Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 29, 2014

When you miss your wife's birthday because you were partying with another woman, I don't care what you say or do after, you know the whole thing is a sham. Kind of like when Will and Jada talk about their sex life.

Nick Cannon/Mariah Carey


  1. This makes me sad.

  2. She has to be difficult and hes been using her only to keep his name out there, honestly cant see any man putting up with her shit for very long.

  3. And we haven't seen any photos of Nick & Mariah together in a long time. Also, didn't they used to renew their wedding vows every year, in some rudiculously over-the-top fashion? I wonder if Nick ever sees their children. It's so sad really, all of it.

  4. unfortunately the star struck lovey dove Nick has worn off

    yes Mariah is just a person when reality sets in

    he's made out pretty well from this marriage though

    and in the end she will be left alone

    sad for the kiddies

  5. Nick has a humongous Mariah tattoo on his back. That's gonna hurt when he needs it removed.

    1. Lolol I don't know why that amuses me so. :D

  6. This is indeed sad. Nick has officially "grown up" and Mariah can't deal. And rajah is right she will be left raising those kids alone while Nick will move on and remarry.

  7. I've always thought he was a gold digger.

  8. Do they live in CA? If so he's on the 10 yr plan.

  9. Wives put up boozing husbands
    more than husbands put up with
    boozing wives.

  10. These two were mismatch mess from jump street. Im guessing in vitro babies, idk, there just isnt any chemistry btwn them at all.

  11. I love how people are saying she'll be stuck raising the kids alone, as if she doesn't have nannies, etc. She's not going to be a struggling single mom!

  12. @Mich

    I meant alone as in without a father. There is a difference.

  13. Really, at this point Nick could probably put a couple cardboard cut outs of himself in different rooms and as long as the help don't tip Mariah off, that alkie loon wouldn't know he was gone.

  14. Why does every assume that they don't have an agreement? Not everyone's marriage is as traditional as others. They may have an open marriage.

  15. Something big changed for them in the last year--I don't know if it was related to her bad experience with AI, or what. He used to be very consistent about how he spoke of her and his kids, and this year he seems to have an entirely different persona. It almost feels to me like in their early days he took the second chair and she was the superstar, and since their marriage he has had a lot more of his own success--and now he doesn't necessarily need Mariah to be big.

  16. Something big changed for them in the last year--I don't know if it was related to her bad experience with AI, or what. He used to be very consistent about how he spoke of her and his kids, and this year he seems to have an entirely different persona. It almost feels to me like in their early days he took the second chair and she was the superstar, and since their marriage he has had a lot more of his own success--and now he doesn't necessarily need Mariah to be big.

  17. I was rooting for them. However I understand. Mariah can be a handful and any man would get tired of it after a while.
