 400 pound range).

    He interacts with all fans. Of course that doesn't mean he's not as narcissistic as the rest of Hollywood.

    I took that last line to be referring the his brother Shannon. I agree Shan needs to help himself but his life as second banana to Jared can't have been easy. Add to that Shan is really short. I love me some short men but I know I'm in the minority.

  23. he better enjoy this because it isn't going to last

    1. He's been around for 2 decades now, I really don't think he's going away anytime soon.

  24. I think he's a douche bag but there's always a market of woman that will degrade themselves for him and they deserve each other.

  25. he's been around but has never had this kind of success ….he'll fade right back to where he was before

  26. I used to think he was so handsome, but now I would just rather watch his movies. I will say he was the best looking guy I'd seen when My So Called Life came out.

  27. I love it. He's having fun. Let him.

  28. just making the most of his youth, nothing wrong with that

  29. he's over 40, but yeah I say let the man enjoy his resurged success and hell, he's sober and he's not kicking babies so whatever

  30. @Derek, I always want to abbreviate DH for you, but I've always associated DH with Darkest Hour. Love those guys. But Derek Harvey is the new DH is the new black. #getwiddit

    @Riven: I've heard nothing but nice things about Davey. He was even nice to some kid I knew tangentially who ran up to him and demanded $20 back for "Crash Love." LOL. Oh Davey, Davey. However, I cannot say the same about hipster fantastico Jade and his philandering douchiness. Oh and his hair...



  31. All that dry anal gotta be rough on his cock.


  32. Yeah my bad @Lady H---sorry lol---not my scene by ANY means-----I like good music lol *jokes jokes*
    obsessed with Tv on the Radio at the moment----call me anything you like babe xo

  33. No worries. I'm actually borderline embarrassed I know that, as I am not an Ataris fan. But I have a lot of friends that were allllllll about AFI, particularly up through their Black Sails in the Sunset album.
    I listen to pretty much everything so no side eyes here, I just thought it was funny! Keep on dancin boo!!!

  34. Derek, you of all people, Giggling like a school girl? I don't buy it.
    Well i guess I do. Count, don't change.

  35. Another dumb-ass middle-aged 40'something mid-lifer acting like a teenage hormone.


    Unless he shoots blanks or got snipped, would serve him right to get snookered by a fame-whore and some studs to go.

  36. @meme deemed: According to internet reports, Leto Kobes the broads. No child support if you plant the seed in the poopchute.

  37. Am I the only one impressed by his stamina? And at 40? Come on!!

    And LowKey I love long hair too. My husband has beautiful long lustrous slightly wavy locks and he looks gorgeous in my opinion. But then he gives me sex so that may be influencing me somewhat.
