Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 29, 2014

This former A list mostly movie actor who will always be A list to people of a certain generation seems to be getting crankier with age. As usual the other night, the 80's and 90's actor was being bought drinks from men and women alike but rarely said thank you unless they were an attractive woman topping out in the mid 20's. He would push his sunglasses up and ask if they wanted to have sex.

Val Kilmer


  1. Iceman gots no time to dick around.

  2. who would buy him drinks?

  3. Hes seen better days

  4. Maybe fans of Jim Morrison Derek

  5. Met him in the 80's while I was working films & TV production. He was an ass then, and (obviously) he still is one now.

  6. Ooh, remember him in Heat and The Saint? He was a hottie and I am not even a fan of blondes. Isn't he bloated now?

  7. He was hot when I was young. Now he looks like someone stuck a straw in him and blew him up.

  8. he was easy on the eyes back in the day but then he got really fat! He also dated Paris.

  9. He sounds so charming. Where do I line up?

  10. he should be buying pretty girl drinks---any would anyone in their young 20s even recognize him? like really...

  11. Um I am the demographic Enty speaks of and I certainly don't think of Val as always A-list. Maybe for a very very short time, around the Jim Morrison film.

  12. Anonymous10:43 AM

    That last part made me LOL��.

  13. He's funny on twitter.

  14. Bflogurl saved the day and Accurately IDed our suspect! Way to go!

  15. I would think that the reply he gets most commonly from 20-somethings would be along the lines of "Yes, I heard you say your name and I still don't know who you are...."

  16. Why would a woman in her 20s buy this man a drink???

  17. Sorry I just can't help myself and had to include THIS epic mashup of CSI, sunglasses and iceeeeee

  18. I dont see him as a catch. Kinda doughy and nit much charm.

  19. He was great on 'entourage'.

  20. Ha didn't even know he was on CSI. How funny because the one time I watched it I made fun of Caruso's style of acting, i.e. pushing the sunglasses around!

  21. Val Kilmer will be always be Real Genius. It's still a favorite.

  22. My name is Nick. My Father thought of it while he was shaving.

  23. Nice. Forgot about Top Secret! ROFL....good memory @Curtis!

  24. Get it, Bro.

    He should say "Thanks" but no problem w/ him cutting to the chase w/ the bims.

  25. Get it, Bro.

    He should say "Thanks" but no problem w/ him cutting to the chase w/ the bims.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Hey Iceman Kilmer!

    Check out the 18 year old barely legal senator's daughter. She like to f**k grandpas. I'm sure she'll do ya for the right price.

    And if you and your blow up dick get turned down, don't you worry! Ho Lohan answers every call - and she's got well worn knees, she's sure not to tire in trying - even if takes hours.

    And if you can't afford her $25k /hr service fee, don't worry!

    For $10k, your pick of any stripper-escort! Just make sure you clip your banana - or you'll be buying a used baby-mama fame whore.

  28. It's a shame, he was a really good actor.

  29. Ugh, sounds about right.

  30. I loved him back in his Real Genius and Top Gun days, but he is absolutely disgusting now. My Iceman memories wouldn't be enough to keep my lunch down if he asked me for sex.

  31. Sigh. He was a total hottie in the 80s. I'm embarrassed to admit, I would be tempted based just on how hot he was 25 years ago.

  32. Talented douche. Big drugger and drinker, sometimes violent. If Kilmer's exclusively trying to pick up women, I'd be surprised.

    His behavior on set was so egregious that Brando took him down. Michael Douglas openly bad-mouthed Kilmer in interviews during their film promo tour, which they never do to each other.

  33. Was he wearing his muumu? That makes all the ladies hot.
