Sunday, July 20, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

April 9, 2014

This B- list mostly television actress offspring has been fired from shows for being a pain. She also can't get hired because she is a pain. She spends most of her time now having her publicist and her lowly paid assistants try and get free stuff for the actress so she can feature it on her unsuccessful copycat website. She asks for thousands of dollars worth of products each week.

Katie Cassidy


  1. Heisenberrrrrrg whaaaat whuuuuut

  2. Dont know that I ever heard of her!

  3. Score for LadyH!

    Is (was) she on one of those shows like Revolution or Falling Skies or the one with the guy who hides his face all the time (I only remember that one because Darla from Angel is the mayor or something like that)?

    1. Thanks my fake clone!
      Katie's been on Arrow most recently but I know her from melrose place 2.turd but I liked Harpers Island!!!

      Don't feel bad bunny and liddy, she wasn't a likely suspect here

  4. Is she in the Partridge Fam?? Never heard of her....

  5. Is this David Cassidy's kid? Can't be arsed to google.

  6. @Evie she's David Cassidy's daughter.

    Did she get her ass fired from Arrow? I hope so because Laurel is kind of a bitch. I don't really like that character.

  7. On Arrow, she sets my teeth on edge. Just not likable.

  8. Thx Sifi... Alas, I will need to Google a pic

  9. What website? Is she trying to emulate Goop?

  10. I googled it and apparently E got some bad info. If she can't get roles because she's a pain, then I wonder why she's shooting upcoming scenes for Arrow.

    SUN, 13 JULY 2014 AT 9:30 PM

    Stephen Amell & Katie Cassidy Film Scenes for Upcoming Season of 'Arrow'!

  11. @7: Homegirl was fired from Supernatural and other gigs probably...

    1. @LadyH, ah, that makes sense. Her IMDB shows her stints on shows only lasting 1-2 years.

  12. Anonymous11:03 AM

    she wasn't fired from any show, not even supernatural so try again. enty has a hard on for the cassidys for some reason. she was the only good thing about melrose which was canceled in spite of her good performance and cw hires her consistently for roles. she is getting a lot of press in the fashion world too for her fashion blog, from being asked to take part in round tables and guest editing on designer websites so this info sucks. stay pressed yall

  13. @LadyH: I didn't subscribe to every post yesterday, so I may have missed it, did Cuntlet ever show up with her screencaps?

    1. No. I joked that Enty put out a bat signal for Wiglet because she nailed the last reveal of the day. But I would very much like some explanation. I don't take bullshit like that lightly and still have no idea what the hell is going on

  14. Cassidy is the main reason I quit Arrow. Another empty headed actress trying to convince she ever graduated highschool...much less law school. I'm so tired of shows with these annoying xeroxed actresses with their horrible accents (straight out of SoCa or NYC) that I give up even if the rest of the show has some merit.

  15. That is all kinds of fucking pathetic. Kuntlet trolls you while complaining about trolls. Kuntlet complains about threats (that never happened) while making threats. That dummy must live in a house that has no mirrors, cause she can't see what a fucking hypocrite she is.

    Bonus pathetic points cause the basic bitch don't even have the guts to apologize for using you. "It was a Midol Moment, I didn't mean for you to get upset." Well, I guess an apology like that would be as transparent as her M.O. Passive aggressive cunt.

  16. Wasn't she rumored to have a bad coke habit?

  17. Well, why would Wiglet apologize to me? She has her mind twisted up that I am a troll or seven or whatever the fuck. Her plan wasn't bad, it probably would have been amazing and effective if I actually WAS seven. Too bad she built her whole theory and strategy on a flawed premise.

    Last I saw from her was a post in the book club forum; late Friday I think. Apologizing only for misidentifying James as a troll, and saying how she was going to go digging into CDaN users other accounts and websites etc to try to get personal info to ID them. Which I think is creepy, invasive and just - who has time for that shit- but whatever. Like I said, I'm not worried. I'm not a troll, nor any other

    The main problem with the internet is that 95% of the time, you aren't dealing with who you think. Wiglet took for granted that I might really fall within the 5% that is exactly what they say they are, and instead Wiglet pegged me for the latter. I really don't care for an apology, I'd more like a definitive answer as to whether or not someone is actually impersonating me. You know, info that is KIND OF useful and of direct concern to me. Plus, I actually liked Wiglet. So there's that.

  18. Her role on Arrow was actually downsized for season two... that might be why. Plus on the promo posters they put her way back...

  19. @LadyH: Yeah, I kinda figured that since Kuntlet apologized to him, she would feel the need to apologize to you. Guess not. Pathetic.

    I think the silence and hiding in shame is the definitive answer you seek.

  20. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Book Club link:

    Friday, 18 July 2014

    Friday Night Y'all!

    Kristin (Wiglet)19 July 2014 00:31
    Hey guys, sorry to bring up the events of the last few hours but

    James, I've been a dick to you and I'm sorry. I hate when someone extends an apology with a bad explanation, but here's mine.

    There has been a ton of gross, crazy, invasive shit going on at CDAN for the better part of a year. A lot of which has been directed at the awesome crew here. I am super protective when it comes to these folks.

    For some time I watched the offsite planning of said shit, whether it be collective trolling, digging up personal information, targeting specific readers, whatever. They use alternate names to do their dirty work, I pegged you as one, and I was wrong on that front.

    While I stand by what I said on the other site, I need to eat it on this.

