Friday, July 04, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 5, 2014

This foreign born Academy Award winner/nominee actress is apparently willing to stay with her guy through anything. He was caught again this week with another woman who looked to be in her late teens. He has a thing for blondes lately. At some point I think the couple needs to address all of this. Then again, they have never really cared what people think.

Helena Bonham Carter


  1. This was all over the DM

  2. Consenting adults and all that then? If she's aware?

  3. Tim Burton is repulsive

  4. @Will War got this.

    HBC needs to be more HBIC.

  5. HBC is far too amazing for Tim Burton

  6. I suspect they have an arrangement like a lot of celeb couples. Unfortunately he violated one of the basic premises of those arrangements- don't get caught publicly.

  7. Didn't he cheat with her?

  8. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Tim Burton is amazing. I adore HBC but she DID "interrupt" the relationship between him and Lisa Marie, amirite???

    she needs to calm down before she loses her awesomeness.

  9. They have open relationship so

  10. Yep, think Ray and fancy are right.

  11. well they never had a conventional relationship and they certainly don't look or act like conventional people so it is not very shocking. Also, was it not them that lived in two separate houses with an above ground tunnel connecting their houses for privacy etc...

  12. I think HE needs to calm down too, his awesomeness is enhanced by his SO. As a guy on the prowel, his eccentricities seem fearless attractive.
    (More like a "Nghtmare")

  13. Why does everyone love HBC so much? I don't get it, except she's a good actor. Is it her quirkiness?

    1. Reno, you gotta love a woman who embraces her own individuality, even when it hurts.

  14. @Reno---having talent of course and she is always in GREAT movies---I hate her silly style though---wearing 2 different shoes etc...

  15. @Renoblondee I don't get it either. I don't hate her but she seems to try too hard with her "Whee, I am quirky!" thing. She looks like she doesn't ever brush her hair or take a bath. There is being quirky, and then there is being a dishevelled mess.

  16. Ray, I think he did cheat with her. They have an odd relationship. At least it came across that way from the interviews that I've read. If she's cool with her partner sleeping with numerous other people, more power to her I guess. As long as she knows.

  17. Derek, yeah they've got that tunnel. And remember, in spite of how awesome she is, and she is most definitely, she got involved with Branaugh while he was with Emma.

    Reno, she's awesome because she is a brilliant actor and is absolutely gorgeous but she doesn't give a rat's ass about any of the of the trappings of being a star plus she's very funny and real. I've loved her since Room With A View, that's a long time.

  18. Holding up a wad of cash:

    Marla Singer: You're not getting this back. I consider it asshole tax.

    One of my fave HBC roles.

  19. OT I bet you Enty does reveals all weekend. He does many anyways but I bet he continues as he did on New Years Day.

  20. I hope this is an arrangement, because otherwise I hate to think of him doing this to HBC. I really like her - I love the quirk and how comfy she is with herself.

  21. Maybe that's why she always wants to work with keep him in sight. Can't believe she loves those cartoonish characters he casts her as.

  22. Disagree. I think the quirky roles r eazy and FUN for her. She has a blast.

  23. They both cheat, its how they hooked up themselves
