Sunday, July 20, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

April 9, 2014

"With all the pills she pops all day long, I'm shocked she is even able to stand, let alone film anything."

A crew member discussing this B list mostly television actress who has stayed in the spotlight for a very long time based on the success of one show long ago canceled.

Jennie Garth


  1. I assume they weren't Centrum B

  2. No bueno Jennie get yo shit together betch!

  3. Candyland can cuz she mixes it with love and makes the wooooorld taaaaste gooooooood!!! Nailed it ^5

  4. This makes me so sad. I have a soft spot for the actress who played the sweet Kelly Taylor.

  5. No good for her kiddos.

  6. i'm sure they film an episode of the hazards of doing drugs on 90210.

    1. Kelly went through a brief coke period where she was always jonesing. She would giggle every time she said jonesing.

  7. She has said before when she was married she would so depressed she would stay in bed for days on end. This doesn't surprise me and it doesn't surprise me Peter cheated. When your wife is a pill popping zombie you are going to stray if only for adult conversation and actual movement in bed.
    She is a big drinker too. Peter didn't deserve half the crap he got in the divorce he just chose not to out her addictions for the kids.

  8. Fun and useless fact: Jennie and Amanda Bynes have the same birthday.

  9. I think her career didn't go the way she thought, so she gave up and used being stay at home mom as an excuse.

  10. Sad for her kids, at least one of which is old enough to know Mommy's using.

  11. Well sugarbread it as not as if Peter Facinelli would have been a good non cheating boyfriend or husband if she wasn't a pill popping zombie and which came first, his behaviour or the depression. Now since I don't know the answer to that it may have been she had issues before they ever met but then he did marry her.

  12. I saw her and Tori on the Fashion Police:year 2000 special the other night and she looked like she was on something. Her eyes seemed glassy and she was acting weird.

  13. did anyone see her and Tori on Fashion Police the other night? she was f*@ked up and couldn't talk. I was wondering what was going on. this blind explains the other night.

    1. Yeah, she didn't crack a smile at any of Joan's comments

  14. Yippideedooda! I think that's two this month that I got! Hope everyone had/is having a nice weekend. There were a lot of shenanigans going down around here that I just caught up with. Made me sad. This place is for fun, folks!

  15. Oh and thanks Lady H! I wouldn't have known to look at original posts without the shout out!

    1. Of course candyland! Excellent work! And congrats on the multiple nails, our sweet, shining star of CDaN!

  16. Pills?? Really? I always thought that Jennie was pretty clean living-she was a vegetarian for decades-and that her only (very obvious) addiction of late was to Botox.

  17. Kelly had a story arc about coke addiction. And Donna had one about being addicted to pills. And Val had an AIDS scare after a one night stand with a heroin user.

    BH 90210 had drugs covered. Did Jennie learn nothing?!

  18. Pj.. pills are vegan now FWIW...

      Oh come on. We all know chain smokers who follow a strict vegan no gluten yada yada diet! They can brag about it while feeling like they are compensating for other relatively less healthy habits

    2. Lots of junkies and heavy drinkers are Vegan hippie etc. .

    3. Suge-right as rain. My bri is and always has been super vegetarian and health nut. Will opine on your eating habits, your exercise habits, the additives in your foid, will drive miles out of way to get healthy food, rides bike everywhere. However, will inhale any sweets or deserts you have and smokes dope at least once twice a day, sees no conflict there, lololol

    4. Meant bro, as in brother.

  19. I used to watch her on that Amanda Bynes sitcom a few years ago. It was one of my daughter's favorite shows. Jennie sounded loaded half the time.

  20. When you don't have kids then you can have the luxury of being a zombie and laying around in bed all day getting fucked up. When you DO have kids you need to pull your selfish head out of your ass and deal with whatever is going on. You don't get to gripe about your spouse when you're drinking or drugging and not taking card of the little people who depend on you.

    Shit is tough all over. Sorry you aren't as famous (or young) as you were. Put down the pills and get involved in your kids lives. Sheesh. Famous people problems.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. So THAT's what was wrong with her the other night? Thanks Omar for posting that it was the FP. She was really, really out there.
