Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 17, 2014

This sometime A list mostly movie actor from an acting family is suffering depression. You can often find him in a strip club in his hometown in the middle of the day drinking his cares away while he piles on the pounds and he stays there for hours and hours. Alone.

Luke Wilson


  1. I think a few got this or guessed Owen

  2. Seems like depression runs in that family. I hope he gets help bill always love him for Home Fries.

  3. Anonymous9:47 AM


    i picture him sitting in the strip club like "sad keanu". poor lamb...

  4. Loved him in The Royal Tennenbaums. Cant believe he dated Goop.

  5. As per my previous comment, I'd still hit it.

    1. Bottle Rocket still one of my favorite movies of all time.

    2. That was a good one

  6. Sad. Maybe he should join Shia in rehab.

  7. Did he date Goop? Thought she was with Martin during the Teenenbaums. I know he was with Barrymore when they did Home Fries.

  8. I remember when Him & Barrymore were living together & fighting during Home Fries, the director talked about them in interviews.

  9. Thats sad. Im sure so many people would love to hang out with him.

  10. So sad. He's really a nice guy and a very good and professional actor. Always has his sh*t together on set, so I'm told.

  11. Daily Caller piece in May mentions the weight: http://dailycaller.com/2014/05/20/what-ever-happened-to-luke-wilson/

  12. He's the Wison I actually like, so this makes me sad. Can't stand Owen.

  13. I enjoy the Owen brothers in everything they do.
    Get help Luke. Your fans care about you!

  14. I went to A Family Stone screening a few years ago with Sarah Jessica Parker and Luke Wilson doing a Q&A afterwards. Was not too impressed with Wilson, esp when he said that he didn't bother learning sign language for the movie (b/c there was a deaf brother in the family) and that he (and Craig Nelson?) just made up fake sign language. And then after the Q&A, Wilson was escorted out with his bodyguard. In comparison, petite Sarah Jessica Parker had no bodyguard, and stayed after the Q&A to meet with fans. And she wasn't even doing perfunctory autograph signing, but I remember she was having in-depth conversations with people who approached.

    Anyways, ever since, I've always thought Luke Wilson was lame (though I will admit he did amazing work in Mike White's HBO show Enlightened).

  15. There was a What Would Fat Luke Wilson Do? group on facebook for a while that would post awesome pictures of him stuffing his face or just standing around being fat. It started up right after those AT&T commercials got released. It got shut down, though.

    There was one pic of him when he was in really good shape and it was captioned "Fat Luke Wilson in the role of Skinny Luke Wilson."

    Luke, you just come on over here and let me cradle your head on my large, soft bosom. I'll make everything all better.

  16. Poor Owen. He's so cute.

  17. When the devil was he ever A list? Legally Blonde, I guess?

  18. The good news about him going to strip bars is he is at least getting out of the house. Worse would be just sitting home watching the Kardashians, Real Housewives, Big Brother, Survivor, Bachelorette, or any number of other "reality" shows.

  19. Maybe he could ask Enty to go with him to keep him company since Enty watches all that shit.

  20. Hey Luke, there are millions of doctors that can help you with that depression, dude. Don't be pissed because your (somehow, amazingly) less talented brother is the one making all the money now, get out there, take some acting classes and quit doing the Wes Anderson "Obscure, unfunny, hipster comedies" and do some real films people WANT to see. You only have yourself to blame for your shit career.

  21. Rod, conventional meds and therapies help only 2/3 of patients. So called drugs of abuse are often self-medication when conventional ones fail. T&A is probably Luke's (cheaper) alternative to shrink appointments.

  22. Honestly, if my brother was Owen Wilson and HE was the famous/successful one, I'd be depressed to.

    Actually, just thinking about it makes me depressed.

    If anyone needs me, I'll be at the strip club.

  23. He hit on me once at a club. He wasn't bad looking back then but seemd painfully insecure. Huge turn off.

  24. Hookers are better for depression than strip clubs are.

  25. Idiocracy. Best Luke Wilson movie ever. He has to 'play' stupid.
    "I never woulda never guessed this is how I was gonna die."

  26. Love Idiocracy! Dax Shepard perfectly cast, and Costco!

  27. So he's hitting the strip clubs here in Dallas? Hmmmmm...

  28. Thats not the way to get better, Luke! I barely touch alcohol and never mix it with my meds. :(

  29. Awwww, Luke. You could pile on MY pounds, if youknowwhatImsayin'. Mmmmhmmm.

  30. Knew it was one of the Owen brothers.

  31. You forgot one key fact Enty...coke!
    Strippers, booze, and coke
