Thursday, July 31, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 30, 2014

This former B list model who is known for her look and her significant others saw a divorce attorney last week because she says all her B list celebrity husband does all day is smoke pot and then at night has sex with strippers. I'm not sure what she expected but she is still living with the guy for now.

Amber Rose


  1. WAAAAA. I'm not his only whore. WAAAAAAAAAAAA.

  2. She isn't going anywhere. She is a stripper. She wants the life

  3. Once again: strippers take off their clothes. Prostitutes have sex. I'm not even close to Count-worldly and even I know that.

  4. soooo, what you're saying is she should've stuck with Kanye's ass.

  5. Kanye was cheating on her with Kimmy. Ambular would be back to stripping/prostituting & no one would know who she is if not for Wiz. She ain't going no where until he replaces her & she tries desperately to get someone else lined up.

  6. Model? Mmm. Ok. Sure. (Under my breath. "More like a pass-around that has been photographed bcuz of who she's allowed to degrade her".)

  7. Shit, I'll marry you Wiz! Keep me supplied with pot and you can bang all the strippers you want.

  8. Pot meet kettle, how do you think you 2 hooked up in the frist place?

  9. Didn't this bitch bang Justin Bieber? She's a desperate famewhore and if she had another big fish on the line she woulda left Wiz years ago.

  10. How does having an Instagram account make you a B list model?

  11. Oh my god. I actually got one. I'm on a streak! One in a row.

  12. Duh

    You know she was thinking "He'll change for me!"

  13. Prostitutes love to bitch about their clients, but that doesn't mean that they are willing to share the wealth with their competitors.

  14. you dont see the lovey dovey pics they used to post on IG

  15. some people just don't know how good they got it, no? just have fun.

  16. Strippers are all over the place when it comes to their sex life. Some are Lesbians. Some are happily married and not going to do anything but tease a man. Other married ones will turn tricks. Most consider every man they meet in the club as a "mark" and won't date customers. Some are college students.
    The dancers in the top tier clubs make a tremendous amount of tax free money. I knew a few dancers that never took off their clothes and got paid $100 an hour to just sit and talk with guys.
