Sunday, July 27, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 21, 2014

This B list celebrity who is only that high because of her name and her family has never had sex with her boyfriend of many years. The whole relationship is just for attention.

LaToya Jackson


  1. Mah girl sugarbread FTW

  2. She is D list at best.

  3. How do people do this? I am soooo ready to be a girlfriend-in-name-only to any hot gay celebrity. Just give me a call and send over the outfit you want me to wear.

  4. I think Enty is being overly generous with that rating. What went on in that household growing up to raise so many asexual/closeted/pediophiles that haven't been able to break the chains of their upbringing?

    1. Their insanely violent father beat them regularly & their passive mom stood by & let it happen.
      They were forced into show biz, even though only Michael had any real talent.
      That's why every one of them is or was a total mess.

  5. This couple gets attention?

  6. Has anyone seen her awful new music video? So funny...

  7. WHO is she with?? It ain't working Detective LaToya. Better dig up more attention clues.

  8. So not any class of surprise.

  9. If it's based on the show, it's her supergay manager/assistant/stylist/friend. I don't pay that much attention. But his eyebrows are fab-u-lous.

  10. So is she a Lesbian or a solo practitioner?

  11. I always thought of Detective La Toya as asexual.....Michael too...

  12. Considering I haven't seen LaToya around in forever (and don't care ) I certainly could give no fucks about her "boyfriend" or have a clue who he is. I wouldn't be surprised if Janet wasn't all that into sex either. She's always been into hiding her relationships like she's too embarrassed to admit she's seeing them. I don't recall ever reading about her or any member of her family doing anything resembling normal. That's the Jackson family for you.

  13. Once you see Jeffrey you have no doubt that he's not screwing her. It's probably what they both want.
