Friday, July 04, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 21, 2014

This celebrity was A list. She is not A list any longer, but she is probably going to be a B lister for the next decade or two and will have A list name recognition that long too. She has been on and off drugs for the past couple of decades and the other day she was completely messed up and started talking about some of the time she was closest to death. Times as in plural. One of them I knew about because I was in the vicinity. This was back when she was trying to make it as an actress. I remember it was hot. The kind of hot you can only get in the south at that time of the year. Hot as in you walk out the door and the humidity hits you so hard that you feel like the sweat just instantly pours out of you. My clothes were stuck to me within a few minutes and I remember I was actually glad I was wearing a suit even with the added discomfort. It kept the shirt hidden from view. I was there because one of the producers of the movie had me doing some work for him. He couldn't be there every day and wanted someone there. This was about the same time period that I found that director in Europe that had gone missing with the stripper. Making the time more fun, the A list mostly movie actress who basically got me the Europe job was hanging out on the set of this movie. She wasn't working, but was down there to decide if she wanted to work on a project with the director.

That particular morning they were filming in an area of town that at the time had cable car tracks running through the street and older stores on either side. The trailers were parked on a side street. Our celebrity was not at work. Our celebrity was apparently back at her hotel. She was supposedly not interested in coming to work that day. She had been having sex with one of her co-stars and was in love. He was having sex with a bunch of people but our actress didn't discover this until the night before. Apparently she was heart broken and didn't want to work. Someone finally managed to convince her to come out and work, but you could tell by looking at her that it was going to be a really long day. She drank through most of the day and because of the way the street was designed there were no cars or vans to shuttle the actors between the set and the trailers so they had to take golf carts. Our celebrity/actress fell out of one twice that day.

She was constantly drinking and could barely function, but somehow when she was in front of the camera she pulled it together and delivered the scene that got her nominated for some awards. Even watching from 25 feet away it was pretty incredible looking at her. At the end of the day she stumbled back into a golf cart and I went out to dinner with my actress friend. A few hours later I got a call asking if I knew where the celebrity was. I had no idea. Apparently the production team was calling everyone because our actress had gone back to her hotel after having her shuttle driver connect her with someone who would sell her drugs. Our celebrity had been off drugs for almost a year at that point. Being a year off drugs and then doing heroin would most likely kill her. It probably would have except that she was with someone while she was doing the drugs. It was someone who worked on the movie and they were shooting up together.

Our celebrity went first and almost immediately something had gone wrong. The guy from the crew was scared to call anyone, but finally he knew that losing a job was better than this person dying in front of him. He called 911 and they rushed our celebrity to the hospital. She was in the hospital getting her stomach pumped as the production crew was calling looking for her. When they found out where she was they put a lock down on the hospital which wasn't that tough. No one in the town probably knew who she was anyway. As soon as she was able, they got her out of the hospital and had a nurse watch her for two days in her hotel room before the celebrity decided she would be ok and could work. I blame the actor who was cheating on her for causing it but she still got back together with him for awhile after filming.

Actress: Courtney Love
Movie: "The People vs. Larry Flynt"
Actor: Ed Norton


  1. Damn, still doing reveals???

  2. She was great in that movie.

  3. MontanaMarriot got it in 3 minutes- 4th guess. She is good.

  4. So TOE knows her personally.

  5. Yay! Finally, a juicy one! I still kinda love Ed I guess that's bad.

  6. & he's still going wooooooohoooo

  7. I thought someone originally disproved the timeline for CL?

  8. I understand not a lot of people like Ed.

  9. Montana ALWAYS nails the main blind. She's gooood.

    Tigercat, I think it was Alita who cunt punted the validity of the C-love timeline. Where is Alita, anyway?

    1. Hey Kristin!

      I've been off doing that life thing - not even lurking - but I did wonder if my absence was noticed. Lo and behold I flick onto the last reveal of reveals day and there you were, ma boo. I may not have my own dedicated troll, but feeling the love ;)

      Happy Independence Day to the 'Mericans, and happy CDaN day to all.

      I'm still right about the CLove time line though ;)

    2. Alita!!! I can't hog all the creepiness, we've noticed your absence and questioned your whereabouts lately. Glad to see you back! It's a Fourth of July Miracle!

    3. Alita! I'd been wondering where you were!

    4. Thanks Kristin & hi TTM!

      So I'm one of the people that we go 'where are they' about. Cool. I missed your witticisms and joi de vivre. And, obviously, the kitty snark, too.

