Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

April 16, 2014

This A list mostly television actor is A list because of his role. It is unique, but he still gets classified as A list. Everyone knows his role. He went off on a waiter at a restaurant this week for getting his order wrong and chewed the guy out while our actor's wife tried to get him to calm down. He then started in on his wife for interrupting him.

Kelsey Grammer


  1. Surprise hes a prissy ass!

  2. Who do y'all think is the worst husband, Kelsey Grammer or Alec Baldwin? I think Alec steals most of the bad husband limelight but I bet Kelsey is just as nasty.

  3. Woohoooo! @count got this one!!! It took a while too. Nice one!!!

  4. I thought he was divorced?

    Go, Count!

  5. @Sugar---Kelsey was awful to Camile--and why would he sign her up for that show and exspose what a true jerk he is

  6. He left Camile for a flight attendent, who now has a todler & I believe a baby with him.

  7. Unfortuntely for Kelsey's current wife I don't think she quiet knew what she was getting into.

    Hilarious knew & played sweet & dumb until she got the ring & popped out a kid.

  8. He needed a bump.


    Here are updated bikini pics of Cara and Selena's yachting funsies!

  10. Frazier is one of my favorite shows of all time. Just watched a rerun this morning. It's so depressing that Kelsey would behave this way. I hope it's not his usual behavior.?

  11. I'd pay money to see him go off on someone, in character, as Sideshow Bob.

  12. Why is he such a douche? Newsflash Kelsey, you're not even remotely good looking...

  13. his father was shot and killed and his sister was raped and brutally murdered in separate incidents.... but still does not excuse his douchy behavior

    1. He had a very rough life, and I've always felt like he needed real help because he seems to deal with his issues in a very poor way. Oddly enough his most famous role was as a psychiatrist.

  14. I had heard Grammar wasn't the nicest guy, but really hoped it wasn't true because Frasier is such an iconic role.

    And folks, never yell at your waiters. If your order was gotten wrong, it certainly wasn't the wait staff's fault. If you gotta get it off your chest, just ask for the manager, and hey, you might get a free drink on the house.

  15. Thanks betches. It is nice to show I'm more than just a troll from time to time.

    @LadyH: As much as those photos should be making me hard, they are kinda depressing. As I was scrolling through, looking at Miss Selly's chilly water pokies and that dude putting his arms around her & Cara (probably giving each of them a pat on the ass and saying, "no hustle up to my cabin and get ready for me. I'll be there in a minute with a doobie for us."), all I could think is "I'll never be in as great of a situation in my life."

    Forget yacht on the Mediterranean, I'll probably never have enough $$ to get 2 non famous broads that hot up to my room after they come out of the pool at a Holiday Inn. I think it is time to retreat to the comfort of a marijuana induced haze.

  16. Basil, good advice, and im going to add dont yell at your butcher or meat dept. worked in meat dept all thru high school and college, you do not want to f*ck with them!!



    If it was on HBO, it would still be on!

  18. Frasier was awesome, one of my favorite shows of all time.

    When I read that he was married to one of those "real housewives", I figured he must be more like the character of Frasier, hooking up for looking up. Ah well, I still have David Hyde Pierce to admire, and I've heard Jane Leeves is awesome on a show with Betty White.

  19. OH NOES Selena is now a yacht girl?!

  20. Women who act up should be put in their place. He has the money. He'll replace her with a younger model if she speaks up too frequently. Women have a place, and that's beneath their man.

  21. BS focus on one role. Sure, he played Frasier on two shows, but he's also notable as Sideshow Bob, and for a few less wonderful things. Maybe enty meant that the role was unique in that it was on two hit shows, but Oscar Goldman, head of OSI, begs to differ. I imagine Denise Huxtable agrees.

  22. He's always been a dick but he usually manages to keep it behind closed doors.

    Maybe his diaper was chafing.

  23. No croutons on my MF tossed salad!

    1. "I said Bacon Ranch! Not bacon AND ranch you slutty Rita Whora!"

  24. Anonymous8:24 PM

    when u mere mortals remember that he is KELSEY FUCKING GRAMMAR these scenes will lessen. the man farts gold dust and sweats rose water.

    effing normies

  25. Is anyone surprised that Kelsey Grammar has early onset curmudgeon? #getoffmylawn

  26. @DrMnemonic - Aren't you late to your MRA meeting or something?

  27. Just once I'd like to see a server kick the shit out of those pompous assholes. Just walk into the kitchen, pick up a frying pan, walk back out into the dining room, and BAM!!! right in the skull.