    I'm sorry I lumped you in with the other asshats. You have been nothing but lovely and kind. I'm sorry I intentionally ignored you here. You still make it a point to be friendly even when I'm not. I'm sorry I dragged you into that festering bacteria that is an argument on a 3rd rate gossip site . You don't deserve that.

    I understand if you want me to fuck off but, if in the future you forgive me, I'll totally be that friend that tears down shit and craps on everyone's weekend for your honor.

    1. @Cocoa: yes, it has been establishedthat Kuntlet apologized to James. Thank you for posting that though, because now I can pick apart the bullshit in a public forum and display how dumb that cunt is.

      - what on CDAN was directed at members of the book club crew? Ttm was trolled by a member of our site and that person was thrown out months ago. Sandy & Ray had their go round and called a truce a while ago. Were you trolled, Cocoa? Or Steampunk or WareCat or Charlie or AJ or JackDucky or Jsierra or anyone else?

      That is just bullshit to try and make y'all fear and hate us. If we were all evil lunatics, how come no one ever trolled the book club? Because we dont care. You have a place to have fun, great have fun. Kuntlet cares because she trying to make it us vs them, rather than them vs me, because i'm a dumb cunt.

      -- yeah, lots of planning and coniving. "You be Kim, i'll be Khloe, who wants to be Disick". "Count, somebody's badmouthing you in BI 3" "hey Unknown is hassling ttm in the ---- post. Lets make a bunch of different Unknown accts to fuck with her and make her back off." Mountain out of a molehill so you will all think she is sooo great, and is working hard to protect you when she's realyy just a dumb cunt.

      -- She stands by what she said here? The where are her screencaps of 7 claiming she is LadyH? She said here she had them. How anyone could believe Kuntlet's bullshit after that, I have no clue.

      In conclusion, go fuck yerself, Chicken Kuntlet

  21. Anonymous3:15 PM

    "There has been a ton of gross, crazy, invasive shit going on at CDAN for the better part of a year."


    some of you guys need to take a break from the internet. paranoia is starting to take over your lives and the internet is causing it. get a grip, jeez...

    FFS, no site is safe from crazies. SMH

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I'm reading all of this and thinking "What crazy invasive shit?" I know we've had some idiots posting a lot of stupidity, but I just skip all that so I wasn't aware of anyone being personally attacked. I've never known LadyH to be anything but lovely, insightful and funny. Nobody asked, but I think the world is a better place with my opinion in it. :)

  24. @Fancy, you have nothing to worry about. Kristin is pissed and making shit up.

    @LadyH, Kristin has a hard on for Seven for some reason, which is why she made that shit up. No one has ever claimed to be you. Ever.

    @Fancy, people are being sent emails filled with lies about people who supposedly only look up personal info on others. These emails are coming from a woman who is online for close to 18 hours a day. It would take an intervention to possibly get this person to take a break.

  25. Anonymous4:10 PM


    im not worried at all just dumbstruck by all of the nonsense which, actually, doesn't surprise me. Mrs. 18hour internet lady is a pretty scary broad. ((shudder))

    1. Fancy, ha ha Crazy days and nights alright. I used to think she was ok but the constant need for attention was a giant red flag for me. Narcissistic Personality Disorder in full effect.

  26. I don't know that I've ever since this girl in anything, but looking her up, a couple of her shows were canceled after 1 season. Most television actors have a few of those on the resume too. And she's on a show now. Maybe she's a pain but she's still getting hired.

  27. I guess I just don't understand why anyone would use their "real" identity to comment on a Blogger site. Seems like it would be a breach of personal privacy and protocol. Sites like Facebook, Google+ and Yahoo always try to tie everything you do together and include your phone number. Do people really buy into that?

    It was bad enough when Ebay had all passwords stolen. My phone would still be ringing if I was in the country and it was on. Endless spam too.

    Only you are responsible for your internet identity. I disclose as little as possible online. Keeps identity thieves at bay. Or has nobody else ever experienced that??

    Anyways, hope evil and hate are over for now. Equation out!

  28. I remember the days of drinking and getting online...not a good idea because of the stupid shit you end up posting and can't "un post". Sounds like more than a few people on here need to either drink OR post. Not both.

  29. BTW I liked Katie Cassidy on Supernatural. Everybody on that show (especially females) ends up dead so her time eventually came. She's okay on Arrow. Her character is annoying which I don't think you can blame on her for that (she didn't write the script). I've never seen her on anything else (TV).

    I heard she was Kim's (Maggie Grace) friend in the movie - Taken - who also gets kidnapped but ends up dead. She was totally forgettable in that but she was onscreen for about a minute so it's understandable.

    I saw Back To The Future last week and just then realized that Billy Zane was in it (he's one of Biff's cronies). I've seen it a million times and never "saw" him before. Weird.

  30. I'm guessing David Cassidy is her dad? Again no idea who she is.

  31. @count: calm down buddy! HERE is Selenita's induction into the yacht circuit. Someone's gotta pay for the coke and cans,

    And just for funsies and furthering gender equality, HERE is Lea Michele's ass with her yacht boy

    Finally, HERE is Hilariaaaaa taking desperation and planking yoga moves to a new level, thanks to Obamacare!

  32. How can you tell me to calm down LadyH? Selena Gomez's ass can be bought & sold. I know what I'm rubbing one out to before bed. I wish there was a porn whore with a similar face :(