      On the happy hand side, I will be travelling to 'Merica for the first time soon! Maybe in August or September. LA all the way. I shall have to do light-soy decaffeinated double-shot chai coffee with Ents ;)

  10. Why blame Ed Norton? IMO the only time Courtney Love really had her shit together was when she was with him.

  11. Poor Courtney Love. She probably believed the jerk when he spoke.

  12. Love love love OE blinds. Storytelling treats

  13. No love for Norton, but not his fault she's a junkie. I mean she's legendary hardcore.

  14. This reads like she was getting her stomach pumped for heroin.

  15. msgirl

    He did not say he knew her. He said he watched her work from 25 feet away.

  16. The only times I believe Courtney Love was ever clean was the once or twice times she gained weight. And then it was probably because of methadone. Not trying to be mean there.

  17. I like this story. Brava.

  18. If you want to see something really funny, watch the comedy central roast of Pamela Anderson. Courtney must be good friends with her and she was one of the roasters and all the other roasters nailed Courtney as much as Pam. Very R rated and funny as hell.

    1. One of my friends was at that taping. Court was fucked up something reaaaaaal fierce that night.
      Miloš Forman forevaaaaa

  19. Anonymous9:06 PM

    huh? whaaaaa'?

  20. Anonymous9:07 PM

    fireworks...burgers n budweiser

  21. Makes me sad to know Ed Norton is such an ass. CLove didn't need this in her life, especially after Kurt died. Ed could have been a decent human and told her they weren't exclusive. I really hate people like that.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. All I remember about their relationship was that she said she broke up with him because he was "sooo not rock 'n roll"

  24. It's nice to rewrite the History but the one and only period when Courtney Love was sober is when she dated Ed Norton
    After Courtney is known as chronic liar and drama queen since always and she needs anyone to drug

  25. Who was the a list actress that was visiting on the set?

  26. So somehow I originally misread something while trying to compare the Tarantino BI and this one. I had thought that the set-visiting actress was foreign-born and that while she was at Cannes she wasn't there specifically for Tarantino's premiere. Now I see both of those are wrong.

    As far as I can tell, there is only 1 actress who had, at the time of Pulp Fiction's Cannes premiere, started in PF and previously worked with QT in some capacity. The only actress who could possibly be the set visitor is:

    Maria de Medeiros as Fabienne:
    Butch's girlfriend. Tarantino met the Portuguese actress while traveling with Reservoir Dogs around the European film festival circuit. She had previously co-starred with Thurman in Henry & June (1990), playing Anaïs Nin. [per Wiki]

    But I don't see her having worked with Milo's Forman so I missed that link or they ended up not working together.

  27. Wait found another but she isn't even D list:

    Linda Kaye

    1. Ok last Law & Order effort from me:

      Angela Jones
      *In Pulp Fiction
      *Later in Milos Forman's Man on the Moon
      *Did 1 episode of ER in 1995
      *Tarantino supposedly did music work for one episode of ER in 1995

      Don't care enough to figure out if it's the same episode cause this chick also is not and never has been A list.

      Pulp Fiction didn't have that many female stars, none worked with QT before that that I can find at least. And PF is his first and only Cannes debut until Inglorious Bastards in 2009. So the European job BI about Tarantino has to be PF but none of the ladies really fit.

  28. I know some folks who work mostly on the props/craft and writing behind the scenes parts of films (mostly TV movies these days) and nobody seems to like Ed Norton. I guess you're no different Enty! He must be a real dick.

  29. Damn, usually y'all are bagging on Courtney 100% of the time. I guess this goes to show that Norton must be liked even less that there's even some division in the ranks.

  30. Stomach pump for heroin od?

  31. Anonymous7:42 AM

    CL is strange, she's way personality disordered in addition to being a drugs addict, I can believe the stomach pump because she was probably on all kinds of things...she said recently on Howard Stern she always got a guy to do the injection and I saw footage recently where she was having a guy inject her, which to me say she is not the junkie she'd repped to be because to me a junkie is someone shooting in their hands, neck and feet cause they have blown all the other veins...if CL couldn't even shoot up she probably was an occasional Iv drug user and a pill junkie. & the problem with people with personality disorder is they say whatever whenever for whatever reason, it is not like someone who is just an addict and is truly sober, PD people go along with the party line so I don't believe anything CL says ever about anything, same as Lindsay Lohan, they are probably somewhat more truthful when using just because it is too hard to think straight...

  32. Wow great but sad blind Enty. This is one of my favorite movies ever and CL is always doing something interesting.

  33. Ha. All that happened right here in my hometown!
